Lullabies for children: why is it important to sing kids songs
Since ancient times it is said that the education of man begins with lullabies.
Lullabies are the earliest songs of humanity, with its enormous power of suggestion. Lullaby performed when the lulling of a child is one of the oldest folklore genres.
The word "lullaby" comes from the verb "to celibate" (flap swing), respectively sung this song baby rocked in the cradle.
Our ancestors gave lullaby mystical significance. Each baby lullaby had her at birth composed mother. Then this song is all my life was a talisman of the child.
Lullaby song – the very first conversation with his mother a little happiness, it's the music of love mom and baby.
Throughout the world there are no words which could be transferred to the mother's feelings, expressed in beautiful melodies lullabies. She is the most sweet, tender, warm and native song the baby because takes her favorite and mother.
Lullabies familiar to us from childhood, because everyone is "little sun" they sang Mama before bedtime. Most importantly, the child does not matter, whether when singing the mother's voice and hearing as an infant he really needs a good face, hearing the measured speech diminutive suffixes.
Song is "warm" thread, which transmits a world of love, kindness, tenderness, affection, beauty, care, sincerity, wisdom from mother to child.
When it is necessary to acquaint kids with a lullaby?
A lullaby song is a song of mother of the soul, love, and a unique tenderness, and also this is the first good music that you want to start singing even before birth, during pregnancy women.
This element of the prenatal education, can and should sing along with dad because the child before birth "remembers" the native voice, a calm and gentle tone, the softness of execution, and after birth he learns the tune and calm down, but also more likely than other children beginning to respond to mother's voice and try to publish melodious sounds.
The absence of musical abilities is not a reason to deny a child in lullabies. No matter whether the parent's voice or hearing, the child was scared and the sound of native voices. The kid still doesn't know the language, do not understand the words, but listening to the lullaby, it calms down, calms down, falls asleep.
It is perceived by the kid with magical powers, because it comes from the most loved, the most expensive people – moms and dads.
During the lullabies to your child, parents tell us about the present and invent for him a brilliant future.
At what age and what song?
In the first years of life it is best to sing the baby songs, because, as folk melodies affect the condition and development of the baby in the best way, and older children need variety – it develops memory, speech and imagination.
The melody of a lullaby, its rhythm, orderliness removenode text magically operate on kids that are very sensitive to the poetic text. The child receives emotional experience, connect your experience with words, and that's why almost every person all my life remember the lullabies of his childhood.
Well, if she sings baby songs. It is very important for "live" my mother's voice. With a lullaby piped love, affection and tenderness of a mother, let the child can not hear, but he feels it. My mother's songs provide an opportunity to establish a special emotional relationship between the baby. The child perceives her intonation, tone of voice, so familiar and loved, which give it a feeling of warmth and security, and it is very important to complete the day and restful sleep.
Singing lullabies has a positive effect on:
1. The development of speech baby. Children's lullaby songs is the first lessons of the native language.
V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Sing to their children at least three years when they go to sleep, and continue to sing them for another five minutes after falling asleep".
Children, who sing lullabies, before beginning to utter sounds, to babble, they are rapidly growing larynx, and therefore it. Songs help children to remember words, their meanings, the word order in the sentence.
The repetition of sound combinations, syllables, individual words and their combinations in one lullaby is designed to develop the memory of a baby.
2. The mental state of the baby. Children, who as a child sang lullabies, in adult life, more affectionate, calm, successful. From sang Lee mother baby lullabies and what kind, will depend on the nature of the child in the future.
Performance mom lullaby songs baby is a way to show that it's all right, mommy's here and she loves him. Not knowing the words and not realizing their meaning, the child calms down and falls asleep. This is an important factor in the spiritual unity of mother and child.
Experts say that children whose mothers sang lullabies songs, less prone to mental disorders, they are more peaceful and the level of intellectual development have higher than their peers who did not sing lullabies.
3. The moral education of the kid. I used to think that infancy is the most suitable for laying in small human moral foundations. Singing a lullaby, the mother encodes a son or daughter for a certain behavioral stereotype, accepted by the society. This determines socially acceptable behavior in the future.
It is noteworthy that there are no lullabies in the programming to fail or describing a hopeless situation. Today, due to the fact according to which the people attacked in the cradle, on reaching adult age become more successful than those who have not heard the lullaby.
Nowadays, modern day moms is painted on the clock, to the minute, and the baby, unfortunately, gets very little time from the very structured schedule of the parents. Many parents don't know lullabies, as in today's world, where shops littered with educational toys, few mothers understood the importance of lullabies as means of development of the baby and communicate with him. Now if mom and sing your child a lullaby, only to have to put him to sleep, and often instead of a lullaby, from the first days of life, falling asleep with their babies to the sounds of TV, radio, musical toys over the crib, the favorite "adult" music...
But can this all be replaced by baby lullaby song? No!
Professor, doctor of philological Sciences Irina Karabulatova believes that to teach children to be in constant noise is dangerous – it can form a neurotic character.
Meanwhile, people who in childhood did not sing lullabies, often suffer from mental illness, grow more selfish and evil.
In the East there is even a saying about an evil person, "he mom sang lullaby songs."
Sing a little song before bedtime, because the mother's lullaby, the song contains a huge force, it is full of good and magic. Sing it very easy, time is just a couple of minutes and the benefits are huge.
Accustomed to Your lullaby, baby will become faster to calm down, fall asleep faster. And when something hurts the child or bothering him – Your lullaby will help him better withstand the pain and calm down.
Also interesting: the Children who were raised by TV
Child badly sleeps: 6 major mistakes that parents
Lullabies are very important in the process of mastering the child speech, therefore, the development of thinking. What songs were sung baby Mama, and if she sang them at all, depends on the nature of the little man, his physical health, his psychological stability.
In addition, lullabies encrypted knowledge about the world.
Talk to your baby in the "language of lullabies" and set in the world of children's fantasies. published
Author: Irina Shkurat
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: razvitiedetok.ru/rebenok-poznaet-mir/1407.html
Lullabies are the earliest songs of humanity, with its enormous power of suggestion. Lullaby performed when the lulling of a child is one of the oldest folklore genres.
The word "lullaby" comes from the verb "to celibate" (flap swing), respectively sung this song baby rocked in the cradle.
Our ancestors gave lullaby mystical significance. Each baby lullaby had her at birth composed mother. Then this song is all my life was a talisman of the child.
Lullaby song – the very first conversation with his mother a little happiness, it's the music of love mom and baby.
Throughout the world there are no words which could be transferred to the mother's feelings, expressed in beautiful melodies lullabies. She is the most sweet, tender, warm and native song the baby because takes her favorite and mother.
Lullabies familiar to us from childhood, because everyone is "little sun" they sang Mama before bedtime. Most importantly, the child does not matter, whether when singing the mother's voice and hearing as an infant he really needs a good face, hearing the measured speech diminutive suffixes.
Song is "warm" thread, which transmits a world of love, kindness, tenderness, affection, beauty, care, sincerity, wisdom from mother to child.
When it is necessary to acquaint kids with a lullaby?
A lullaby song is a song of mother of the soul, love, and a unique tenderness, and also this is the first good music that you want to start singing even before birth, during pregnancy women.
This element of the prenatal education, can and should sing along with dad because the child before birth "remembers" the native voice, a calm and gentle tone, the softness of execution, and after birth he learns the tune and calm down, but also more likely than other children beginning to respond to mother's voice and try to publish melodious sounds.
The absence of musical abilities is not a reason to deny a child in lullabies. No matter whether the parent's voice or hearing, the child was scared and the sound of native voices. The kid still doesn't know the language, do not understand the words, but listening to the lullaby, it calms down, calms down, falls asleep.
It is perceived by the kid with magical powers, because it comes from the most loved, the most expensive people – moms and dads.
During the lullabies to your child, parents tell us about the present and invent for him a brilliant future.
At what age and what song?
In the first years of life it is best to sing the baby songs, because, as folk melodies affect the condition and development of the baby in the best way, and older children need variety – it develops memory, speech and imagination.
The melody of a lullaby, its rhythm, orderliness removenode text magically operate on kids that are very sensitive to the poetic text. The child receives emotional experience, connect your experience with words, and that's why almost every person all my life remember the lullabies of his childhood.
Well, if she sings baby songs. It is very important for "live" my mother's voice. With a lullaby piped love, affection and tenderness of a mother, let the child can not hear, but he feels it. My mother's songs provide an opportunity to establish a special emotional relationship between the baby. The child perceives her intonation, tone of voice, so familiar and loved, which give it a feeling of warmth and security, and it is very important to complete the day and restful sleep.
Singing lullabies has a positive effect on:
1. The development of speech baby. Children's lullaby songs is the first lessons of the native language.
V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Sing to their children at least three years when they go to sleep, and continue to sing them for another five minutes after falling asleep".
Children, who sing lullabies, before beginning to utter sounds, to babble, they are rapidly growing larynx, and therefore it. Songs help children to remember words, their meanings, the word order in the sentence.
The repetition of sound combinations, syllables, individual words and their combinations in one lullaby is designed to develop the memory of a baby.
2. The mental state of the baby. Children, who as a child sang lullabies, in adult life, more affectionate, calm, successful. From sang Lee mother baby lullabies and what kind, will depend on the nature of the child in the future.
Performance mom lullaby songs baby is a way to show that it's all right, mommy's here and she loves him. Not knowing the words and not realizing their meaning, the child calms down and falls asleep. This is an important factor in the spiritual unity of mother and child.
Experts say that children whose mothers sang lullabies songs, less prone to mental disorders, they are more peaceful and the level of intellectual development have higher than their peers who did not sing lullabies.
3. The moral education of the kid. I used to think that infancy is the most suitable for laying in small human moral foundations. Singing a lullaby, the mother encodes a son or daughter for a certain behavioral stereotype, accepted by the society. This determines socially acceptable behavior in the future.
It is noteworthy that there are no lullabies in the programming to fail or describing a hopeless situation. Today, due to the fact according to which the people attacked in the cradle, on reaching adult age become more successful than those who have not heard the lullaby.
Nowadays, modern day moms is painted on the clock, to the minute, and the baby, unfortunately, gets very little time from the very structured schedule of the parents. Many parents don't know lullabies, as in today's world, where shops littered with educational toys, few mothers understood the importance of lullabies as means of development of the baby and communicate with him. Now if mom and sing your child a lullaby, only to have to put him to sleep, and often instead of a lullaby, from the first days of life, falling asleep with their babies to the sounds of TV, radio, musical toys over the crib, the favorite "adult" music...
But can this all be replaced by baby lullaby song? No!
Professor, doctor of philological Sciences Irina Karabulatova believes that to teach children to be in constant noise is dangerous – it can form a neurotic character.
Meanwhile, people who in childhood did not sing lullabies, often suffer from mental illness, grow more selfish and evil.
In the East there is even a saying about an evil person, "he mom sang lullaby songs."
Sing a little song before bedtime, because the mother's lullaby, the song contains a huge force, it is full of good and magic. Sing it very easy, time is just a couple of minutes and the benefits are huge.
Accustomed to Your lullaby, baby will become faster to calm down, fall asleep faster. And when something hurts the child or bothering him – Your lullaby will help him better withstand the pain and calm down.
Also interesting: the Children who were raised by TV
Child badly sleeps: 6 major mistakes that parents
Lullabies are very important in the process of mastering the child speech, therefore, the development of thinking. What songs were sung baby Mama, and if she sang them at all, depends on the nature of the little man, his physical health, his psychological stability.
In addition, lullabies encrypted knowledge about the world.
Talk to your baby in the "language of lullabies" and set in the world of children's fantasies. published
Author: Irina Shkurat
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: razvitiedetok.ru/rebenok-poznaet-mir/1407.html
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