Elections in the Soviet Union

Elections – that's a great reason to come back to reminisce about the Scoop. Because the elections in the Scoop – it was quite a show. Along the way, reluctantly, will have to go back to the sausage thread. What? What has the sausage to the election? Generally speaking, the sausage to the election has nothing to do... unless of course we are not talking about Scoop. And here's the Scoop elections and the sausage was very closely linked.
What I don't understand is the resentment, which covers today many fans of the Soviet past. They, you know, the threat of parliamentarism. Everywhere you hear: "Elections are unfair!", "The results of the vote a foregone conclusion!" etc. etc. Strangely, when such words are pronounced by those who love to reminisce about how wonderful life was in the Soviet Union.
Why is that strange? Yes, because what is now called "Elections" is just a total binge freedoms compared to what it was in the Scoop. How quick, however, forgotten.
Scoop the elections were, as I say, not what dishonest or fraudulent there, and, strictly speaking, there never has been. Why? Yes, because every Soviet citizen had to choose a candidate from the list that consisted of... one person.

Strange but true – this ritual idiocy regular full staff performed the whole country. People went to polling stations where they were handed ballots that had only one name. No fees signatures for registration of candidates, no campaigning. It was calm carefully. At some time before the population ever that this election will be held. At the same time it was reported, who will be the candidate from a particular site. The biography of this man hung, printed on coated paper. Not sure I read anyone the biographies of these uncontested candidates? I personally never occurred. Because everyone knew that if someone's biography appeared under the title "Your candidate", this person will be elected. Just because others do not. No competition.
The elections were different. "Selected" members of the Supreme Council, judges, or someone else. And always the procedure was the same: to notify people hanging out the biography of the candidate, the campaign to the polling station, receiving a ballot with one name, cast it into the ballot box.
The first time I took part in the elections – I do not remember what, at the age of 16 years. I arrived to the polling station and was surprised that I, along with the newsletter gave excellent book "the Organizers of the wartime". So I was greeted with my first "election". The book that I never read. But for a long time I have gathering dust in the closet. By the way, the name of the candidate in the ballot, I did not read. And who when reading these names?
The enchanting election in which I was involved, took place in the army. I was still in basic training. The political officer of the regiment went to companies and explained to us how the next day will be "voting". We were shocked that since election Day is a manifestation of an unheard of genuine Soviet democracy, we lift this day. That is absolutely. Every soldier he wakes up without it, "Roth, rise!", he will dress up without a team outside the building leave the barracks, I'm leaping quietly to the club of the regiment, where their own without any prompting will make the choice of a single "candidate". And then also independently outside the system, you can return to the company. Lyapota!
We do not believe such nowhere fallen on us happiness. There is no recovery! This means sleep as much as you want. However, the officer said although any rise will not be anybody to tell nothing, but by 7 a.m. the whole regiment voted. "And who do not vote to 7, can be hung," said after he left the company commander.
The next morning, really no rise. But since it is already 6 am in the middle of the barracks was a soldier, and with all the stupid urine play the accordion different songs by Soviet composers, sleep had no chance. So we quickly got up and the herd went to the polls, fearing to be late back to company to 7 hours. The whole regiment voted, it seems, already half of the seventh. That's what I call rampant democracy.
Yeah, and what's the sausage? Here it is hiding the most interesting. Where there is current strategists virtuosity agitators of the Council of deputies. Here they are struggling today, struggling, calling, using all of the channels people go to the polls, and the turnout, I'm sure, will still be bad. And in the Land of the turnout was almost one hundred percent. And not because of fear. No one is scared of the heavenly punishments for failure to appear at the polls. Where there! Many people will hurry to be early at the polling station. What is the secret? You guessed it – sausage. The fact is that on election day, polling stations were equipped with canteens that sold every sausage-the candy deficit. And always at a polling station, people were crowding in line at the snack bar for a sausage and other outside stores, products. It's very simple.

And always the next day in the program "Time" the solemn voice of the announcer reported: "the bloc of Communists and non-party voted 99.9 percent". Tenths can vary, but 99 percent remained unchanged. Sometimes I thought who were these unknown tenths of a percent, who did not want to vote for the "indestructible bloc of Communists and non-party". But the answer to this question. источник:germanych.livejournal.com
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