A perfect day in the life of a woman

10.00 - wake up from a gentle kiss and a declaration of love
10.10 - breakfast in bed: coffee, fruit juice and croissant
10.30 - shower gel with sandalwood
11.00 - to stand on the scales and find that lost 2 kg
11.10 - freshen up, make up and dress
12.10 - Walk on the expensive shops with a thick wallet
14.00 - lunch with her best friend, the latest gossip, the man at the next table a bottle of Chianti
14.30 - go to the beauty salon: pedicure, manicure, massage from handsome muscular masseur, who says that this divine body, he had not yet seen
16.00 - light workout in the gym, the coach delighted with your figure
16.50 - see the former fiance, rastolstevshie, drunk and collect bottles
17.00 - go home and see at the threshold of a basket of flowers from an unknown
17.10 - view your favorite TV shows and fashion shows
19.00 - an invitation from a famous artist for a new show, poumnichat there and buy a picture
21.00 - invites a favorite restaurant, a candlelit dinner, a diamond ring as a gift, a little dance
23.00 - Homecoming, bath oils with Egyptian bed linen with satin
24.00 - under his "Darling, I'm forever yours" sleep
The actual day of the woman's life:
6.00 - Service yells like howler, turn it off and try to wake her husband. Listen to "Leave me alone, cow»
6.10 - ran to the kitchen, coffee, cereal for kids sandwiches for her husband, even walk the dog
6.30 - wake everyone listened to, "Leave me alone, cow" and "Mom, disappear»,
6.40 - cold coffee, burnt porridge, listen to reproaches
7.00 - to send her husband to work, children to school, in junior kindergarten
7.30 - wash dishes, wash in a hurry, to fly home
8.30 - late for work and meet the boss to break the bus tights
13.00 - after the frantic pace of work is finally a cup of tea, eating a sandwich, dry, run to the clinic for the voucher to the dentist (tooth ache for 2 weeks)
16.30 - at the end of the financial report noted that in the first line of the calculations made blunder
17.00 - run shop, full of bags and stuffed buses
17.30 - see the former fiance on the "Mercy" and the Italian coat. He notices that you are stout
18.00 - cook dinner. Husband delayed
18.30 - sit down for lessons from the elders. All his father - also oak oak
19.30 - sit in front of the TV waiting for the film, remember that lingerie is not erased. Drag at the bathroom, laundry
21.00 - the younger diarrhea, make tea and wash the toilet
22.00 - put the kids to bed. They resist and scream about violations of the rights of the child
23.00 - returned to her husband. Talking about the meeting, reeking of alcohol. On the cheek - lipstick
24.00 - lie down to sleep. Under the husband's snoring did not fall asleep and deaf
01.00 - dog begins to howl, as it is not grazed. Dressed and walk the dog
02.00 - fully awake iznemozhdёnnoy