Why Zelenka is not used anywhere in the world, except CIS?
A bottle of bright green alcohol solution of "brilliant green", the first drug in the life of every person born in Russia. Don't be surprised if in the CIS — brilliant green we have from time immemorial rubbed just tied the navel of the newborn. In order not to get infected. No green stuff there is not a single home kit. I love it and the elderly.
Meanwhile, nowhere in the world it is no longer used. Why?
The answer to this question demanded a real investigation.
Mad Ignatz
In the mid-NINETEENTH century in enlightened Europe every tenth mother died from childbirth. Despite the fact that the delivery was received, not any midwife, and certified doctors.
A young obstetrician in the Vienna hospital Ignaz Semmelweis was upset about his patients, tried to understand the reasons. And the thought of doctors in that time much practiced in the autopsy room. To take birth often applied directly from the corpse, wiping my hands handkerchiefs. Ignatz and decided that they infect pregnant women "ptomaine". And suggested that before approaching the woman, keep your hands in the bleach solution. Mortality was reduced in 7 times.
But colleagues newfangled ideas of Semmelweis did not accept, raised him to scorn him. Not convinced the medical community, even the death of a German doctor Gustav Michaelis. He laughed at the ideas of Ignatius, but decided to test them in practice. And when the mortality rate among his patients, too, fell at times, could not stand the humiliation and committed suicide.
And the poor Ignaz, too bad: first, landed in a mental hospital, and soon died, ironically, from septicemia, the, died from what the patient to his brilliant insight. Then the grateful descendants, however, have put a monument to him. We know how to do.
Smart and reasonable, Louis William
And around the same time in Paris, Louis Pasteur thought that open another 175 years before Anton van Leeuwenhoek "animalcules" — now known as bacteria are contagious and are cause of many diseases, explanation previously was not found.
And about the same inquisitive young chemist William Perkin in the city of London tried to create a new cure for malaria and was experimenting with coal tar. It dripped acid, vosganian, distilled, etc. and suddenly got a radically substance-purple, later called muleina (from the English name mallow flower). The color was so persistent that wash out its stains from the shirt, the laundress could not. But my father Perkin, a Builder, did not scold the son, and rejoiced: I do not know where the cure for malaria, and a piece of bread with butter you've already earned. And opened the first plant for the production of tar (aniline) dyes. Well done Willie threw science, and so succeeded in the production of dyes, which at the end of life was erected knighted and became sir.
In those same years was synthesized and other organic dyes from black to yellow. They quickly replaced natural dyes type of Indigo or cochineal, which were significantly more expensive, but could not give a standard-color fabrics. Doctors began to apply a new dye for staining preparations of various microorganisms in order to better examine them under a microscope. And saw that these substances kill germs. But decided another path colors medical.
Carbolic, corrosive sublimate, silver nitrate, and
After the discoveries of Pasteur in medicine began in the heyday of antiseptics. That is, ways of dealing with disease-causing bacteria. Doctors vying invented new methods of disinfection of wounds, instruments, dressings, own hands. Surgery has blossomed in his eyes.
As antiseptic then used the salts of mercury (mercuric chloride and Mercurochrome) and silver (lapis), the same green paint and an alcoholic solution of iodine. As well as carbolic acid, or phenol. He is now partially used for making antiseptics, for example in the USA it is made the drug Iodinol for the treatment of infections of the mouth and throat — it will pay special attention. But mainly for the production of all known epoxy resins, nylon and nylon, pesticides, and... aspirin. However, there is information that in itself poisonous carbolic acid has carcinogenic properties.
Today in medicine, there are other, more modern antiseptics. But good old bleach is not debited. At least we all buy home remedies for decontamination loudly advertised chloridolum, including imports. But it's just a beautiful name for a sodium hypochlorite — brother of our beloved chlorine, i.e. bleach. And no one is surprised its survivability.
Diamonds for the dictatorship business
But Zelenka many of the advocates of modernity ready to wipe off the face of the earth. Argument — nowhere in the West do not apply.
Let's deal. First, in what way is it brilliant? Other dyes have names modest. There are malachite green, methylene blue and got purple. There is a yellow rivanol and red Magenta. And he's one diamond.
In dry form, to dissolve in alcohol, is a Golden-green clumps from Latin viridis nitentis, that is "brilliant green". Translating the name into French, unknown to the chemist used the word brillant — French for "brilliant." Well, some our dunce, how ignorant translators, and now translated as "diamond". And that's all.
We used any scratch, abrasion and cut handle green paint, especially to children who are in such cases, the chirping of iodine and afraid of Sizzling hydrogen peroxide. But abroad, in any pharmacy Zelenka we discover. And wonder: how did they live without it? And they are surprised to see our children, is painted as outlandish green leopards.
So why did a civilized border of green fodder is not? With this question I came on to at least ten well-known pharmacologists, dermatologists, pediatricians. Most did not answer.
— Yes, because in the West, adopted the doctrine of evidence-based medicine, explained finally the Dean of the pharmaceutical faculty of the Russian state medical University, Professor Ivan Kozlov. — Molecular mechanism of action of green fodder and other colors hitherto unknown. To find out, it is necessary to conduct difficult and expensive research. And who will do it for such an old drug?
And what about misty talk about the fact that Zelenka has carcinogenic properties, such as carbolic? Is this any truth?
And also no one knows — shrugs Professor. — Mandatory drug tests for Carcinogenicity have been introduced much later of its occurrence. And hold them, no one thinks all the same reasons.
Whose examples parasiterna
Another assumption was expressed by the chief physician of the Moscow city STI clinic Peter Bogush.
In Western medicine in addition to effectiveness are important, and aesthetics. And we have traditionally on the comfort of the patient do not pay attention. Although in our clinic for the treatment of sores, cracks, and other damage to the skin we suggest the so-called liquid Castellani, but colorless, without Magenta, which give it a bright crimson color. It doesn't have to stress their problems dye.
Also interesting: Iodine, brilliant green, chalk — perfect protection for the garden from pests and diseases!
This natural cream will help to make the scars and cuts less noticeable
Americans in such cases, use of ointment on the basis of antibiotics and, believe it or not, regular sugar mixed with Betadine is one of the iodine compounds. His eyes have read on the Internet advice of their pediatrician, mix five ounces of sugar and half Betadine and smear of this child. I don't know... For me, green paint or the same fukortsin (i.e. crimson Magenta) to paint the Scion of a lot more fun. In addition, the sugar it can and flies fly. Yeah well if flies, and suddenly the bees? No, our plain green still somehow mile.published
Source: lamp.im/pochemu-zelenku-ne primenyayut-nigde-v-mire-krome-sng/
Meanwhile, nowhere in the world it is no longer used. Why?
The answer to this question demanded a real investigation.

Mad Ignatz
In the mid-NINETEENTH century in enlightened Europe every tenth mother died from childbirth. Despite the fact that the delivery was received, not any midwife, and certified doctors.
A young obstetrician in the Vienna hospital Ignaz Semmelweis was upset about his patients, tried to understand the reasons. And the thought of doctors in that time much practiced in the autopsy room. To take birth often applied directly from the corpse, wiping my hands handkerchiefs. Ignatz and decided that they infect pregnant women "ptomaine". And suggested that before approaching the woman, keep your hands in the bleach solution. Mortality was reduced in 7 times.
But colleagues newfangled ideas of Semmelweis did not accept, raised him to scorn him. Not convinced the medical community, even the death of a German doctor Gustav Michaelis. He laughed at the ideas of Ignatius, but decided to test them in practice. And when the mortality rate among his patients, too, fell at times, could not stand the humiliation and committed suicide.
And the poor Ignaz, too bad: first, landed in a mental hospital, and soon died, ironically, from septicemia, the, died from what the patient to his brilliant insight. Then the grateful descendants, however, have put a monument to him. We know how to do.
Smart and reasonable, Louis William
And around the same time in Paris, Louis Pasteur thought that open another 175 years before Anton van Leeuwenhoek "animalcules" — now known as bacteria are contagious and are cause of many diseases, explanation previously was not found.
And about the same inquisitive young chemist William Perkin in the city of London tried to create a new cure for malaria and was experimenting with coal tar. It dripped acid, vosganian, distilled, etc. and suddenly got a radically substance-purple, later called muleina (from the English name mallow flower). The color was so persistent that wash out its stains from the shirt, the laundress could not. But my father Perkin, a Builder, did not scold the son, and rejoiced: I do not know where the cure for malaria, and a piece of bread with butter you've already earned. And opened the first plant for the production of tar (aniline) dyes. Well done Willie threw science, and so succeeded in the production of dyes, which at the end of life was erected knighted and became sir.
In those same years was synthesized and other organic dyes from black to yellow. They quickly replaced natural dyes type of Indigo or cochineal, which were significantly more expensive, but could not give a standard-color fabrics. Doctors began to apply a new dye for staining preparations of various microorganisms in order to better examine them under a microscope. And saw that these substances kill germs. But decided another path colors medical.
Carbolic, corrosive sublimate, silver nitrate, and
After the discoveries of Pasteur in medicine began in the heyday of antiseptics. That is, ways of dealing with disease-causing bacteria. Doctors vying invented new methods of disinfection of wounds, instruments, dressings, own hands. Surgery has blossomed in his eyes.
As antiseptic then used the salts of mercury (mercuric chloride and Mercurochrome) and silver (lapis), the same green paint and an alcoholic solution of iodine. As well as carbolic acid, or phenol. He is now partially used for making antiseptics, for example in the USA it is made the drug Iodinol for the treatment of infections of the mouth and throat — it will pay special attention. But mainly for the production of all known epoxy resins, nylon and nylon, pesticides, and... aspirin. However, there is information that in itself poisonous carbolic acid has carcinogenic properties.
Today in medicine, there are other, more modern antiseptics. But good old bleach is not debited. At least we all buy home remedies for decontamination loudly advertised chloridolum, including imports. But it's just a beautiful name for a sodium hypochlorite — brother of our beloved chlorine, i.e. bleach. And no one is surprised its survivability.

Diamonds for the dictatorship business
But Zelenka many of the advocates of modernity ready to wipe off the face of the earth. Argument — nowhere in the West do not apply.
Let's deal. First, in what way is it brilliant? Other dyes have names modest. There are malachite green, methylene blue and got purple. There is a yellow rivanol and red Magenta. And he's one diamond.
In dry form, to dissolve in alcohol, is a Golden-green clumps from Latin viridis nitentis, that is "brilliant green". Translating the name into French, unknown to the chemist used the word brillant — French for "brilliant." Well, some our dunce, how ignorant translators, and now translated as "diamond". And that's all.
We used any scratch, abrasion and cut handle green paint, especially to children who are in such cases, the chirping of iodine and afraid of Sizzling hydrogen peroxide. But abroad, in any pharmacy Zelenka we discover. And wonder: how did they live without it? And they are surprised to see our children, is painted as outlandish green leopards.
So why did a civilized border of green fodder is not? With this question I came on to at least ten well-known pharmacologists, dermatologists, pediatricians. Most did not answer.
— Yes, because in the West, adopted the doctrine of evidence-based medicine, explained finally the Dean of the pharmaceutical faculty of the Russian state medical University, Professor Ivan Kozlov. — Molecular mechanism of action of green fodder and other colors hitherto unknown. To find out, it is necessary to conduct difficult and expensive research. And who will do it for such an old drug?
And what about misty talk about the fact that Zelenka has carcinogenic properties, such as carbolic? Is this any truth?
And also no one knows — shrugs Professor. — Mandatory drug tests for Carcinogenicity have been introduced much later of its occurrence. And hold them, no one thinks all the same reasons.
Whose examples parasiterna
Another assumption was expressed by the chief physician of the Moscow city STI clinic Peter Bogush.
In Western medicine in addition to effectiveness are important, and aesthetics. And we have traditionally on the comfort of the patient do not pay attention. Although in our clinic for the treatment of sores, cracks, and other damage to the skin we suggest the so-called liquid Castellani, but colorless, without Magenta, which give it a bright crimson color. It doesn't have to stress their problems dye.
Also interesting: Iodine, brilliant green, chalk — perfect protection for the garden from pests and diseases!
This natural cream will help to make the scars and cuts less noticeable
Americans in such cases, use of ointment on the basis of antibiotics and, believe it or not, regular sugar mixed with Betadine is one of the iodine compounds. His eyes have read on the Internet advice of their pediatrician, mix five ounces of sugar and half Betadine and smear of this child. I don't know... For me, green paint or the same fukortsin (i.e. crimson Magenta) to paint the Scion of a lot more fun. In addition, the sugar it can and flies fly. Yeah well if flies, and suddenly the bees? No, our plain green still somehow mile.published
Source: lamp.im/pochemu-zelenku-ne primenyayut-nigde-v-mire-krome-sng/
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It is not necessary to catch up, to bind and hold