Again, ANEC

 - Lord "Siberian Crown" has remained one bottle.
 - Two prices!
 - Three prices!
 - Four price!
 - Lord take "Baltika" one hy!
 - Two hya!
 - Three hya!

They talk to two friends:
 - I love and loved!
 - Congratulations!
 - Not with anything. These are different boys!

 - Do you agree to marry this woman?
 - No.
 - And this?

Directed by theater actor says:
 - Well, how many times can you repeat that I am not - drachisty emerald and core - pure emerald.

 - Dad, tell me how to catch a crazy?
 - With the help of makeup, beautiful dresses and cute smiles, son.

In the car.
 - Idiot, idiot, moron !!! We have just run over a cat !!!
 - Yes, dear. Of course, you're right, dear. Maybe you still Let me behind the wheel?