Wrap in a cloth!

Artist Christo (Christo) with perpetuating friend Jean-Claude has been an unusual art form: it wraps into the matter very, very large objects, such as the Reichstag, or bridge in Paris
Cristo - a very peculiar artist.
8 ph grand installations

He does not draw his path - large-scale installations, including a particularly famous for "wrapping" large architectural objects: the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, Reystaga in Berlin, the bridge Pont-Neuf in Paris, the statues in Milan ...

It would seem that could be easier than to take a huge piece of cloth and wrap it the building? But in fact, more difficult: wrap long and carefully designed so as to emphasize the architectural features of the wrapped object so wrapped in the form of it was also beautiful. It's a cross between an art and a huge engineering works.

Apart from the design, to which sometimes took decades, an important part of the work - actually wraps. Huge pieces of woven synthetic material must be ordered ahead of time on large plants, army engineers and workers finished building itself and wraps it. The public can also watch the finished project wrapped an average of about 2 weeks, after which the wrapper is dismantled and recycled.







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