What can you learn about a person by the timbre of his voice
What can you learn about a person by the timbre of his voice? Tone of voice can tell a lot from a person's age to his taste. If you learn the "language tone", we can understand about a person, even that he wants to hide. Timbre as a person No two are exactly alike in timbre of voices. A specialist in singing technology Ivan Levidow, said that "the main characteristic elements of the timbre of each voice is a constant value not changing since the mutation of the voice." Sometimes, for a long time without seeing the person, we may not know it, but each time he speaks, we immediately remember it. Only one voice in many respects defines a person. French phoniatr Jean Abitbol once even refused to do the surgery the patient believed that the voice changer will change her personality. What is the tone, the Term came from the French word timbre (bell). This is a psychoacoustic characteristic of a voice. It an exclusive coloration. Therefore, when analyzing the mastery of vocals, often use definitions from the dictionary of painting — "color", "palette", "paint". And these "color" nuances and can differentiate between people's voices. Even if the pitch, volume, and duration of their sound is the same. By ... say, what tone of voice is more difficult to configure than a musical instrument. Radically "remake", for example, the tenor in the bass altogether impossible. Even surgically. What determines the timbre of the density of the bond of the vocal cords, their length, width, elasticity and tension. The latter is created by the plasticity perstneschitovidnaya muscle, which the Professor and the Imperial court tiatr N. P. Simanovsky called "music" because she acts like a tuning peg on a violin. Still the timbre depends on the volume of the trachea and forms the inner cavity. So Chaliapin was a domed sky, from which, as from the Cathedral of the arch started sound. And the sky became a subject of study not only by..., but also otolaryngologists, anthropologists and anatomists. For the "coloring" of the tone answer the overtones. The more overtones, the "good" voice. Overtones It sounds over sounds. Trained throat are produced simultaneously as two audio tone and overtones. The overtones in the higher frequencies and ranked according to the laws of "Golden section". What is it? When we look at a person and find him attractive, which means that it is "tailored" nature of the relationship of parts in proportion. That's the same overtones harmonize the tone of voice with intervals. Voice like overtone climbs the stairs from one level to another. In between pauses. "The first overtone is separated from the tone by an octave. Second – even less. This is Quint." And by "small steps" overtones — and gradually adjusted to the normal human ear, which may initially overtones not discern. How does the response to a sound wave, the average Person is 60% of a liquid substance, which responds to the sound vibration. German Explorer of sound and photographer (kymatik from kyma – wave) Alexander Lauterwasser conducted a series of experiments – lost in the pond the sounds of different frequencies and clanking rolling stock trains, the cries of seagulls, the phrases of the Bach toccatas. And recorded on camera the wave "response" of water. Every sound gave rise to the pattern. And vibrating person behind the voice. What we're talking about "Mouth", "throat", "breast" and even "abdomen". Last responsible for increased korpulentere the vast majority of Opera singers – they "put the voice in the womb". And engage in the process of sound entire body. Like a baby. When he cries, it resonates from top to toe. With age, a person is "clamped". The voice loses its ability to include the entire body. And vibrations "stuck" at the throat. But we are created by nature as a single resonator. As the tone speaker produces a tone Already, each of us is able to estimate physical parameters of the person. Vienna linguotextology empirically confirmed that people only voice can tell a high person or low, full or thin. However, with age may come a misfire, because the tone of a happy man making the voice younger by 10 years. Anger and fear – "old". Show the timbre and the level of intelligence of the interlocutor, his occupation, temperament. As his condition is happy or not, sick or healthy, tired or energetic. The timbre of the voice will be recorded, and some say a leader or a follower, a liar or advocate of the truth, envious, or a generous soul, whether he is able to betray or be loyal to the grave. Just link the tone with the trust partner interested professionals canadian research McMaster University. The participants of the experiment gave a listen to the voices of 20 men and women. One male – low softly – all noted as "dangerous". "From the perspective of sexual strategies, — stated the project's author Gillian O'connor, — the two sexes interpret this tone as a warning of future change". The trust has caused higher male and lower female. They were considered "reliable". Tone and sexy British researchers from the universities of Liverpool and Stirling, working in the hadza tribe in Tanzania, made the discovery that the owners of the voice timbre in the lower register have more children. So tashanskie "baritones" ahead of "tenors" on average two children. Scientists from the State University of new York found the dependence of sexual attractiveness of the voice of women from fertility. Psychologists from the University of South Carolina, after analyzing phone conversations revealed the difference of voices in the process of communicating with and indifferent to loved ones. The latter even copied the tones to each other, as if putting voice to a single tone wave. Anthropologists at the University of Pennsylvania — Sarah Wolff and David Putts, for the first time tried to understand "how signs of masculinity influence the opinion of a person about his ability to dominate." Experiments have shown that men with deep voices timbre are perceived by other individuals of the same sex as "leaders of the pride". The timbre on the service policy, In 2012, correspondents of the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society in collaboration with the PR-technologists and neuroscientists have conducted surveys of Americans who answered the question: "What is the tone of voice gives them the greatest confidence in politics?". The authors recorded 17 women and 10 men, who say one phrase – "I urge you to vote for me in November". Recording subjected to digital correction. Did create in pairs, – one voice raised, the other lowered. "Voters" chose a deep low tones. Moreover, both male and female. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that the secret of the success/failure of man — in the timbre of his voice. Specialist in sociology of communication at the Institute of cognitive neuroscience at University College London Professor Sophie Scott — noted that "we use our voices to tell others what they think about themselves, and create their presentation in a positive way." But the timbre issues that people may wish to hide. The tone in the service of intelligence the Tone is one of objective collaci, which take into account special services in the preparation of psihoportret criminals. Profilers of the FBI and the CIA are paying attention to how reliable and how would "stumble" voice. When Julita and keep back, the tone becomes intermittent, vague. Anxiety will cause him to "ride up", raising the tone. Cognitive dissonance is expressed in a sharp voice fluctuations and demonstrate the precariousness of the position uncertainty. Busy tone – control for each step. Notes of metal, a conviction. Increased volume – the desire to suppress. But the basic timbre of the figure always remains constant. Uniqueness Early in passports, the Italians brought along with date of birth, height, color of hair and eyes — tone of voice. The courts are now the US and the UK accept as evidence of guilt/innocence – voice recordings. Why? Because the timbre is as unique as the genetic code in the DNA molecule, the papillary pattern on the fingertips or the structure of the ear. A unique voice so that the largest banks of the world are not afraid to code safes votes of their respective owners.
Source: What can you learn about a person by the timbre of his voice?
© Russian Seven russian7.ru What can you learn about a person by the timbre of his voice? Tone of voice can tell a lot from a person's age to his taste. If you learn the "language tone", we can understand about a person, even that he wants to hide.
Timbre as a person
No two are exactly alike in timbre of voices. A specialist in singing technology Ivan Levidow, said that "the main characteristic elements of the timbre of each voice is a constant value not changing since the mutation of the voice." Sometimes, for a long time without seeing the person, we may not know it, but each time he speaks, we immediately remember it. Only one voice in many respects defines a person. French phoniatr Jean Abitbol once even refused to do the surgery the patient believed that the voice changer will change her personality.
What is the timbre
The term came from the French word timbre (bell). This is a psychoacoustic characteristic of a voice. It an exclusive coloration. Therefore, when analyzing the mastery of vocals, often use definitions from the dictionary of painting — "color", "palette", "paint". And these "color" nuances and can differentiate between people's voices. Even if the pitch, volume, and duration of their sound is the same.
By ... say, what tone of voice is more difficult to configure than a musical instrument.
Radically "remake", for example, the tenor in the bass altogether impossible. Even surgically.
What determines the timbre of the voice
The density of the bond of the vocal cords, their length, width, elasticity and tension. The latter is created by the plasticity perstneschitovidnaya muscle, which the Professor and the Imperial court tiatr N. P. Simanovsky called "music" because she acts like a tuning peg on a violin. Still the timbre depends on the volume of the trachea and forms the inner cavity.
So Chaliapin was a domed sky, from which, as from the Cathedral of the arch started sound. And the sky became a subject of study not only by..., but also otolaryngologists, anthropologists and anatomists.
For the "coloring" of the tone answer the overtones. The more overtones, the "good" voice. Overtones it sounds over sounds. Trained throat are produced simultaneously as two audio tone and overtones. The overtones in the higher frequencies and ranked according to the laws of "Golden section". What is it? When we look at a person and find him attractive, which means that it is "tailored" nature of the relationship of parts in proportion. That's the same overtones harmonize the tone of voice with intervals. Voice like overtone climbs the stairs from one level to another. In between pauses. "The first overtone is separated from the tone by an octave. Second – even less. This one – eleven"
And by "small steps" overtones — and gradually adjusted to the normal human ear, which may initially overtones not discern.
How does the response to a sound wave
The average person is 60% of a liquid substance, which responds to the sound vibration. German Explorer of sound and photographer (kymatik from kyma – wave) Alexander Lauterwasser conducted a series of experiments – lost in the pond the sounds of different frequencies and clanking rolling stock trains, the cries of seagulls, the phrases of the Bach toccatas.And recorded on camera the wave "response" of water. Every sound gave rise to the pattern.
And vibrating person behind the voice.
What we're talking about
The "mouth", "throat", "breast" and even "abdomen". Last responsible for increased korpulentere the vast majority of Opera singers – they "put the voice in the womb". And engage in the process of sound entire body.
Like a baby. When he cries, it resonates from top to toe. With age, a person is "clamped". The voice loses its ability to include the entire body. And vibrations "stuck" at the throat. But we are created by nature as a single resonator.
As the timbre of the speaker outputs
Already the timbre of each of us is able to estimate physical parameters of the person. Vienna linguotextology empirically confirmed that people only voice can tell a high person or low, full or thin. However, with age may come a misfire, because the tone of a happy man making the voice younger by 10 years. Anger and fear – "old". Show the timbre and the level of intelligence of the interlocutor, his occupation, temperament. As his condition is happy or not, sick or healthy, tired or energetic. The timbre of the voice will be recorded, and some say a leader or a follower, a liar or advocate of the truth, envious, or a generous soul, whether he is able to betray or be loyal to the grave. Just link the tone with the trust partner interested professionals canadian research McMaster University. The participants of the experiment gave a listen to the voices of 20 men and women. One male – low softly – all noted as "dangerous". "From the perspective of sexual strategies, — stated the project's author Gillian O'connor, — the two sexes interpret this tone as a warning of future change". The trust has caused higher male and lower female. They were considered "reliable".
The tone and sexuality
British researchers from the universities of Liverpool and Stirling, working in the hadza tribe in Tanzania, made the discovery that the owners of the voice timbre in the lower register have more children. So tashanskie "baritones" ahead of "tenors" on average two children. Scientists from the State University of new York found the dependence of sexual attractiveness of the voice of women from fertility. Psychologists from the University of South Carolina, after analyzing phone conversations revealed the difference of voices in the process of communicating with and indifferent to loved ones. The latter even copied the tones to each other, as if putting voice to a single tone wave. Anthropologists at the University of Pennsylvania — Sarah Wolff and David Putts, for the first time tried to understand "how signs of masculinity influence the opinion of a person about his ability to dominate." Experiments have shown that men with deep voices timbre are perceived by other individuals of the same sex as "leaders of the pride".
The timbre in the service policy
In 2012, correspondents of the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society in collaboration with the PR-technologists and neuroscientists have conducted surveys of Americans who answered the question: "What is the tone of voice gives them the greatest confidence in politics?". The authors recorded 17 women and 10 men, who say one phrase – "I urge you to vote for me in November". Recording subjected to digital correction. Did create in pairs, – one voice raised, the other lowered. "Voters" chose a deep low tones. Moreover, both male and female. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that the secret of the success/failure of man — in the timbre of his voice. Specialist in sociology of communication at the Institute of cognitive neuroscience at University College London Professor Sophie Scott — noted that "we use our voices to tell others what they think about themselves, and create their presentation in a positive way." But the timbre issues that people may wish to hide.
Timbre is at the service of intelligence services
The tone is one of objective collaci, which take into account special services in the preparation of psihoportret criminals. Profilers of the FBI and the CIA are paying attention to how reliable and how would "stumble" voice. When Julita and keep back, the tone becomes intermittent, vague. Anxiety will cause him to "ride up", raising the tone. Cognitive dissonance is expressed in a sharp voice fluctuations and demonstrate the precariousness of the position uncertainty. Busy tone – control for each step. Notes of metal, a conviction. Increased volume – the desire to suppress. But the basic timbre of the figure always remains constant.
Earlier in the passport of the Italians has contributed — along with the date of birth, height, color of hair and eyes — tone of voice. The courts are now the US and the UK accept as evidence of guilt/innocence – voice recordings. Why? Because the timbre is as unique as the genetic code in the DNA molecule, the papillary pattern on the fingertips or the structure of the ear. A unique voice so that the largest banks of the world are not afraid to code safes votes of their respective owners. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: russian7.ru/post/chto-mozhno-uznat-o-cheloveke-po-tembru-e/
Source: What can you learn about a person by the timbre of his voice?
© Russian Seven russian7.ru What can you learn about a person by the timbre of his voice? Tone of voice can tell a lot from a person's age to his taste. If you learn the "language tone", we can understand about a person, even that he wants to hide.
Timbre as a person
No two are exactly alike in timbre of voices. A specialist in singing technology Ivan Levidow, said that "the main characteristic elements of the timbre of each voice is a constant value not changing since the mutation of the voice." Sometimes, for a long time without seeing the person, we may not know it, but each time he speaks, we immediately remember it. Only one voice in many respects defines a person. French phoniatr Jean Abitbol once even refused to do the surgery the patient believed that the voice changer will change her personality.
What is the timbre
The term came from the French word timbre (bell). This is a psychoacoustic characteristic of a voice. It an exclusive coloration. Therefore, when analyzing the mastery of vocals, often use definitions from the dictionary of painting — "color", "palette", "paint". And these "color" nuances and can differentiate between people's voices. Even if the pitch, volume, and duration of their sound is the same.

By ... say, what tone of voice is more difficult to configure than a musical instrument.
Radically "remake", for example, the tenor in the bass altogether impossible. Even surgically.
What determines the timbre of the voice
The density of the bond of the vocal cords, their length, width, elasticity and tension. The latter is created by the plasticity perstneschitovidnaya muscle, which the Professor and the Imperial court tiatr N. P. Simanovsky called "music" because she acts like a tuning peg on a violin. Still the timbre depends on the volume of the trachea and forms the inner cavity.
So Chaliapin was a domed sky, from which, as from the Cathedral of the arch started sound. And the sky became a subject of study not only by..., but also otolaryngologists, anthropologists and anatomists.
For the "coloring" of the tone answer the overtones. The more overtones, the "good" voice. Overtones it sounds over sounds. Trained throat are produced simultaneously as two audio tone and overtones. The overtones in the higher frequencies and ranked according to the laws of "Golden section". What is it? When we look at a person and find him attractive, which means that it is "tailored" nature of the relationship of parts in proportion. That's the same overtones harmonize the tone of voice with intervals. Voice like overtone climbs the stairs from one level to another. In between pauses. "The first overtone is separated from the tone by an octave. Second – even less. This one – eleven"
And by "small steps" overtones — and gradually adjusted to the normal human ear, which may initially overtones not discern.
How does the response to a sound wave
The average person is 60% of a liquid substance, which responds to the sound vibration. German Explorer of sound and photographer (kymatik from kyma – wave) Alexander Lauterwasser conducted a series of experiments – lost in the pond the sounds of different frequencies and clanking rolling stock trains, the cries of seagulls, the phrases of the Bach toccatas.And recorded on camera the wave "response" of water. Every sound gave rise to the pattern.
And vibrating person behind the voice.
What we're talking about
The "mouth", "throat", "breast" and even "abdomen". Last responsible for increased korpulentere the vast majority of Opera singers – they "put the voice in the womb". And engage in the process of sound entire body.

Like a baby. When he cries, it resonates from top to toe. With age, a person is "clamped". The voice loses its ability to include the entire body. And vibrations "stuck" at the throat. But we are created by nature as a single resonator.
As the timbre of the speaker outputs
Already the timbre of each of us is able to estimate physical parameters of the person. Vienna linguotextology empirically confirmed that people only voice can tell a high person or low, full or thin. However, with age may come a misfire, because the tone of a happy man making the voice younger by 10 years. Anger and fear – "old". Show the timbre and the level of intelligence of the interlocutor, his occupation, temperament. As his condition is happy or not, sick or healthy, tired or energetic. The timbre of the voice will be recorded, and some say a leader or a follower, a liar or advocate of the truth, envious, or a generous soul, whether he is able to betray or be loyal to the grave. Just link the tone with the trust partner interested professionals canadian research McMaster University. The participants of the experiment gave a listen to the voices of 20 men and women. One male – low softly – all noted as "dangerous". "From the perspective of sexual strategies, — stated the project's author Gillian O'connor, — the two sexes interpret this tone as a warning of future change". The trust has caused higher male and lower female. They were considered "reliable".
The tone and sexuality
British researchers from the universities of Liverpool and Stirling, working in the hadza tribe in Tanzania, made the discovery that the owners of the voice timbre in the lower register have more children. So tashanskie "baritones" ahead of "tenors" on average two children. Scientists from the State University of new York found the dependence of sexual attractiveness of the voice of women from fertility. Psychologists from the University of South Carolina, after analyzing phone conversations revealed the difference of voices in the process of communicating with and indifferent to loved ones. The latter even copied the tones to each other, as if putting voice to a single tone wave. Anthropologists at the University of Pennsylvania — Sarah Wolff and David Putts, for the first time tried to understand "how signs of masculinity influence the opinion of a person about his ability to dominate." Experiments have shown that men with deep voices timbre are perceived by other individuals of the same sex as "leaders of the pride".
The timbre in the service policy
In 2012, correspondents of the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society in collaboration with the PR-technologists and neuroscientists have conducted surveys of Americans who answered the question: "What is the tone of voice gives them the greatest confidence in politics?". The authors recorded 17 women and 10 men, who say one phrase – "I urge you to vote for me in November". Recording subjected to digital correction. Did create in pairs, – one voice raised, the other lowered. "Voters" chose a deep low tones. Moreover, both male and female. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that the secret of the success/failure of man — in the timbre of his voice. Specialist in sociology of communication at the Institute of cognitive neuroscience at University College London Professor Sophie Scott — noted that "we use our voices to tell others what they think about themselves, and create their presentation in a positive way." But the timbre issues that people may wish to hide.
Timbre is at the service of intelligence services
The tone is one of objective collaci, which take into account special services in the preparation of psihoportret criminals. Profilers of the FBI and the CIA are paying attention to how reliable and how would "stumble" voice. When Julita and keep back, the tone becomes intermittent, vague. Anxiety will cause him to "ride up", raising the tone. Cognitive dissonance is expressed in a sharp voice fluctuations and demonstrate the precariousness of the position uncertainty. Busy tone – control for each step. Notes of metal, a conviction. Increased volume – the desire to suppress. But the basic timbre of the figure always remains constant.
Earlier in the passport of the Italians has contributed — along with the date of birth, height, color of hair and eyes — tone of voice. The courts are now the US and the UK accept as evidence of guilt/innocence – voice recordings. Why? Because the timbre is as unique as the genetic code in the DNA molecule, the papillary pattern on the fingertips or the structure of the ear. A unique voice so that the largest banks of the world are not afraid to code safes votes of their respective owners. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: russian7.ru/post/chto-mozhno-uznat-o-cheloveke-po-tembru-e/
All that is going through Soul, the Body makes visible
The Russian mathematician has found a proof of the Riemann Hypothesis