How to become a mistress of his time!
1. Find your weaknesses.
To start to define, whether you tend to get distracted. "Make for yourself a working space where nothing and no one will distract you - turn off the sound on your mobile and e-mail reminders. Force yourself to focus on the essentials. Divide the task into smaller and takes their decision to turn "- advises neuroscientist Medical Center University of Maryland Lynn M. Grattan.
2. "Put" Service.
If you are one of those who "goes to work with the head" - buy an alarm clock. Grettan recommends the use of timers, alarms and reminders that will not let you forget about the other jobs.
3. Become an expert.
Do everything to become a professional in the business: a high level of knowledge and practical skills will enable you to use far fewer resources to address the problems.
4. Train your brain.
No matter whether you will solve a crossword puzzle or playing "What? Where? When? "- Your brain needs charging. Start small: Try to remember a shopping list or the sessions at the cinema - system engaged, you soon will feel the result.