Gidroperit - not toys for children! =)
Well, the story took place on the 4th MKUiNT course, I studied at the Faculty of aviapriborostroyaniya, we thought there that the AP-best people, but fated stereotypes were inadvertently destroyed. As that friend told a chip that if rastaloch analginum into powder, and the same is done with gidroperita (dry hydrogen peroxide) and mix in the proportions 1AN. 2 GUIDE., then the mixture was heated at reacted.
Well, I did not think twice, the day before the study decided to try. I killed the general 200 rubles at the pharmacy on the case, and a couple of pounded whole, and afraid to mix. During the break out for a smoke, I bardre mixed all on paper and carefully wrapped. Touch sculpin before kul and thrown aside. After 20 seconds, there began to bring down the white foul-smelling smoke and splashes that something strange red. After the change I thought did not stop there, natolok a lot of pills, mix and upakoval.Polozhil all these things to the edge stola.Cherez while classmate turned to me Vova, I saw that the bomb is ready, and says the type I let her take, put at the entrance to their battery when home poydu.Nu I gave ... More - more.
As it turned out, but I overlooked it, he put the bag in the back of his new jeans Corman! It was then we have English language teacher was very strict, there were cases that the ruler and some could move.
So, after 3 minutes at this Vova of assholes start to escape clouds of white acrid smoke, everything froze ... He at first did not understand what was happening, but when the sack broke and it happened very quickly, he with a horrible scream AAAAAAAAA rushed to the door .In later turned out that the red liquid that vybryzgivala- some sort of acid! He then whole ass blistered byla.My even been nicknamed Vova locomotive.
Englishwoman otnyaslas it calmly (even we were surprised) and the next day decided to continue the experiment.
A lesson aircraft systems I started a new batch))))
Vela we grandmother, glasses such very demanding.
Well, I have all warned that this bomb is triggered by heat, and thought this one would cost.
I wrapped oooogromny bundle obmatal top few layers of paper somehow stuck in ruble condom and tied to the assembly for leaks, put the whole thing on the shelf under the desk.
For 20 minutes before the end of the pair heard an eerie hiss ... I decided to lean over and look, I immediately proshiblo in pot.ETa garbage reacted ...
Condom smoke began to swell with rapid speed, without hesitation, I barely got it out of the desk and struck the floor at the end of the audience.
has come to the wall and her little kasnuvshis deafening hlopok.Ya sit in shock, not knowing what to do, whether to laugh, or cry, still 4kurs, expel mogli.Koroche really could not understand, the teacher somewhere rushed out of the classroom and we are the guys quickly lumps all thrown out the window and began airing pomeschenie.Konchilos for me it safely, I made a confession and everything worked.
Sent grom666
Well, I did not think twice, the day before the study decided to try. I killed the general 200 rubles at the pharmacy on the case, and a couple of pounded whole, and afraid to mix. During the break out for a smoke, I bardre mixed all on paper and carefully wrapped. Touch sculpin before kul and thrown aside. After 20 seconds, there began to bring down the white foul-smelling smoke and splashes that something strange red. After the change I thought did not stop there, natolok a lot of pills, mix and upakoval.Polozhil all these things to the edge stola.Cherez while classmate turned to me Vova, I saw that the bomb is ready, and says the type I let her take, put at the entrance to their battery when home poydu.Nu I gave ... More - more.
As it turned out, but I overlooked it, he put the bag in the back of his new jeans Corman! It was then we have English language teacher was very strict, there were cases that the ruler and some could move.
So, after 3 minutes at this Vova of assholes start to escape clouds of white acrid smoke, everything froze ... He at first did not understand what was happening, but when the sack broke and it happened very quickly, he with a horrible scream AAAAAAAAA rushed to the door .In later turned out that the red liquid that vybryzgivala- some sort of acid! He then whole ass blistered byla.My even been nicknamed Vova locomotive.
Englishwoman otnyaslas it calmly (even we were surprised) and the next day decided to continue the experiment.
A lesson aircraft systems I started a new batch))))
Vela we grandmother, glasses such very demanding.
Well, I have all warned that this bomb is triggered by heat, and thought this one would cost.
I wrapped oooogromny bundle obmatal top few layers of paper somehow stuck in ruble condom and tied to the assembly for leaks, put the whole thing on the shelf under the desk.
For 20 minutes before the end of the pair heard an eerie hiss ... I decided to lean over and look, I immediately proshiblo in pot.ETa garbage reacted ...
Condom smoke began to swell with rapid speed, without hesitation, I barely got it out of the desk and struck the floor at the end of the audience.
has come to the wall and her little kasnuvshis deafening hlopok.Ya sit in shock, not knowing what to do, whether to laugh, or cry, still 4kurs, expel mogli.Koroche really could not understand, the teacher somewhere rushed out of the classroom and we are the guys quickly lumps all thrown out the window and began airing pomeschenie.Konchilos for me it safely, I made a confession and everything worked.
Sent grom666