What many do not know about zelenke. These facts will be news for you!
Without zelenki Soviet person anywhere! And why this tool has become so popular - a perfect mystery. In fact, there were and there are plenty of antiseptics with powerful antimicrobial effects, which do not paint all in a row an emerald hue. "Brilliant" medication comes to mind as soon as you see a scratch or skinned knee in the child. Should I use the green paint and what is its main secret? The first is obvious: it is very cheap.
Zelenka - synthetic aniline dye. It is an ideal dye for cotton, silk, wood and paper. In the XIX century, a young chemist in London, William Perkin was working on a cure for malaria and accidentally got Zelenka! Weaving industry has adopted once this colorful miracle. As is known, to wash Zelenka unrealistic. As the dye used took Zelenka and chemists, giving pleasant shades of bacteria and microorganisms in the formulations under the microscope. Quite by chance, someone noticed that Zelenka can not only beautiful, but also to kill certain microorganisms! And then it began ... Antiseptic quickly gained popularity and not losing ground to this day.
We have a brilliant green in high esteem, but in Europe it is not like that. The properties of the drug has not yet been studied carefully - and suddenly appear superinfection because of what Zelenka used everywhere? And to paint people in green - some blasphemy. In the time of Stalin's repression convict number on the body of the executed was written "brilliant green." Well, now that Zelenka and make a pencil - no problems with the opening of a cherished bottle. If, however, to wash anything from the brilliant green - inevitable, remember a few simple rules:
1. Rinse skin with Zelenka easiest alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Em>
2. Bleach or concentrated soap solution will remove Zelenka with a tissue. Em>
3. Linoleum or plastic also wiped with alcohol before the complete disappearance of the spots. Em>
That's for sure - the eternal means ... Zelenka has become part of our culture. Share these fun facts about her friends!
via takprosto cc

Zelenka - synthetic aniline dye. It is an ideal dye for cotton, silk, wood and paper. In the XIX century, a young chemist in London, William Perkin was working on a cure for malaria and accidentally got Zelenka! Weaving industry has adopted once this colorful miracle. As is known, to wash Zelenka unrealistic. As the dye used took Zelenka and chemists, giving pleasant shades of bacteria and microorganisms in the formulations under the microscope. Quite by chance, someone noticed that Zelenka can not only beautiful, but also to kill certain microorganisms! And then it began ... Antiseptic quickly gained popularity and not losing ground to this day.

We have a brilliant green in high esteem, but in Europe it is not like that. The properties of the drug has not yet been studied carefully - and suddenly appear superinfection because of what Zelenka used everywhere? And to paint people in green - some blasphemy. In the time of Stalin's repression convict number on the body of the executed was written "brilliant green." Well, now that Zelenka and make a pencil - no problems with the opening of a cherished bottle. If, however, to wash anything from the brilliant green - inevitable, remember a few simple rules:
1. Rinse skin with Zelenka easiest alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Em>
2. Bleach or concentrated soap solution will remove Zelenka with a tissue. Em>
3. Linoleum or plastic also wiped with alcohol before the complete disappearance of the spots. Em>
That's for sure - the eternal means ... Zelenka has become part of our culture. Share these fun facts about her friends!
via takprosto cc
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