All my life I was told that thin hair should only be cut into bobs, and I lived with this false belief for 20 years.
Without exaggeration: all my adult life I have been embarrassed by my thin hair. Whatever I did to become the happy owner of a heavy hay! But no matter how hard I tried, nature still took its toll. When I failed to become Rapunzel, I decided it was time to listen to the advice of popular bloggers and some hairdressers. And they all repeat as one: “If you don’t have thick hair, cut it into a bob, don’t embarrass yourself!” And I made a bob for thin hair .
Words cannot express how many times I regretted this. Of course, I had a bob, but in deep childhood. Back then I had no idea what kind of hair I had. And it was faster for my parents to get me ready for school. And only a couple of decades later I learned that my hair, in fact, is not bad at all. I just didn’t know how to present them correctly. And even more so, that a bob for thin, straight hair like mine is strictly contraindicated.
Why you can’t make a bob for thin hair
Unsplash In the world of the beauty industry, and fashion in general, the bob is considered an unfading classic . It came into common use at the beginning of the 20th century, what can we say about our century? Its popularity has reached the point that this haircut literally symbolizes some kind of radical decision in a woman’s life.
I hasten to note right away that I have nothing against the square. This haircut is really very practical. In addition, it looks simply great on women with thick and even slightly curly hair. However, who it is definitely not suitable for is people with glassy hair type . I am one of those people.
Unsplash The glassy type refers to hair that is not only thin, but also straight. Some friends even envy me, namely that I don’t need to straighten my curls in any way. Just blow dry them and they will be perfectly straight . And they will remain that way throughout the day, regardless of humidity. However, this is only one of the few advantages.
Another feature of glassy hair is that it is so straight due to its scales. The scales fit tightly together, and this has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, glassy hair is actually very healthy. Closed scales retain moisture, so with proper care, such hair always looks well-groomed and almost never splits.
Unsplash But it’s simply impossible to style them without a ton of hairspray. And to do some styling - even more so. Even if you braid your hair overnight or curl it with hairspray in the morning, this hairstyle will not last more than two to three hours. The skill of the hairdresser will also not play any role. This hair is so straight that it simply cannot hold its shape - period. Hence the explanation why it is better for their owners not to do squares (ever).
Cons of bobs for thin hair
Unsplash The first and main thing that follows from all of the above: such a square will never keep its shape . They say that after circumcision, hair becomes lighter and supposedly more voluminous. But this does not work at all with glassy hair type. In addition, no beautiful hairstyle will last longer than a couple of hours. And, it would seem, then why bother drying and styling anything at all? But there is a catch here: if such hair is not dried at all, it will stick out in different directions .
Unsplash The second important problem is that vitreous hair adheres tightly to the scalp. They don't look up from the word at all. This means that they also get fat very quickly. And if this is not so noticeable on long hair, then on short hair it becomes a real disaster. The entire focus of attention shifts to dirty roots, while the strands themselves are divided into unattractive “icicles”.
The third unobvious disadvantage is the practical inevitable desire to grow your hair back, but it is not so easy to fulfill. Now that your hair is short, it quickly becomes greasy and requires styling; there is a high risk of damaging it. In pursuit of the perfect shape , people like me resort to irons and varnish. And this cannot have a good effect on the health of the curls. As a result, they suffer, have to be trimmed frequently, and take years to grow back.
Unsplash At the same time, glassy hair , even based on its name, breaks off very easily. They are too thin to withstand the test of curling or ironing. Unfortunately, I didn’t come to this right away, and for a long time I killed my corrugated strands (if anyone else remembers what that is).
What to do if your hair is thin and straight Cutting it into a short haircut is definitely not an option, since it doesn’t hold its shape. It is not possible to create such an airy effect as in the pictures. The only exception that works for my mother with the same hair type is a bob . But she puts him down with foam every morning.
For me, the best option was the decision to leave the average length just below the shoulders. And yes, I wash them every day with a special professional shampoo, because after drying they look good for another 3-4 hours. After this I have to occasionally use a comb, which I always carry with me. But even so, this is not a bad option at all, since the hair is always perfectly straight and falls beautifully on the shoulders. Who else agrees that this is much better than a sleek bob ?
Words cannot express how many times I regretted this. Of course, I had a bob, but in deep childhood. Back then I had no idea what kind of hair I had. And it was faster for my parents to get me ready for school. And only a couple of decades later I learned that my hair, in fact, is not bad at all. I just didn’t know how to present them correctly. And even more so, that a bob for thin, straight hair like mine is strictly contraindicated.
Why you can’t make a bob for thin hair

Unsplash In the world of the beauty industry, and fashion in general, the bob is considered an unfading classic . It came into common use at the beginning of the 20th century, what can we say about our century? Its popularity has reached the point that this haircut literally symbolizes some kind of radical decision in a woman’s life.
I hasten to note right away that I have nothing against the square. This haircut is really very practical. In addition, it looks simply great on women with thick and even slightly curly hair. However, who it is definitely not suitable for is people with glassy hair type . I am one of those people.

Unsplash The glassy type refers to hair that is not only thin, but also straight. Some friends even envy me, namely that I don’t need to straighten my curls in any way. Just blow dry them and they will be perfectly straight . And they will remain that way throughout the day, regardless of humidity. However, this is only one of the few advantages.
Another feature of glassy hair is that it is so straight due to its scales. The scales fit tightly together, and this has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, glassy hair is actually very healthy. Closed scales retain moisture, so with proper care, such hair always looks well-groomed and almost never splits.

Unsplash But it’s simply impossible to style them without a ton of hairspray. And to do some styling - even more so. Even if you braid your hair overnight or curl it with hairspray in the morning, this hairstyle will not last more than two to three hours. The skill of the hairdresser will also not play any role. This hair is so straight that it simply cannot hold its shape - period. Hence the explanation why it is better for their owners not to do squares (ever).
Cons of bobs for thin hair

Unsplash The first and main thing that follows from all of the above: such a square will never keep its shape . They say that after circumcision, hair becomes lighter and supposedly more voluminous. But this does not work at all with glassy hair type. In addition, no beautiful hairstyle will last longer than a couple of hours. And, it would seem, then why bother drying and styling anything at all? But there is a catch here: if such hair is not dried at all, it will stick out in different directions .

Unsplash The second important problem is that vitreous hair adheres tightly to the scalp. They don't look up from the word at all. This means that they also get fat very quickly. And if this is not so noticeable on long hair, then on short hair it becomes a real disaster. The entire focus of attention shifts to dirty roots, while the strands themselves are divided into unattractive “icicles”.
The third unobvious disadvantage is the practical inevitable desire to grow your hair back, but it is not so easy to fulfill. Now that your hair is short, it quickly becomes greasy and requires styling; there is a high risk of damaging it. In pursuit of the perfect shape , people like me resort to irons and varnish. And this cannot have a good effect on the health of the curls. As a result, they suffer, have to be trimmed frequently, and take years to grow back.

Unsplash At the same time, glassy hair , even based on its name, breaks off very easily. They are too thin to withstand the test of curling or ironing. Unfortunately, I didn’t come to this right away, and for a long time I killed my corrugated strands (if anyone else remembers what that is).
What to do if your hair is thin and straight Cutting it into a short haircut is definitely not an option, since it doesn’t hold its shape. It is not possible to create such an airy effect as in the pictures. The only exception that works for my mother with the same hair type is a bob . But she puts him down with foam every morning.

For me, the best option was the decision to leave the average length just below the shoulders. And yes, I wash them every day with a special professional shampoo, because after drying they look good for another 3-4 hours. After this I have to occasionally use a comb, which I always carry with me. But even so, this is not a bad option at all, since the hair is always perfectly straight and falls beautifully on the shoulders. Who else agrees that this is much better than a sleek bob ?
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