7 secrets of attractiveness that scientists are silent about

Attractiveness is not just about appearance, but also about a number of factors that influence how we perceive other people. Some of these factors are not so obvious, and scientists often do not discuss them in mainstream studies. Here are seven lesser-known secrets of attractiveness.
1. Power of smell
Smell plays a key role in attraction. Pheromones, although imperceptible at a conscious level, can greatly influence perceptions of attractiveness. Some studies show that people subconsciously choose partners with scents that indicate genetic diversity, which is beneficial for offspring.
2. Mysteriousness
Intrigue and inaccessibility can enhance attraction. People often find people more attractive who don't reveal everything right away. This element of mystery stimulates interest and a desire to get to know the person better.
3. The power of copying gestures and facial expressions
Mimicry, or the unconscious copying of another person's gestures, facial expressions, and behavior, can increase emotional connection and perceived attractiveness. This creates a feeling of similarity and understanding.
4. Voice and intonation
Voice and way of speaking can have a significant impact on attractiveness. Deep voices are often perceived as more attractive, but intonation, clarity of pronunciation, and even speed of speech are also important.
5. Clothes color
The color of clothes can say a lot about a person. For example, the color red is often associated with passion and strength, and can increase attractiveness. The choice of clothing color can subconsciously influence other people's perceptions.
6. Social status and confidence
Social status and confident behavior can significantly increase attractiveness. People who appear successful and confident are often perceived as more attractive. It is associated with the perception of success and stability.
7. Compatibility of life values
Similarity of views and values can play a big role in long-term attractiveness. Compatibility in issues such as religion, politics, and personal beliefs can strengthen relationships and make a partner more attractive in the eyes of the other.
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