Can a woman become a scoof and what set of characteristics the term implies?
The word scoof appeared in everyday life relatively recently, although it was born on the expanses of the Runet in the distant 2018. Unlike other slang terms, it has nothing to do with Western and English words. It's our native word. And, unfortunately, it has a neutral-negative color. How do you become a scoof or a scoof? Who the hell are they? It is noteworthy that even without knowledge of this term, many are already its direct personification.
You've certainly met scoofs in everyday life. They are everywhere: at stops, in queues and, of course, in supermarkets. Maybe you didn't even know who you were dealing with. But after this article, you can easily calculate the scoop in seconds. And who knows, maybe scoop - Is that you?
How to become a scoof and why many choose this path
Let’s start with the traditional portrait of the skuff as we see it. everyday life. As a rule, this is a man in 35 years with the first signs of baldness. His favorite clothes are home sports pants and an alcoholic T-shirt. In them he goes to the nearest kiosk, in it he meets his wife from work. Interesting fact: a scoof man may not have a job, but a working wife - very much. You can't call a scoop a workaholic. This is a hardened man in years, who in the pursuit of a comfortable life lost not only all his ambition, but also all attractiveness.
This character is so recognizable that it often becomes the basis for the main characters of television programs. Remember. Bukin's genome From Happy Together? And Sergei Yurievich From Our Rashi? There. Typical scoofs!
They may have a job, but it’s unloved and often dirty. Auto mechanic, plumber, electrician, shoe seller, washing machine repairer and other professions. Scoof is dissatisfied with this state of affairs and is constantly grumblingUnless, of course, he has the aforementioned job.
However, the scoof grumbles constantly - at politics, the economy, at his wife and children, at his neighbor and the decaying West. And to have something to grumble about, the scoof almost does not detach from the TV in his spare time. It's, like, a life support machine. A favorite place in a chair or on a sofa has long acquired the outlines of its filling body from year to year. Scoof doesn't do sports. principally.
Bad habits are the faithful companions of scoof. He loves everything fat and fried, he will never deny himself a liter or two of beer in the evening. In the diet often flash chips, nuts and all sorts of other dry rations. Doses of food and drink increase in proportion to the schedule football.
Despite the fact that the scoof is very far from the idea of an ideal family man, he often has both children and a wife (usually also a scoof). Only she can get him off the couch! Although they belong to the same category, the difference between skuff It's huge.
Unlike her husband, the scouffine is a much more significant character for society. She's holding on to it! Previously, such ladies were simply called aunts or grandmothers, and sometimes just women. These are usually women in the body who are too busy with pressing matters to take care of themselves. In order to identify your belonging to halfwayScouffins choose the path of a true warrior of the beauty industry.
Long extended nails of bright colors with all sorts of drawings are their main weapon. If the scouffini has its own garden, of course, it will be limited only to a short crimson or purple haircut. But it does not disdain the frightening length of the lashed eyelashes. Blue shadows, left over from the days of distant students, are also in use. Black eyeliner, lipstick with metallic glare and massive earrings - scouffine all face to face. In her wardrobe, jackets of all possible colors and fabrics, and all of them are somehow amazingly combined with sports pants.
Saleswomen at the kiosk and the market, teachers at school and universities, laundresses, cooks, directors, conductors, concierges and cashiers. Women scoofs literally hold the economy! Let's just say that behind every little respectable enterprise is skooter. She is either an accountant, or an employee with the highest experience, or directly the head of the department.
Scouffini are extremely enterprising and very energetic. They will clean the house and prepare food for a week, and at work they will have time to restore order, and the children will grow up. This is an interesting combination of housewives and babe. So to speak, the horse will be stopped for a gallop, and they will enter the burning hut.
In his personal life, the scoofin is usually unhappy. She is either alone or patient with her. scoove. How's it going? Scandal from time to time for him to at least tear his feet off the floor as she vacuums. His love hunger skuffin quenches TV series. She has long dreamed of a prince on a white horse. Yes, and once: you need to prepare seedlings, cook borscht, discuss a neighbor with another neighbor.
Unlike the scoof man, skooter It does not cause pity, but rather respect and a bit of fear. These two are worth each other, but separately they are also good. It is useless to argue with scoops, and in general it is better not to quarrel with them. It will be much more effective to make friends with such neighbors - watch a football match, get out to the dacha barbecue or even go fishing.
You've certainly met scoofs in everyday life. They are everywhere: at stops, in queues and, of course, in supermarkets. Maybe you didn't even know who you were dealing with. But after this article, you can easily calculate the scoop in seconds. And who knows, maybe scoop - Is that you?
How to become a scoof and why many choose this path

Let’s start with the traditional portrait of the skuff as we see it. everyday life. As a rule, this is a man in 35 years with the first signs of baldness. His favorite clothes are home sports pants and an alcoholic T-shirt. In them he goes to the nearest kiosk, in it he meets his wife from work. Interesting fact: a scoof man may not have a job, but a working wife - very much. You can't call a scoop a workaholic. This is a hardened man in years, who in the pursuit of a comfortable life lost not only all his ambition, but also all attractiveness.
This character is so recognizable that it often becomes the basis for the main characters of television programs. Remember. Bukin's genome From Happy Together? And Sergei Yurievich From Our Rashi? There. Typical scoofs!

They may have a job, but it’s unloved and often dirty. Auto mechanic, plumber, electrician, shoe seller, washing machine repairer and other professions. Scoof is dissatisfied with this state of affairs and is constantly grumblingUnless, of course, he has the aforementioned job.
However, the scoof grumbles constantly - at politics, the economy, at his wife and children, at his neighbor and the decaying West. And to have something to grumble about, the scoof almost does not detach from the TV in his spare time. It's, like, a life support machine. A favorite place in a chair or on a sofa has long acquired the outlines of its filling body from year to year. Scoof doesn't do sports. principally.
Bad habits are the faithful companions of scoof. He loves everything fat and fried, he will never deny himself a liter or two of beer in the evening. In the diet often flash chips, nuts and all sorts of other dry rations. Doses of food and drink increase in proportion to the schedule football.

Despite the fact that the scoof is very far from the idea of an ideal family man, he often has both children and a wife (usually also a scoof). Only she can get him off the couch! Although they belong to the same category, the difference between skuff It's huge.
Unlike her husband, the scouffine is a much more significant character for society. She's holding on to it! Previously, such ladies were simply called aunts or grandmothers, and sometimes just women. These are usually women in the body who are too busy with pressing matters to take care of themselves. In order to identify your belonging to halfwayScouffins choose the path of a true warrior of the beauty industry.

Long extended nails of bright colors with all sorts of drawings are their main weapon. If the scouffini has its own garden, of course, it will be limited only to a short crimson or purple haircut. But it does not disdain the frightening length of the lashed eyelashes. Blue shadows, left over from the days of distant students, are also in use. Black eyeliner, lipstick with metallic glare and massive earrings - scouffine all face to face. In her wardrobe, jackets of all possible colors and fabrics, and all of them are somehow amazingly combined with sports pants.
Saleswomen at the kiosk and the market, teachers at school and universities, laundresses, cooks, directors, conductors, concierges and cashiers. Women scoofs literally hold the economy! Let's just say that behind every little respectable enterprise is skooter. She is either an accountant, or an employee with the highest experience, or directly the head of the department.

Scouffini are extremely enterprising and very energetic. They will clean the house and prepare food for a week, and at work they will have time to restore order, and the children will grow up. This is an interesting combination of housewives and babe. So to speak, the horse will be stopped for a gallop, and they will enter the burning hut.
In his personal life, the scoofin is usually unhappy. She is either alone or patient with her. scoove. How's it going? Scandal from time to time for him to at least tear his feet off the floor as she vacuums. His love hunger skuffin quenches TV series. She has long dreamed of a prince on a white horse. Yes, and once: you need to prepare seedlings, cook borscht, discuss a neighbor with another neighbor.

Unlike the scoof man, skooter It does not cause pity, but rather respect and a bit of fear. These two are worth each other, but separately they are also good. It is useless to argue with scoops, and in general it is better not to quarrel with them. It will be much more effective to make friends with such neighbors - watch a football match, get out to the dacha barbecue or even go fishing.
I gave everything to my children, but in adulthood I realized that they do not love and do not appreciate me.
If you wake up in the middle of the night, whisper a word to fall into a sound sleep.