Nikolai Kozyrev: the Weight of time. The world is not ready
Ninety million ninety one thousand four hundred fifty five
N..Kozyrev (1908 – 1983) – one of the pioneers of Russian theoretical astrophysics.
Live not in space but in time
Minute trees you entrusted,
Possess not forest, and clock
Live under the momentary houses
And shoulders instead of sable someone
Wrapped in a priceless moment.
What kind of steel the time!
Last minute — in short,
The last separation is long...
Pounds will play in the box.
You are an ostrich, to bury Brenna.
Die — in space.
Live — in time.
Andrei Voznesensky, dedicated to Nikolai Kozyrev "CHANGE" number? approximately 74-75гг. Yevgeny rein"From stars to stars"
More than ten years ago, in February 1963, in the pages of "the Change" was published essay "How to love the earth?". The hero of this story was Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, astronomer and physicist whose discoveries and hypotheses have repeatedly been the subject of public attention. He's still in 1958, when the Moon is traditionally considered a dead world, has opened a volcanic eruption in the craters Aristarchus and Alphonsus. He found the oxygen and hydrocarbons in the atmosphere of Venus and water vapor in the ring of Saturn. Kozyrev observations for Mars, mercury is allowed to make another step in the study of these planets. All this would be enough for approval the name of Kozyrev among the major scientists of our time. And yet that's not all. In 1958 Pulkovo Observatory Kozyrev published the book "Asymmetric mechanics in linear approximation". This book is one of the most developed hypotheses about the nature of time.
This book has caused in his time a controversy of extraordinary power. Academics and journalists, Soviet and foreign scientists, writers contributed to the fierce, irreconcilable disputes over Kozyrev's ideas.
And now ten years later I returned to the office of Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev. What brought these years scientist? What's new he learned about the planets of the solar system? (For Kozyrev staunch scientist planetiq, he was not going to change his "middle" astronomical vocation.) Finally, Kozyrev's theory of physics, what are they today?
First, let's get back to basics. The nature of the Kozyrev's ideas is the following. Psychological sense of time inherent in each, it would seem that convinces us that time moves from past to future and this movement is irreversible. Eternity is not a movie that can easily be run from end to beginning.
But the fact of the matter is that it is completely ignored by science. Moreover, the evidence on this account is used as the basis for some theories.
Kozyrev decided to acquit, to justify human intuition. He suggested that the time has real property that distinguishes the past from the future; the cause precedes the result from the investigation.
Modern science believes that the future and the past in a physical sense equivalent, and this idea is the basis of the exact Sciences. To the situation of classical mechanics "cause and effect are always separated by a space" Kozyrev added: "and the time". He believes that the ratio of spatial variation to time can be a finite value. The speed of the transformation causes the result just may be a measure of time.
The passage of time, according to Kozyrev, is that the real time property that is so persistently ignored so far. This value is defined and always oriented in the same direction, i.e., vector, mathematically speaking, the value of this speed, according to Kozyrev, it is possible to find both theoretically and experimentally, and then after appropriate amendments in physics and other Sciences many of the mysteries clearer, many theories to get rid of inaccuracies and contradictions. What about all those unusual ideas captured Kozyrev! First of all, it should be noted that the whole life of Nikolai Alexandrovich in science has been the gradual approximation to the hypothesis time.
His first scientific work Kozyrev published in seventeen. Then there was the research on "Radiation balance of extended photospheres of the stars."
After graduating from University, Kozyrev is taken for many things: leads Pulkovo astronomical observations, travels in Central Asia, to observe the zodiacal light, is sent to Karelia to the base, founded by Fersman, follow the auroras, teaches in several institutions.
Twenty-eight years Kozyrev becomes "international" astronomical figure. It is discussed at congresses and conferences. His plans are extensive, during his lectures students stand in the aisles and climb on the windowsills.
But it will take many more years, years of wandering and reflection, the rejection of science and return to it before Kozyrev formulate their assumptions.
I thought about a scientist, before he recorded the first words of his thin and so sensational booklet! What came into his head when he looked at the sky, just like that, throwing his head, like all of us, not armed with telescopes and spectrographs?
That's Venus – the planet of mysteries. It is more of the neighbors Land needs to be like her, but she always closed layer of clouds remains mysterious, almost inaccessible to the human mind.
But the Moon, our suburb is not much known about her science?
And the whole abyss of the Universe, light and darkness, the mysterious life of the substance and monstrous disasters, from where it takes energy, should it ever freeze, having exhausted its "fuel"?
Whatever you say, no matter how to argue about Kozyrev, the main will not pass – it is primarily a thinker. His astonishing hypothesis, its wonderful astronomical discoveries prove this better than any words. Evolution cannot stop, dead matter does not exist, life in one form or another should be everywhere – here in the most General form of thought, which is guided by Kozyrev. So the line up along one main line: how, what why live universe? Here is the first thesis of the doctoral thesis of Nikolai Aleksandrovich protected in the forties: "the Energy radiated into space by the Sun and stars, supported by specific sources, the nature of which is still unclear".
Kozyrev and the thought begins to revolve around the most simple and most difficult, the most obvious and the most mysterious element of life. Around what important question should be written whole libraries about what is not known almost nothing. Around Time. Time with a capital letter, which lasts for life, the existence of the Universe. Of course, Kozyrev was not the first to call attention to this "white spot" on the map of modern science.
One of the greatest scientists of the century, academician Vernadsky wrote: "Science of the twentieth century is the stage when the moment of study time, as well as studied the matter and energy filling the space".
Ludwig Feuerbach considered the time of "fundamental condition of existence." At the beginning of the last century the great English astronomer Erie wrote! "Prove to me that the future differs from the past, and I will build the engine on that energy."
But the words of Nicholas Alexandrovich: "I have long pondered the sources of stellar energy. The known patterns incompatible with current views on this subject. It is considered that stars are giant nuclear cauldrons in which constantly occur thermonuclear reactions. Based on the data of astrophysical observations, I came to the conclusion that no nuclear reactions determine the balance of stellar energy, they are the first violins in the orchestra.
What then is the source of stellar energy? I respond this way: because of their focus time can do the work and produce energy... a Star to draw energy from the passage of time".
So I wrote in his notebook ten years ago. Over the years, science has not stood still, the new data it is often indirectly or even straight lights and Kozyrev hypothesis.
For example, studies of American Davis. At a depth of two kilometers in an abandoned gold mines, he made instruments that were caught coming from the Sun neutrinos. The accuracy of the experiments of Davis, even for modern scientific level was extraordinary. Calculations on experiments showed that the temperature inside of our star is more than 14 million degrees. This means coming at this temperature, nuclear transformation do not provide a known output of the energy radiated by the Sun.
In some indirect sense, the experiments of Kozyrev Davis confirm the idea. In General it is necessary to notice in confirmation of the views of Kozyrev involves a very wide range of phenomena [on the direct experimental validation is discussed later].
Because in space there is no preferential direction, but there is only one absolute reference point – the difference right from the left, Kozyrev associates the numerous facts of "rightism" and "leftism" in the world around us with orientation, disparity of time.
The direction of revolution of the shell of molluscs, the structure of some molecules, structure of conducting vessels in plants – everything is asymmetrical. In addition, in the last century, Pasteur discovered the chemical asymmetry of protoplasm.
Kozyrev says: "Stubborn, inherited asymmetry of the organisms can not be accidental. Obviously, it is a consequence of the laws of nature, which includes the focus time. The asymmetry can be not only a passive result of these Laws, but the specific use of organisms for life-enhancing processes".
A particularly important role in this system of evidence Kozyrev takes the famous opening of the physicists Lee and Yang. Violation of the principle of conservation of parity in atomic mechanics by Kozyrev is also a consequence of the unbalanced forces of the time.
Passionate disputes and caution of scientists in evaluating ideas Kozyrev is not accidental. If the matter concerned some private matter, one phenomenon, one problem – it would have been easier. The point is just that Kozyrev tries to detect new, hitherto unknown principle of science.
And of course, in this global dispute of some circumstantial evidence is not enough. The necessary experimental verification of Kozyrev and perfectly understands it. Moreover, in recent years, the efforts of the scientist was focused on experimental verification, testing of the hypothesis. And the results are more than amazing and serious.
Already his first experiments Kozyrev built on the following argument: "If some system is deduced from the ordinary flow of time, this system will be able to experience the strength of the flow of time. Analyzing the principle of causality, we can conclude that the rotation of the body is a mechanical way of extracting the body from the usual course of time."
Then, in the forties and fifties, Kozyrev put dozens of experiments with a variety of mechanical systems [gyros, balance, etc.]. They were all based on the implementation of causality between the rotating body and stationary. The results of experiments in some degree satisfied Kozyrev. But his opponents argued that Kozyrev observed effects may be due to some adverse causes, not the forces of time.
Initially, Kozyrev's experiments are reduced to the proof of the direction of time. At some point experiments with gyroscopes has disappeared – because they were, in fact, experiences-doubles.
The earth is a giant gyroscope, and therefore the most simple system on the surface, for example, pendulums and weights, it is suitable for Kozyrev experiments. At one end, such a system is subjected to vibration, and accordingly at the other end was the absorption of vibrations. In the system there is an additional voltage that can be measured. According to Kozyrev, the passage of time, from which was derived the system, has influenced.
In the future, Kozyrev suggested another physical property of time and called it "density". To reveal it under the influence of the processes occurring around a lever system, for example, near the scales on the vibration mode. For example, the simplest – in a vessel of a dissolution of salt. The system reacts to this process.
Three times during solar eclipses were observed by Kozyrev in the "forces of time" on the balance. And "force" these decreased, because the Moon they are screened. Such intervention of the Sun in earthly Affairs Kozyrev was tested in various experiments. In his opinion, this is the Sun's influence on earth's system through time, rather through changing the "density of time".
But, perhaps, the most important experiment of Kozyrev put just now. And it is connected with the creation of a torsion balance, reacting to the neighboring processes.
Near weights put a glass of soluble salt. The scales began to rotate. The effect of the assumed forces of time, in this case the scientist called "pressure" or "wind time". It turned out that an ordinary mirror reflects a "wind of time" according to the laws of geometrical optics.
This is what brought on Kozyrev's idea to return to his experiments to the telescope. The device that brought him many successes, which gave the first impetus to the search for universal laws.
So, Kozyrev returned to the stars. From the stars to the stars could be called the forty-year route, which he passed in pursuit.
To investigate the influence of time, which will give a star through a telescope on a torsion balance,– this was the most important task of the last cycle Kozyrev experiments.
Selected two fairly bright stars Sirius and Procyon. Some of their action was felt immediately.
Here and there was the possibility of a decisive experiment. The stars are so distant from us that, moving in space, they can be in a completely different place than the shows they came from the light. Simply put, they are often not where we see them. The same time, according to Kozyrev, is not applicable as the light, and appears immediately in the whole Universe. Then, using properties of time can be set for instant communication with the star at the point where it really is.
This idea is based and the method of experience. Torsion balances are separated from the telescope screen with a slit. Action on the scale expected, not when star light passes through a hole in the screen, in a moment when the screen will be projected the true position of the stars in the sky. And if this effect is installed, then it is possible to determine the position of the stars in the world space.
But the same point can be calculated from the known speed of movement of the stars across the sky [you only need to take into account the shift of the visible image of the star due to refraction of light in earth's atmosphere].
If this calculation will give the same point that is projected on the screen during rotation of the torsion balance, the experience can be considered a success.
This is, as suggested by a scientist, proof that time has physical properties, through which it participates actively in the phenomena of nature.
Takes Kozyrev and the second conclusion from this experiment is the possibility of instant communication through time. If we assume that somewhere in the Universe there are other civilizations, then communication with them by means of radio signals, of course, illusory. For the answer to the question may be separated by centuries. Another thing – the signal sent through the Kozyrev time properties...
However, dreaming about it yet. This series of experiments Nikolai Alexandrovich is still in the beginning. He Kozyrev understands that these experiments can be decisive for the whole system of his ideas. That is why he seeks to prepare them with maximum accuracy. First observations gave encouraging results...
All these years Nikolay Aleksandrovich was not only experimental theories, but also kept a great job of astronomer practice was observed fumaroles in the crater Aristarchus, thinking about connection of volcanic phenomena on the Earth and on the moon [by the way, here Kozyrev finds the arguments in support of its cosmogony: he believes that the processes on the Earth and the moon can be linked through time].
Worked Kozyrev and mysterious double stars, glow night sky of Venus. He found the atmosphere of water vapor on the ring of Saturn, and proved that water vapor can exist at 90 degrees on the Kelvin scale. And in the last few months – the influence of the magnetic field of Saturn on the motion of the particles of the ring.
These were the years, ten years between my first and second Kozyrev notebooks. And here's the last page was scribbled...
Nikolai fingered the papers on his Desk, looking for something. And now, looking through the space of a large room for this more youthful, come on man, I thought that might be too early to judge the correctness or delusions Kozyrev. But surely it is worth noting that he was one of the first in the world of science has tried to answer the "mysteries of time" is deeply, strongly and fully. Maybe he found a door behind which there is a whole continent of discovery.
Kozyrev sees the world and science as a whole, and it allows him to look for common and not specific principles.
Of course, his methods are somewhat different from the rigorous and in advance of the apparent authenticity of the works of some scientists.
But it is the Union of the thoroughness with Kozyrev breakthroughs can be fertile for a common cause.
Without making any comparisons, I only want to mention that the universe was occupied by Newton, no less than mechanics, and the telescope of Galileo and gave him not only a distant star, but something in common – the heliocentric system.
Science will decide a hot dispute over Kozyrev's ideas. But there is no doubt that Kozyrev is a rare type of scientist, spy, agent, poet.
From the stars to the stars lie Kozyrev routes. I believe that they will not be in vain isogeny. All we know about Kozyrev, clearly testifies that he not only seeks, he finds.
Source: /users/1077
N..Kozyrev (1908 – 1983) – one of the pioneers of Russian theoretical astrophysics.
Live not in space but in time
Minute trees you entrusted,
Possess not forest, and clock
Live under the momentary houses
And shoulders instead of sable someone
Wrapped in a priceless moment.
What kind of steel the time!
Last minute — in short,
The last separation is long...
Pounds will play in the box.
You are an ostrich, to bury Brenna.
Die — in space.
Live — in time.
Andrei Voznesensky, dedicated to Nikolai Kozyrev "CHANGE" number? approximately 74-75гг. Yevgeny rein"From stars to stars"
More than ten years ago, in February 1963, in the pages of "the Change" was published essay "How to love the earth?". The hero of this story was Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, astronomer and physicist whose discoveries and hypotheses have repeatedly been the subject of public attention. He's still in 1958, when the Moon is traditionally considered a dead world, has opened a volcanic eruption in the craters Aristarchus and Alphonsus. He found the oxygen and hydrocarbons in the atmosphere of Venus and water vapor in the ring of Saturn. Kozyrev observations for Mars, mercury is allowed to make another step in the study of these planets. All this would be enough for approval the name of Kozyrev among the major scientists of our time. And yet that's not all. In 1958 Pulkovo Observatory Kozyrev published the book "Asymmetric mechanics in linear approximation". This book is one of the most developed hypotheses about the nature of time.
This book has caused in his time a controversy of extraordinary power. Academics and journalists, Soviet and foreign scientists, writers contributed to the fierce, irreconcilable disputes over Kozyrev's ideas.
And now ten years later I returned to the office of Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev. What brought these years scientist? What's new he learned about the planets of the solar system? (For Kozyrev staunch scientist planetiq, he was not going to change his "middle" astronomical vocation.) Finally, Kozyrev's theory of physics, what are they today?
First, let's get back to basics. The nature of the Kozyrev's ideas is the following. Psychological sense of time inherent in each, it would seem that convinces us that time moves from past to future and this movement is irreversible. Eternity is not a movie that can easily be run from end to beginning.
But the fact of the matter is that it is completely ignored by science. Moreover, the evidence on this account is used as the basis for some theories.
Kozyrev decided to acquit, to justify human intuition. He suggested that the time has real property that distinguishes the past from the future; the cause precedes the result from the investigation.
Modern science believes that the future and the past in a physical sense equivalent, and this idea is the basis of the exact Sciences. To the situation of classical mechanics "cause and effect are always separated by a space" Kozyrev added: "and the time". He believes that the ratio of spatial variation to time can be a finite value. The speed of the transformation causes the result just may be a measure of time.
The passage of time, according to Kozyrev, is that the real time property that is so persistently ignored so far. This value is defined and always oriented in the same direction, i.e., vector, mathematically speaking, the value of this speed, according to Kozyrev, it is possible to find both theoretically and experimentally, and then after appropriate amendments in physics and other Sciences many of the mysteries clearer, many theories to get rid of inaccuracies and contradictions. What about all those unusual ideas captured Kozyrev! First of all, it should be noted that the whole life of Nikolai Alexandrovich in science has been the gradual approximation to the hypothesis time.
His first scientific work Kozyrev published in seventeen. Then there was the research on "Radiation balance of extended photospheres of the stars."
After graduating from University, Kozyrev is taken for many things: leads Pulkovo astronomical observations, travels in Central Asia, to observe the zodiacal light, is sent to Karelia to the base, founded by Fersman, follow the auroras, teaches in several institutions.
Twenty-eight years Kozyrev becomes "international" astronomical figure. It is discussed at congresses and conferences. His plans are extensive, during his lectures students stand in the aisles and climb on the windowsills.
But it will take many more years, years of wandering and reflection, the rejection of science and return to it before Kozyrev formulate their assumptions.
I thought about a scientist, before he recorded the first words of his thin and so sensational booklet! What came into his head when he looked at the sky, just like that, throwing his head, like all of us, not armed with telescopes and spectrographs?
That's Venus – the planet of mysteries. It is more of the neighbors Land needs to be like her, but she always closed layer of clouds remains mysterious, almost inaccessible to the human mind.
But the Moon, our suburb is not much known about her science?
And the whole abyss of the Universe, light and darkness, the mysterious life of the substance and monstrous disasters, from where it takes energy, should it ever freeze, having exhausted its "fuel"?
Whatever you say, no matter how to argue about Kozyrev, the main will not pass – it is primarily a thinker. His astonishing hypothesis, its wonderful astronomical discoveries prove this better than any words. Evolution cannot stop, dead matter does not exist, life in one form or another should be everywhere – here in the most General form of thought, which is guided by Kozyrev. So the line up along one main line: how, what why live universe? Here is the first thesis of the doctoral thesis of Nikolai Aleksandrovich protected in the forties: "the Energy radiated into space by the Sun and stars, supported by specific sources, the nature of which is still unclear".
Kozyrev and the thought begins to revolve around the most simple and most difficult, the most obvious and the most mysterious element of life. Around what important question should be written whole libraries about what is not known almost nothing. Around Time. Time with a capital letter, which lasts for life, the existence of the Universe. Of course, Kozyrev was not the first to call attention to this "white spot" on the map of modern science.
One of the greatest scientists of the century, academician Vernadsky wrote: "Science of the twentieth century is the stage when the moment of study time, as well as studied the matter and energy filling the space".
Ludwig Feuerbach considered the time of "fundamental condition of existence." At the beginning of the last century the great English astronomer Erie wrote! "Prove to me that the future differs from the past, and I will build the engine on that energy."
But the words of Nicholas Alexandrovich: "I have long pondered the sources of stellar energy. The known patterns incompatible with current views on this subject. It is considered that stars are giant nuclear cauldrons in which constantly occur thermonuclear reactions. Based on the data of astrophysical observations, I came to the conclusion that no nuclear reactions determine the balance of stellar energy, they are the first violins in the orchestra.
What then is the source of stellar energy? I respond this way: because of their focus time can do the work and produce energy... a Star to draw energy from the passage of time".
So I wrote in his notebook ten years ago. Over the years, science has not stood still, the new data it is often indirectly or even straight lights and Kozyrev hypothesis.
For example, studies of American Davis. At a depth of two kilometers in an abandoned gold mines, he made instruments that were caught coming from the Sun neutrinos. The accuracy of the experiments of Davis, even for modern scientific level was extraordinary. Calculations on experiments showed that the temperature inside of our star is more than 14 million degrees. This means coming at this temperature, nuclear transformation do not provide a known output of the energy radiated by the Sun.
In some indirect sense, the experiments of Kozyrev Davis confirm the idea. In General it is necessary to notice in confirmation of the views of Kozyrev involves a very wide range of phenomena [on the direct experimental validation is discussed later].
Because in space there is no preferential direction, but there is only one absolute reference point – the difference right from the left, Kozyrev associates the numerous facts of "rightism" and "leftism" in the world around us with orientation, disparity of time.
The direction of revolution of the shell of molluscs, the structure of some molecules, structure of conducting vessels in plants – everything is asymmetrical. In addition, in the last century, Pasteur discovered the chemical asymmetry of protoplasm.
Kozyrev says: "Stubborn, inherited asymmetry of the organisms can not be accidental. Obviously, it is a consequence of the laws of nature, which includes the focus time. The asymmetry can be not only a passive result of these Laws, but the specific use of organisms for life-enhancing processes".
A particularly important role in this system of evidence Kozyrev takes the famous opening of the physicists Lee and Yang. Violation of the principle of conservation of parity in atomic mechanics by Kozyrev is also a consequence of the unbalanced forces of the time.
Passionate disputes and caution of scientists in evaluating ideas Kozyrev is not accidental. If the matter concerned some private matter, one phenomenon, one problem – it would have been easier. The point is just that Kozyrev tries to detect new, hitherto unknown principle of science.
And of course, in this global dispute of some circumstantial evidence is not enough. The necessary experimental verification of Kozyrev and perfectly understands it. Moreover, in recent years, the efforts of the scientist was focused on experimental verification, testing of the hypothesis. And the results are more than amazing and serious.
Already his first experiments Kozyrev built on the following argument: "If some system is deduced from the ordinary flow of time, this system will be able to experience the strength of the flow of time. Analyzing the principle of causality, we can conclude that the rotation of the body is a mechanical way of extracting the body from the usual course of time."
Then, in the forties and fifties, Kozyrev put dozens of experiments with a variety of mechanical systems [gyros, balance, etc.]. They were all based on the implementation of causality between the rotating body and stationary. The results of experiments in some degree satisfied Kozyrev. But his opponents argued that Kozyrev observed effects may be due to some adverse causes, not the forces of time.
Initially, Kozyrev's experiments are reduced to the proof of the direction of time. At some point experiments with gyroscopes has disappeared – because they were, in fact, experiences-doubles.
The earth is a giant gyroscope, and therefore the most simple system on the surface, for example, pendulums and weights, it is suitable for Kozyrev experiments. At one end, such a system is subjected to vibration, and accordingly at the other end was the absorption of vibrations. In the system there is an additional voltage that can be measured. According to Kozyrev, the passage of time, from which was derived the system, has influenced.
In the future, Kozyrev suggested another physical property of time and called it "density". To reveal it under the influence of the processes occurring around a lever system, for example, near the scales on the vibration mode. For example, the simplest – in a vessel of a dissolution of salt. The system reacts to this process.
Three times during solar eclipses were observed by Kozyrev in the "forces of time" on the balance. And "force" these decreased, because the Moon they are screened. Such intervention of the Sun in earthly Affairs Kozyrev was tested in various experiments. In his opinion, this is the Sun's influence on earth's system through time, rather through changing the "density of time".
But, perhaps, the most important experiment of Kozyrev put just now. And it is connected with the creation of a torsion balance, reacting to the neighboring processes.
Near weights put a glass of soluble salt. The scales began to rotate. The effect of the assumed forces of time, in this case the scientist called "pressure" or "wind time". It turned out that an ordinary mirror reflects a "wind of time" according to the laws of geometrical optics.
This is what brought on Kozyrev's idea to return to his experiments to the telescope. The device that brought him many successes, which gave the first impetus to the search for universal laws.
So, Kozyrev returned to the stars. From the stars to the stars could be called the forty-year route, which he passed in pursuit.
To investigate the influence of time, which will give a star through a telescope on a torsion balance,– this was the most important task of the last cycle Kozyrev experiments.
Selected two fairly bright stars Sirius and Procyon. Some of their action was felt immediately.
Here and there was the possibility of a decisive experiment. The stars are so distant from us that, moving in space, they can be in a completely different place than the shows they came from the light. Simply put, they are often not where we see them. The same time, according to Kozyrev, is not applicable as the light, and appears immediately in the whole Universe. Then, using properties of time can be set for instant communication with the star at the point where it really is.
This idea is based and the method of experience. Torsion balances are separated from the telescope screen with a slit. Action on the scale expected, not when star light passes through a hole in the screen, in a moment when the screen will be projected the true position of the stars in the sky. And if this effect is installed, then it is possible to determine the position of the stars in the world space.
But the same point can be calculated from the known speed of movement of the stars across the sky [you only need to take into account the shift of the visible image of the star due to refraction of light in earth's atmosphere].
If this calculation will give the same point that is projected on the screen during rotation of the torsion balance, the experience can be considered a success.
This is, as suggested by a scientist, proof that time has physical properties, through which it participates actively in the phenomena of nature.
Takes Kozyrev and the second conclusion from this experiment is the possibility of instant communication through time. If we assume that somewhere in the Universe there are other civilizations, then communication with them by means of radio signals, of course, illusory. For the answer to the question may be separated by centuries. Another thing – the signal sent through the Kozyrev time properties...
However, dreaming about it yet. This series of experiments Nikolai Alexandrovich is still in the beginning. He Kozyrev understands that these experiments can be decisive for the whole system of his ideas. That is why he seeks to prepare them with maximum accuracy. First observations gave encouraging results...
All these years Nikolay Aleksandrovich was not only experimental theories, but also kept a great job of astronomer practice was observed fumaroles in the crater Aristarchus, thinking about connection of volcanic phenomena on the Earth and on the moon [by the way, here Kozyrev finds the arguments in support of its cosmogony: he believes that the processes on the Earth and the moon can be linked through time].
Worked Kozyrev and mysterious double stars, glow night sky of Venus. He found the atmosphere of water vapor on the ring of Saturn, and proved that water vapor can exist at 90 degrees on the Kelvin scale. And in the last few months – the influence of the magnetic field of Saturn on the motion of the particles of the ring.
These were the years, ten years between my first and second Kozyrev notebooks. And here's the last page was scribbled...
Nikolai fingered the papers on his Desk, looking for something. And now, looking through the space of a large room for this more youthful, come on man, I thought that might be too early to judge the correctness or delusions Kozyrev. But surely it is worth noting that he was one of the first in the world of science has tried to answer the "mysteries of time" is deeply, strongly and fully. Maybe he found a door behind which there is a whole continent of discovery.
Kozyrev sees the world and science as a whole, and it allows him to look for common and not specific principles.
Of course, his methods are somewhat different from the rigorous and in advance of the apparent authenticity of the works of some scientists.
But it is the Union of the thoroughness with Kozyrev breakthroughs can be fertile for a common cause.
Without making any comparisons, I only want to mention that the universe was occupied by Newton, no less than mechanics, and the telescope of Galileo and gave him not only a distant star, but something in common – the heliocentric system.
Science will decide a hot dispute over Kozyrev's ideas. But there is no doubt that Kozyrev is a rare type of scientist, spy, agent, poet.
From the stars to the stars lie Kozyrev routes. I believe that they will not be in vain isogeny. All we know about Kozyrev, clearly testifies that he not only seeks, he finds.
Source: /users/1077