To avoid sickness and sores for a whole year, take this cereal to bed with you.
My grandmother always said, "The spirit of disease attacks our consciousness." By banishing him, we will strengthen our body and our immunity.” I always listened very carefully to my grandmother. I use a lot of her advice and wisdom to this day. And when I was sick as a child, she would put me in bed and say, "Soft." pillow"Silent thoughts to the head."
The wisdom of our grandparents is sometimes amazing. They didn’t just know what to say about which illness, their words had healing power and really helped. I don’t know if the ancient shaman ancestors gave my grandmother such a gift, or if she came to it herself. But I always enjoyed listening to her stories about nature and plants. About the healing properties of earth, water and air. Ask for help and support from natural sources. When I got sick, my grandmother always said, “To banish disease on the physical plane, you must conquer its spirit and banish it on the subtle planes.” The human spirit will be much stronger if one nourishes oneself with good thoughts and deeds.”
Little I was always afraid, suddenly I thought something wrong - and my spirit weakened. I shared with my grandmother my experiences, she laughed in response and told me that my spirit is very strong and will cope with all the challenges. The most important thing is to learn to forgive and not carry the burden of anger and resentment. And then you can easily overcome diseases and life difficulties. So even now, as an adult, I try to get sick in a good mood. My family knows this grandmother’s secret and supports each other during illness and beyond.
My grandmother also shared with me a very simple but effective ritual for illness and misfortune. This ritual helps to get rid of the negative energy of the disease and return it back to nature. And the earth already knows how to purify this energy without harming anything living. This ritual can be performed on any day of the month, regardless of the phase of the moon and other factors. All you need is a handful of any grain or cereal. It can be unpolished grains, and ordinary wheat.
Wrap a handful of these grains in an old clean handkerchief or a piece of white fabric. And put that bundle under your pillow. When you fall asleep, imagine that all the diseases come out of you, all the ailments, and these seeds absorb all this negativity. Feel all the diseases going out of you and soaking into that handful of grains. With such thoughts, and fall asleep until morning. A healing pillow under your head!
When you wake up in the morning, clean yourself up and go for a walk. Take this knot with you and go for a walk in the park or forest. Where there is land. Choose a place where no one will disturb you, untie the knot. And before you sprinkle the seeds on the ground, say these words with all awareness and penetrating: Mother Earth, take the seeds, free me (give your name). The sickness is my sickness. Sprinkle the grain on the ground or on the snow and immediately return home. When you get home, be sure to take off all your clothes and wash. Take a shower and you can go back to your usual business.
We who live on earth have forgotten what it means to respect our only home, Mother Earth. We spit on it, throw away the garbage, clog it and pump resources out of it. Most people on the planet think only about their well-being and profits. We have lost touch with nature and our inner world. We need to learn to love and appreciate nature and the world around us. There will be less illness and negativity around us.

The wisdom of our grandparents is sometimes amazing. They didn’t just know what to say about which illness, their words had healing power and really helped. I don’t know if the ancient shaman ancestors gave my grandmother such a gift, or if she came to it herself. But I always enjoyed listening to her stories about nature and plants. About the healing properties of earth, water and air. Ask for help and support from natural sources. When I got sick, my grandmother always said, “To banish disease on the physical plane, you must conquer its spirit and banish it on the subtle planes.” The human spirit will be much stronger if one nourishes oneself with good thoughts and deeds.”

Little I was always afraid, suddenly I thought something wrong - and my spirit weakened. I shared with my grandmother my experiences, she laughed in response and told me that my spirit is very strong and will cope with all the challenges. The most important thing is to learn to forgive and not carry the burden of anger and resentment. And then you can easily overcome diseases and life difficulties. So even now, as an adult, I try to get sick in a good mood. My family knows this grandmother’s secret and supports each other during illness and beyond.

My grandmother also shared with me a very simple but effective ritual for illness and misfortune. This ritual helps to get rid of the negative energy of the disease and return it back to nature. And the earth already knows how to purify this energy without harming anything living. This ritual can be performed on any day of the month, regardless of the phase of the moon and other factors. All you need is a handful of any grain or cereal. It can be unpolished grains, and ordinary wheat.

Wrap a handful of these grains in an old clean handkerchief or a piece of white fabric. And put that bundle under your pillow. When you fall asleep, imagine that all the diseases come out of you, all the ailments, and these seeds absorb all this negativity. Feel all the diseases going out of you and soaking into that handful of grains. With such thoughts, and fall asleep until morning. A healing pillow under your head!

When you wake up in the morning, clean yourself up and go for a walk. Take this knot with you and go for a walk in the park or forest. Where there is land. Choose a place where no one will disturb you, untie the knot. And before you sprinkle the seeds on the ground, say these words with all awareness and penetrating: Mother Earth, take the seeds, free me (give your name). The sickness is my sickness. Sprinkle the grain on the ground or on the snow and immediately return home. When you get home, be sure to take off all your clothes and wash. Take a shower and you can go back to your usual business.

We who live on earth have forgotten what it means to respect our only home, Mother Earth. We spit on it, throw away the garbage, clog it and pump resources out of it. Most people on the planet think only about their well-being and profits. We have lost touch with nature and our inner world. We need to learn to love and appreciate nature and the world around us. There will be less illness and negativity around us.
Favorable days in April 2024 to plant zucchini in open ground, the harvest will be enviable
On the phone, the son said that a surprise was waiting for us at the dacha, even then I smelled something wrong.