20 adult animals who can not part with their children's toys
Most of us had a favorite childhood toy, which we did not want to leave for a minute and take everywhere with you. So that dogs and cats do the same - often toys with which they play, being the crumbs remain of their loved ones and in adult life. In these photos in the style of "before and after" you will see a charming animals that grow without parting with their favorite toys.
Still sleeping with his drugom
Favorite utochka
A year later, he still likes to sleep next to the mishkoy
Then seychas
Cat and his favorite korobka
In fact, he did lyubit
8 months spustya
My favorite toy dogs 8 years spustya
Maya then seychas
Look at that one and a half years, this poor cat turned obezyanku
4 years later, he also likes to play with his teddy medvezhonkom
Earlier this toy panda was the size of nego
7 years later, he still loves this utёnka
Then seychas
My favorite toy Rokki
Six months later, she still loves this upakovku
Previously, this was more of his parrot samogo
This old leaky toy seen better days, but it is her favorite
Remy 4 months spustya
Benny and his favorite toy 9 months spustya
Still sleeping with his drugom

Favorite utochka

A year later, he still likes to sleep next to the mishkoy

Then seychas

Cat and his favorite korobka

In fact, he did lyubit

8 months spustya

My favorite toy dogs 8 years spustya

Maya then seychas

Look at that one and a half years, this poor cat turned obezyanku

4 years later, he also likes to play with his teddy medvezhonkom

Earlier this toy panda was the size of nego

7 years later, he still loves this utёnka

Then seychas

My favorite toy Rokki

Six months later, she still loves this upakovku

Previously, this was more of his parrot samogo

This old leaky toy seen better days, but it is her favorite

Remy 4 months spustya

Benny and his favorite toy 9 months spustya