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But the path of the idealist

I, TC, simply laid out the author, because I think this is the description of the 80 generation, which is going through for the country. And I have to belong to the same generation.

It will be 11 pictures and the text of the author.

I was born in the Olympic 1980 in a prosperous family of Soviet engineers in a small village outside Moscow. My childhood was meaningful at the beginning of the 90s. It was an interesting but fairly dramatic period in the life of our country. Threshold of a new time of troubles ...

Many people are actively interested in the events taking place, and some people tried to influence them. In a society euphoria reigned as is sometimes delayed spring that sweeps away the cold winter, destroys ice bridges in the dust. But Spring flew like a bird that in a hurry to hide from trouble. If a ray of sunlight from the clouds appeared and hid again in the darkness.
On all sides rushed fierce winds, bringing bad news. Blooming in spring primroses and greenery devoured horrendous heat. The fire burned ethnic conflict Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria. Then he flashed in Chechnya. Burning sparks terrible fire that burned on the southern borders, in October 1993, flew to our capital, lit Ostankino and the White House of the Soviets, having burnt a couple whether hundreds, or thousands of people. The deep black abyss looked in those days, the eyes of the president.

All these troubles, fortunately, my mother passed away side village. Flashes mad fire, lightning rebel red light only on the horizon, breathing palёnym dry winds. We passed this evil.
So is it possible to remain indifferent, seeing the destruction of their native Fatherland, "hearing" screams tormented wives? Someone, of course, possible. But I was different.
In March 1989, elections were held to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. And at every entrance hung a photo of candidates. I did not know what it means to power and that it gives the effect on society in general and specifically in relation to our family. But even then I did not like that any well-fed, smug guys "hang" on my porch, grinning and looking at entering. I found a jar with red gouache and daubed their faces holёnye. I drew them goat horns and ears of an ass, snake dual languages. The cancellation devils! But one old man that lived on the first floor - Dmitry Ilyich - a former policeman, and maybe even a security officer, saw me from the window and reported everything to my mother. She began to scold me much told me:
 - You what?! Is it so you can ?! It's very important people! They are almost as Gorbachev himself !!!
But it did not bother me. Is "important people" can be talkers that all day "pop" on TV "almost as Gorbachev himself"?

I was against the collapse of the Union. He believed that it is impossible to destroy the great country that our ancestors left us, defended in countless battles. Even then, I read in children's books about the most terrible war.
March 17, 1991 held a referendum on preserving the Soviet Union. Naturally, I was over the Soviet Union, although it could not then vote. But what was my surprise when my parents and family voted against! I asked them, trying to understand everything.
 - And you can not force anyone to keep! Let them live separately! - Told me.
 - Since a referendum for and conduct that everything was resolved voluntarily! - I replied. And it had nothing to object.
Although one of my distant cousin from Tula, a former Communist Party member and teacher of political economy at the local Polytechnic university, told me that all the Soviet republics, and especially the Caucasus, live at the expense of Russia. That since the 70's many areas of central Russia degraded ruin oneself by drink and died out, and the south of the republic - have lived and prospered in clover! About the same and told my father. I do, of course, did not know. But they had been in the Russian outback and in many republics of the Union.
But me they were not persuaded. Although I learned a lot.

I immediately did not like Yeltsin. And I was initially against it. When there was a coup in August 1991, I was on the side of the Emergency Committee. In those days we were visiting relatives in Tula. My aunt asked me:
 - You for whom?
I told her that in the Soviet Union.
 - Then - your people have come back to power! - She said with a grin.
I am sorry that the coup failed, so basely surrendered the country. I do not relish the false "freedom." And around - the madness going on! Festival "Orthodox Democrats."

Then there was October 1993. My first independent trip to Moscow in Ostankino television center. It was October 5th. I saw the armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, the body burnt, burnt mangled buses and trucks, blood stains on the black pavement ... Red and yellow autumn sunset. Stormy leaden sky ...

Putin, I also do not believe, though, and hoped that in 2000 the situation will change. However, I was wrong. Subsequent years have only strengthened me in this thought. Imaginary "bloom" Russia ruined sudden blizzard, dropping petals in the wind ... But this is to be glad. How can you trust someone who was going to go the same course? "A peaceful succession of power" cannonade thundered in the Caucasian mountains, rushila houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk, a baby crying sound in Beslan ...

However, even though I saw these "shortcomings", but was quite loyal. On the streets in protest, I did not leave. For Medvedev calmly, apart from its independent figure. "Because of his shoulder all the time, Putin was looking." I supported them only once, in August 2008, during a new conflict in the Caucasus.
Years passed. It changes the country. And not in the best side.
By education I am an environmental engineer. In 2007 he graduated from the Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering. I have the "green pagan worldview" Nature - it is the Temple! She - our kind and loving mother that gives us the divine gift in the form of light of His grace. Its forests and rivers, mountains and fields delight us with their views, inspire creative work.
But we were enemies. Those who are eager to defile it: to destroy the green mane defile necklace blue-eyed lakes, let the black blood in the form of oil. All this began in the '90s, covering the country in time. For these individuals Nature - not even "workshop," as Bazarov in the novel "Fathers and Sons", but simply - a latrine! They - the worms on the body their native country! Vile maggots at the dump!
This class of parasites has developed for a long time. He began to suck the life-giving juices even in the depths of the Komsomol. These bad people have changed their slogans, wearing false masks. Tossing out the portraits of Lenin, picked up a church candles.
With time everything has come down to us. And native forests have been the victim of a profit, and the river turns into a muddy creek, he was ready to die soon.
People as "squirrel in a cage!" Most of this is not the case before. Everyone thinks only of himself. On the leisure and well-fed stomach. With this - I'm not on the way!
Fortunately, there are other people that care about the common good. Although their very small. However, their tenacity, dedication and work inspire some hope. Unfortunately, many of them close on a narrow range of environmental problems. They do not understand or do not want to understand that these problems can not be solved separately from the others. "For the trees they do not see the forest." Or blindfolded probe elephant's trunk, thinking that touch the snake.
It is those who just yesterday stood up from the sofa, terrified lawlessness under his window and started to do something. So was I. What was happening in other regions of the country: the privatization of mineral resources and factories raider seizure of land I have, of course, outraged, but did not concern himself directly. When the "bark beetles" with chainsaws in their hands made it to our forests, I was just enraged. We gathered three dozen activists who tried to resist the destruction of forests. But unsuccessfully. It managed only 2-3 days to slow down the work. It was the summer of 2011, when they built toll highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. Earlier, in the spring of that year, I took part in the defense of the Khimki forest. Then he met with Eugene Chirikov and her colleagues. These people are "better versed." They know who's behind this evil. But they at the time were simply opposed to the regime, without offering anything in return. Eugenia herself repeatedly said: "I am not in politics. Not engaged in politics. " But a year later, everything changed.

For me, the turning point was the almost complete destruction of relict larch groves, just a kilometer away from home 14 August 2011. Vile chain saws whine, moan tree that fell on his back, piercing cry of frightened birds ... "For me, as if the wind blew out the fire" when it happened. Then I realized that the current model of development is now our country is to be repeated further.
So you can not live anymore! We need to change something in our lives! But how? Solve all the questions in the election? Decent people to vote? Who? What for? And there will not be any worse? Systemic "opposition"? The Liberal Democratic Party? Communist Party? Fair Russia? Who offered us a better project?
In order to sort things out, I carefully studied the program, signed by the observer for the elections. And what did I see? Parliamentary elections were held, and the party in power took us "honorable" third place. And the presidential election, they have already prepared better. The new composition of the commission, the carousel and the falsification of the active support of the then head of the village was given the "right" result.
I, like many others, all this has brought to the streets and squares of Moscow to demand true. It was just a protest! However, by the fall of 2012 I was disappointed not only in the system, but also in the non-systemic opposition, when he saw mediocre plums protest, ambition and greed "leaders", heard the chatter of "wetland" liberals.

But I was not discouraged. Looking online videos about the events of May 6, 2012, I found a video IGPR "CALL". So I learned about this initiative group. I liked the comments from participants "CALL". And especially what Kirill said Barabash. In it, I saw someone who is willing to unite caring, intelligent and honest people, and wished to see him in person. Our meeting took place in a very symbolic day 7 November 2012. I was pleased with that meeting, and immediately became a member of IGPR. It was there that I learned about the specific ways of solving many problems. And most importantly, that the "Call" offers a real and positive option to save our country, uniting people of different beliefs and realization of the true democracy.

Not everyone understands this. Some green continue even now to believe that all the forces here, and now we need to throw the opposition of criminal projects, but are not actively trying to unite locals and little contact with them, preferring to operate a dozen other activists and a small number of concerned citizens. < br /> They tell me that we will achieve is holding a referendum - all the nature around destroyed, and everything has to be in vain. They are, in their own right, of course. But few people will not achieve their goals. You can protect from cutting down a small forest or grove, spring save from death (which we did successfully), but all this - on a small scale. It is known that "the fish rots from the head." This means that you need to do more to stop the decay energy.
Personally, I am deeply convinced that only by uniting the maximum number of people of different beliefs, based on positive ideas, with a particular mechanism in the realization of their life - you can expect a better life.
In the end, it does not matter, left or right, we, believers or atheists, but breathe the same air, we want to drink pure, fresh water and live on their native land.
So the idea IGPR "CALL", as well as environmental protection, can become stezёy bringing people together and send our people on the path of goodness and truth of Creation!

In September 2005, I visited the Valaam and lived there for a week. At first I wanted to be baptized there, but then I could not. Too much alarmed me. Commercial condom use at the grocery store around the corner from the church, walking the dog on the monastery grounds, vulgar, obscene songs of the group "Red mold" that sounded from the window, which was inhabited by novices, the presence of homeless people and drunks near the temple, sale beautiful albums in the expressionist style depicting Adam and Eve in appallingly depraved poses ... And at the same time - the clergy on new SUVs and jeeps with a breeze romp through space. I could not remain indifferent and said his doubts mother church - the local innkeeper. I said it all - unacceptable! Here - the most ancient monastery, one of the centers of Christianity!
She answered me as follows: "You - an idealist, and therefore has no place in Christianity!»
Then I thought was that I was not only in Christianity is not the place, but in a society that allows the dirt and does not see the whole vile filth. This applies not only to Balaam, but the whole country.
But the last two years has encouraged me greatly. I saw the dawn from behind a cloud - the bright flame of Spring Dawn that rises over the snows of Russia, dispelling frosty mist. I realized that people, no matter how different they were - for the most part clean, comely. I know that a fresh wind of fast change will bring us good news, if we are not just going to wait for him, and roll up our sleeves and start to wake up and unite people around you!
Alexander Zakharov
