No need to waste money, there are cosmetics that just don’t work after 40 years

Many women want to keep their youth longer. Marketers are actively using this. Anti-aging cosmetics always sell best, promising to save a woman from all age-related changes. However, many funds are an ordinary dummy that is not worth its money.

Editorial "Site" It tells you what means will not give any effect, and sometimes can make it even worse.

After 40 years, the skin begins to slowly change. Gradually it loses elasticity, wrinkles become deeper. The production of collagen and elastin is significantly reduced. Because of this, a clear oval of the face is lost and some areas of the skin sag. All these changes can push a woman to buy expensive, but useless funds that will not bring effect. That’s why it’s so important to know what exactly isn’t working.

There is a common misconception that the older the lady, the denser the cream should become. But in fact, oil-based cream is the main enemy of women after 40 years. Because of its texture, it cannot penetrate deep into the dermis and remains on the skin surface. It clogs the pores. This slows down the regeneration process, slows down the process of cell exchange and protein growth. From which we can conclude that such a cream only accelerates the aging of the skin.

What do we do? Choose the cream by skin type and not by any other criteria. To do this, you can visit a beautician and together choose a tool that will moisturize and nourish the dermis.

Properly and thoroughly cleanse the skin is important at any age. However, after 40 this is critical. This is not a reason to use aggressive means. It is best to choose a soft cleansing foam that will not clog the pores. Hydrophilic oil would be a good option. But it has to be washed away. We have already learned that oily products are a shaky path.

Anti-aging massage has recently become very popular. However, the result from him is definitely not as they say. This procedure is not able to completely rid the face of wrinkles. Of course, it helps to improve blood flow, removes fatigue and gives the skin tone. But no rejuvenating effect should not be expected, because simple manipulations can not reverse biological processes.

But this is no reason to give up the massage. You can do it yourself. For example, buy a scraper or roller from quartz. Swelling and fatigue such massage removes very quickly. So why not pamper yourself?

Anti-aging cosmetics: eye patches Another popular remedy that promises to restore youth to our eyes. But again, do not expect from patches what wow effect. Yeah, they'll remove bags under the eyes, moisturize the skin. But they will not take away wrinkles and certainly will not erase age from the face. It is also worth remembering that the skin under the eyes is very sensitive. Make sure you're not allergic to pachti. You can only make the situation worse.

This is the most popular anti-aging cosmetics and products that do not work. You don’t have to spend half your salary on cosmetics to look good. Because age is natural. There is nothing wrong with wrinkles or gray hair. These are just biological changes that no one can stop. So why not embrace them instead of fighting them?

Many famous ladies prove by their example that you can age beautifully and naturally. We all need to learn from them and accept the fact that all these thoughts about prolonging youth are dictated by those who make money from it.

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