What you need to know to be the boss?

State Secretary Rice Kondaliza in the hotel room of the Kremlin
So whether you need a long time to learn, to become the future big boss and make good money? Let us try to determine the level of education of people applying for executive positions in various fields, according to indicators such as higher education, computer skills, knowledge of foreign languages. Then see how this level corresponds to the demands on wages. Of course, we do not try to identify the ignoramuses among the leaders or someone hurt, saying he was not worthy to hold a senior position. we consider only average, not passing on personalities.
Step One: Higher education
According to this indicator simply has no equal IT-specialists of: at one hundred percent of higher education! They are followed by candidates for senior positions in the media and the press (97, 5%). And the lowest percentage of applicants executives with higher education - in the area of food production (78%).
Step Two: computer skills
Can you imagine a modern head of the table without a computer? Almost every one of them - the PC user. Even a minimum percentage for this indicator is quite high - 80, 5% (among the leaders of food production). And the winners are at this stage, of course, the senior professionals in the field of computer software and information technology (96, 6%). Job simply oblige. In second place - the leaders in the field of the media and the press (95%). Now it is difficult to imagine how would the media functioned without computers, that would make the publisher, do not be such a large number of graphic and specialty publishing applications.
Final Stage: foreign language
In nastoyascheevremya almost all activities used foreign technology and development. To master them and use them freely, the head of a translator is required, either on their own knowledge of a foreign language.
Leading still leaders in the field of information technology at this stage losing out and take a honorable third place with 65, 5%. In addition, most members of this area of activity is obviously due to the specificity profession English technical and is mainly needed for reading various kinds of documents. Thus, the "palm" went to the heads of advertising and marketing companies and departments (73, 4%), while the second place was taken by experts in transport, transportation, logistics, customs and foreign trade activities (67%). Most likely, this is due to the fact that advertisers are closely connected with their foreign colleagues, and professionals in foreign trade knowledge of the language is necessary. They showed a good command of several foreign languages (26%). Second - experts in marketing and advertising (23, 4%), and others - the leaders of industrial production (16%). The most common first language, of course, English, and the second - a German.
Prize: personal car
It turns out that among the candidates is not so much the leaders from the private car. This can be explained by the fact that they are more likely to use official transportation with a personal driver, so do not need their own car. The highest percentage of managers with cars among experts on transport and logistics, customs and foreign trade activities (32, 9%). In the second place the first face of industrial production (29%), followed by media representatives (25%) and wholesale trade (16%). At the same time, many have a driver's license. Of course, getting a driving license is not of great complexity: only need to spend a bit of time and money. Thus, in industrial production have a driver's license 82% of senior management. The most "lazy" were experts in the field of software and information technology, including the driver's license is only at 45%. Maybe they're the hardest loaded with work and have no time for training and driving examinations.
The ratio of "auto / right" on average across all sectors is 45, 8%, that is, as leaders, have a driver's license, have own means of transportation.
At the finish
Thus, if we take the total figure, it turns out that education for persons wishing to take up leadership positions in the field of computer software and information technology, superior representatives of the other activities that are considered here. They win by a large margin. In second place the potential leaders in the media and the press, on the third - advertising and marketing. Consolation prize - food production professionals.
However, applicants for senior positions precisely in the field of food production, according to our information, they want to be the most highly paid. The average salary, which they want to receive is $ 1,500. While the winners - a modest chiefs of IT-departments - ask only $ 1,200. Ambition, however.
However, the field is different, technology is different and, of course, the effect of competition is artificially created by us. In reality, no one is fighting for the title of the most educated, though, perhaps, in vain. After all, the main task of the head - to ensure the prosperity of the enterprise, the main seat which he occupies. And for this he needs to be an educated and professional.
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