How to grow long hair?

Myth or Reality
Regular trimming tips promotes hair growth?
Yes and no. In fact, trimming the ends does not affect hair growth. However, there is a nuance! If you do not, start to split ends hair, exfoliating each time more and more. So, the moment will come when you have to cut not centimeter, and much more. Again, long tresses to grow.
Two SPA-ritual for hair
Most styling tools clog hair follicles, and heat styling makes the hair dry. You can minimize the loss, periodically pampering yourself one of the proposed procedures.
Cleansing. (Make it necessary, on average once a month), Take 3-4 tablespoons of table or sea salt coarse, wet hair and gently massaging your scalp for 2-3 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.
Hydration and nutrition. Heating a cup of olive oil on a steam bath, pour it on top of the head (hair should be moist, but oil is not too hot) and distribute the oil comb from root to tip. Then wrap your head with a towel and hold for 20 minutes. At the end of wash away oil shampoo and apply conditioner as usual.
Balance your diet
Beautiful hair on a starvation diet will not grow. The connection between the state of the hair and nutrition incredibly close. The fact that active follicle must work full blood flow. It is through the blood to the hair root receives all the nutrients necessary for normal growth. Reducing your diet, you make the body to give all first vital organs (heart, kidneys, liver), and the last in the queue are skin and hair. First of all you need to increase your intake of protein - the basic building material for the hair. Plug in your daily diet eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese. To recharge the energy needed to your body and hair, eat often, but a little nuts or seeds. You'll see how quickly and gratefully respond to such table your hair.
The last and most difficult: to preserve the Buddhist calm. Stress is not just you mate. It affects the state of the whole organism. Always leave his schedule time for rest, walks and meeting friends. Mark time and money on anti-stress event. Salon treatment head massage will relax you and stimulate the work of the hair follicles. If you adhere to all of the above recommendations, a positive result will be noticeable after a couple of months.
If you do not get to follow a healthy diet, take vitamin complex and use care products for special purposes.