Veduña called and reminded that it is time to urgently prepare for the spring equinox, attract money and success.
Are you ready to celebrate the spring equinox – 2024? It's on its way. Expect to see March 20! Winter will officially hand over the reins to spring. Ice, swept and sub-zero temperatures will remain behind. Let us spend the day of the spring solstice according to the covenant of our ancestors and make the most of it.
The spring equinox is 2024 of the most equinoxes in the year two - in spring and autumn. The main character - our Sun - moves along the ecliptic. Crossing the celestial equator, in spring it passes to the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern, and in autumn - back. At the equinox, the star is located strictly above the Earth’s equator. We can watch it freeze over the horizon for exactly 12 hours. As a result, the day lasts as long as the night.
After the first equinox of the year, darkness decreases and light is added. The peak of illumination falls on the summer solstice, when the Sun hangs for several days at the highest point above the horizon. We are enjoying the longest day of the year.
The day is equal to the night: the exact date But back to the coming spring equinox. In 2024, it will happen on March 20 at 23:24 Kyiv time. This is a single date for the period from 2010 to 2050. It is only in 2044 and 2048 that the astronomical event will shift a day back.
The whole reason for the shifts is the difference between an astronomical and a calendar year. Every year to 365 days "run" another 6 hours. To return everything to its place, in a leap year add one extra day.
By the way, more than 300 million people celebrate the New Year, or Nowruz, on the day of the spring equinox. Among them are Turkic, Iranian ethnic groups and some peoples of the Caucasus. The origins of the holidays stretch back to the prehistoric era of mankind!
Our ancestors invited spring with special honors. They performed beautiful and good rituals to attract prosperity and happiness into their lives. Since the upcoming event will take place on the night, you can hold a festive ritual the next day, March 21.
On this day, it was customary to meet birds that returned home from warm lands. In their honor, buns and gingerbread in the form of birds were baked and children were treated. The child ran out into the street and threw “birds” into the sky. If the child managed to catch the carrot back, it was a good sign.
What's wrong with divination? Mixing the dough, the hostess put little things there. Each had its own symbolic meaning. If a girl pulls out a cake with a bead, wait for her to be pregnant. If with an earring, he will soon meet a betrothed. The ring invited her to prepare for the wedding, the key - to the inheritance, a coin - to wealth or a generous gift.
Our ancestors gathered in the fields, sang springs. They jumped over fires and led livestock to the fire. According to legend, the sacred flame had a purifying power that could protect from evil and disease.
What to do on March 21, 2024 If you're not planning to jump over a fire, here are a few alternatives. First of all, do the general cleaning. But not easy! According to the old tradition, you need to pick up swipe branches with cats and sweep the floors with them. Verba is an energy vacuum cleaner. She will sweep away bad thoughts and misfortunes from her home. And if you slightly whip the willow of a sick household, he will gain strength faster.
This is a wonderful day to make peace with a dear man. Tear off the recruiting branch and give it to whoever you want to end the quarrel with. This will make your relationship stronger and more secure. It is also worth going on a date and sincerely bless your children and relatives.
Let’s try to make your wish come true in spring! On March 21st, perform this ritual. Light a candle, sit in a comfortable chair, relax and watch the flames for a while. Imagine it cleanses you, burns all the negativity. Close your eyes and imagine the life of your dreams. The house you want to live in. The color and interior of the car you want to drive. The main thing is more details.
Spring equinox – 2024: Prohibitions Move into the future softly and tenderly, like a blossoming snowdrop bud. Nothing can be destroyed on this day, from things to relationships. Do not swear and twist yourself, regret the past. Otherwise, the whole year will be looking at past events.
Spring itself is an example of wisdom. Whatever happens, she will come through the cold and give you strength and experience. Everything in your life has meaning. Thank God or the universe for everything you have. And then with joy and enthusiasm move into the future towards love and beauty.

The spring equinox is 2024 of the most equinoxes in the year two - in spring and autumn. The main character - our Sun - moves along the ecliptic. Crossing the celestial equator, in spring it passes to the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern, and in autumn - back. At the equinox, the star is located strictly above the Earth’s equator. We can watch it freeze over the horizon for exactly 12 hours. As a result, the day lasts as long as the night.
After the first equinox of the year, darkness decreases and light is added. The peak of illumination falls on the summer solstice, when the Sun hangs for several days at the highest point above the horizon. We are enjoying the longest day of the year.

The day is equal to the night: the exact date But back to the coming spring equinox. In 2024, it will happen on March 20 at 23:24 Kyiv time. This is a single date for the period from 2010 to 2050. It is only in 2044 and 2048 that the astronomical event will shift a day back.
The whole reason for the shifts is the difference between an astronomical and a calendar year. Every year to 365 days "run" another 6 hours. To return everything to its place, in a leap year add one extra day.
By the way, more than 300 million people celebrate the New Year, or Nowruz, on the day of the spring equinox. Among them are Turkic, Iranian ethnic groups and some peoples of the Caucasus. The origins of the holidays stretch back to the prehistoric era of mankind!

Our ancestors invited spring with special honors. They performed beautiful and good rituals to attract prosperity and happiness into their lives. Since the upcoming event will take place on the night, you can hold a festive ritual the next day, March 21.
On this day, it was customary to meet birds that returned home from warm lands. In their honor, buns and gingerbread in the form of birds were baked and children were treated. The child ran out into the street and threw “birds” into the sky. If the child managed to catch the carrot back, it was a good sign.

What's wrong with divination? Mixing the dough, the hostess put little things there. Each had its own symbolic meaning. If a girl pulls out a cake with a bead, wait for her to be pregnant. If with an earring, he will soon meet a betrothed. The ring invited her to prepare for the wedding, the key - to the inheritance, a coin - to wealth or a generous gift.
Our ancestors gathered in the fields, sang springs. They jumped over fires and led livestock to the fire. According to legend, the sacred flame had a purifying power that could protect from evil and disease.

What to do on March 21, 2024 If you're not planning to jump over a fire, here are a few alternatives. First of all, do the general cleaning. But not easy! According to the old tradition, you need to pick up swipe branches with cats and sweep the floors with them. Verba is an energy vacuum cleaner. She will sweep away bad thoughts and misfortunes from her home. And if you slightly whip the willow of a sick household, he will gain strength faster.
This is a wonderful day to make peace with a dear man. Tear off the recruiting branch and give it to whoever you want to end the quarrel with. This will make your relationship stronger and more secure. It is also worth going on a date and sincerely bless your children and relatives.

Let’s try to make your wish come true in spring! On March 21st, perform this ritual. Light a candle, sit in a comfortable chair, relax and watch the flames for a while. Imagine it cleanses you, burns all the negativity. Close your eyes and imagine the life of your dreams. The house you want to live in. The color and interior of the car you want to drive. The main thing is more details.
Spring equinox – 2024: Prohibitions Move into the future softly and tenderly, like a blossoming snowdrop bud. Nothing can be destroyed on this day, from things to relationships. Do not swear and twist yourself, regret the past. Otherwise, the whole year will be looking at past events.

Spring itself is an example of wisdom. Whatever happens, she will come through the cold and give you strength and experience. Everything in your life has meaning. Thank God or the universe for everything you have. And then with joy and enthusiasm move into the future towards love and beauty.
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