This is how spring arrives in different parts of the world
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Spring around the world is different. In one country the cherry blossoms, around the grass is green, the air is filled with magical aromas. While spring rains and melting snow for a long time.
The website will tell you how spring comes in different places of our huge planet.
Japanese cherry trees, called Sakura, blooming in the land of the rising sun each spring.
Glacier Bay, Alaska
While everywhere nature is already starting to awaken, Alaska still reigns winter, snow, not even thinking to melt, and lies until may.
Berchtesgaden, The Alps
On mountain tops the snow lies all year round, but on their slopes in the spring begins to green grass, blooming the whole flower meadows, which wants to lie down.
Central Russia
In Russia in early March, the nature wakes up only, from the first rays of the sun begin to melt the snow piles.
Ukrainian spring is very picturesque, in March, the air warms up to +10 °C. the Snow is melting fast, and everything around it immediately turns green.
Southern Germany
Weather in Germany in spring much surprises, Sunny days can give way to snow, for the most part it refers to the March. The full force of spring here comes in only by April.
In Skåne County, Sweden
Spring refers to the period of the off-season, and at this time the weather here is changeable, there are winds and frequent rainfall. In may in the North of Sweden the white nights when the sun is above the horizon nearly throughout the day, stopping only for a couple of hours, there are times when it does not go at all.
Spring in Korea is exceptionally beautiful and rich in different colors. Once the snow starts to melt, appear white, purple, pink flowers on the fragrant magnolias, cherry blossoms, fiery red azaleas, camellias, yellow rapeseed, and every day they are becoming more.
Oddly enough, in Norway it happens both early and late spring. In a warm year the first flowers can climb even in February, but in may it could snow. As soon as it becomes more or less heat and the sun begins to warm, the Norwegians as all the team are seated on the outdoor terraces of the cafes. In the first season a Cup of coffee or a glass of beer on the porch can not be missed!
Usually the spring in the UK is quite warm, but the weather is often changeable. In a moment the warm sun can be replaced by cold and rain.
Tower Grove Park, USA
The rich flora and fauna with ease shake it off, Packed blanket of snow and rejoice in the gentle sunlight. The average temperature in spring in America equal 12-22 °S. it is that time of the year is most favourable for tourists wishing to discover the culture and nature of this country.
Tenerife, Spain
Spring in Spain, as in most European countries, is one of the most beautiful times of the year, pleasing friendly flowering and rapid temperature rise. Especially beautiful and green spring in the island part of the country.
Photos on the preview depositphotos, depositphotos
See also
15 places on earth where spring is especially beautiful
20 places in the world that become even more beautiful with the arrival of spring
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/20-mest-planety-kotorye-stanovyatsya-esche-krashe-s-prihodom-vesny-874360/
Spring around the world is different. In one country the cherry blossoms, around the grass is green, the air is filled with magical aromas. While spring rains and melting snow for a long time.
The website will tell you how spring comes in different places of our huge planet.

Japanese cherry trees, called Sakura, blooming in the land of the rising sun each spring.
Glacier Bay, Alaska

While everywhere nature is already starting to awaken, Alaska still reigns winter, snow, not even thinking to melt, and lies until may.
Berchtesgaden, The Alps

On mountain tops the snow lies all year round, but on their slopes in the spring begins to green grass, blooming the whole flower meadows, which wants to lie down.
Central Russia

In Russia in early March, the nature wakes up only, from the first rays of the sun begin to melt the snow piles.

Ukrainian spring is very picturesque, in March, the air warms up to +10 °C. the Snow is melting fast, and everything around it immediately turns green.
Southern Germany

Weather in Germany in spring much surprises, Sunny days can give way to snow, for the most part it refers to the March. The full force of spring here comes in only by April.
In Skåne County, Sweden

Spring refers to the period of the off-season, and at this time the weather here is changeable, there are winds and frequent rainfall. In may in the North of Sweden the white nights when the sun is above the horizon nearly throughout the day, stopping only for a couple of hours, there are times when it does not go at all.

Spring in Korea is exceptionally beautiful and rich in different colors. Once the snow starts to melt, appear white, purple, pink flowers on the fragrant magnolias, cherry blossoms, fiery red azaleas, camellias, yellow rapeseed, and every day they are becoming more.

Oddly enough, in Norway it happens both early and late spring. In a warm year the first flowers can climb even in February, but in may it could snow. As soon as it becomes more or less heat and the sun begins to warm, the Norwegians as all the team are seated on the outdoor terraces of the cafes. In the first season a Cup of coffee or a glass of beer on the porch can not be missed!

Usually the spring in the UK is quite warm, but the weather is often changeable. In a moment the warm sun can be replaced by cold and rain.
Tower Grove Park, USA

The rich flora and fauna with ease shake it off, Packed blanket of snow and rejoice in the gentle sunlight. The average temperature in spring in America equal 12-22 °S. it is that time of the year is most favourable for tourists wishing to discover the culture and nature of this country.
Tenerife, Spain

Spring in Spain, as in most European countries, is one of the most beautiful times of the year, pleasing friendly flowering and rapid temperature rise. Especially beautiful and green spring in the island part of the country.
Photos on the preview depositphotos, depositphotos
See also
15 places on earth where spring is especially beautiful
20 places in the world that become even more beautiful with the arrival of spring
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/20-mest-planety-kotorye-stanovyatsya-esche-krashe-s-prihodom-vesny-874360/
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