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The scale of emotional tones how to live without diseases and medicines

Part 1 of Our Emotions

Scale of Emotional Tones How to Live Without Diseases and Drugs, Image #1
I remind you that emotions are not only acquired, but also innate. And if you can get rid of acquired skills, then you can not get rid of congenital ones. Researchers of human emotions vary in the number of innate emotions, but I’m closer to Paul Ekman’s research, remember, on their basis, the series “Lie Me” was created, where Professor Lightman helped to find out the truth by facial expressions and gestures that cause certain innate emotions (joy, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise, fear) in a person that arise unconsciously. Because in the first seconds after a situation, we cannot hide our true emotions, and only then our mind turns on and takes control of the situation.

But back to our scale. Everyone is in a certain emotional state at any given time. Long-term research allowed the American researcher Ron Hubbard to calculate the exact number of conditions that a person can experience. According to his theory, the number of emotions (innate and acquired) is 41 positions. At first glance, this may seem surprising and even incredible, it seems that there should be a lot more. However, long-term observations revealed Hubbard's exact order in which they arise, and such data can be trusted. In the 50s of the last century, Hubbard arranged this order in a table - the Emotional Tone Scale, assigning each tone a certain digital value, as on a chart.

This is what the full scale of emotional tones looks like.
40 Emotional Human Tones by Ron Hubbard
• 40.0 The serenity of existence
• 30.0 Postulates
• 22.0 Playfulness
• 20.0 Action
• 8.0 Delight
• 6.0 Aesthetics
• 4.0 enthusiasm
• 3.5 Diversity
3.3 Strong interest
3.0 conservatism
2.9 Moderate interest
• 2.8 Satisfaction
• 2.6 Disinterest
• 2.5 Boredom
• 2.4 monotony
• 2.0 aggression
• 1.9 Maternity
• 1.8 Pain
• 1.5 Anger
1.4 Hate
• 1.3 Outrage
1.2 Lack of sympathy
1.15 Unspoken outrage
1.1 Hidden masculinity
• 1.02 Concerns
• 1.0 Fear
• 0.98 Despair
• 0.96 Horror
• 0.94 Torpor
• 0.9 Self-pity
• 0.8 Approval
• 0.5 Grief
• 0.375 Redemption
• 0.3 Negligence
• 0.2 Self-destruction
• 0.1 Victim
• 0.07 Unreliability
• 0.05 Apathy
• 0.03 Useless
• 0.01 Dying
• 0.0 Body death

But in order to navigate in society and within our own emotional sensations, it is not necessary to remember all the tones, we will consider only the basic emotions and their impact on our lives and relationships with the world.

We will start at the bottom and then go up.
So, at the very bottom is Body Death. Here, I think it's clear, there's no emotional manifestation, there's no physical manifestation. But this is the point to which a person either aspires to travel down the scale, or distances traveling up the scale. The closer we are to the tone of death, the less likely we are to rise again.

Tones of emotions can be of three types:
1. Instant or sharp tone - occurs in response to a situation, and does not last long. As a rule, it manifests itself in moments of spontaneous reactions to certain circumstances. It can be a sharp revival with joyful news or grief, when experiencing loss. It is on these manifestations that Paul Ekman built his research.
2. Chronic tone – lasting a long time and does not depend on the situation. It is the habitual or background tone of the person in whom he is alone. Chronic tone is developed as a behavioral habit, a person can often ignore it, and assumes that he can easily change one tone to another. That's not true. This form constitutes Hubbard's research.
3. Social - acceptable in society option of living emotions. In society, at work, we can show cheerfulness or, conversely, hidden hostility, which can be expressed in barbs, ridicule or insulting poking fun at a weaker opponent. But once the mask is removed, there is no trace of this tone. And we're showing our Chronic Tone again.

Let's go a little higher up the scale, and at 0.05, it's an emotion.
This is the closest thing to death. It is here that people who commit suicide, or slowly destroy themselves, allowing alcoholism or drug addiction of any kind to enter their lives. Only chemical doping (for bulimia it will be abundant food, for a gambler – a trip to roulette, thanks to which serotonin and adrenaline are produced) can return these people to the semblance of life. That's just for a while.

The surroundings of such people, who wish to save them, always fail and lose their strength, because nothing but the manifestation of a firm desire to live with a person in Apathy can help him. In apathy can lower life difficulties, grief, the rejection of their desires. And now a person says (if he tries to live in a social tone) that “It is worth living and enjoying life” (while the look remains empty, or a compressed, but not even sad sigh bursts from the chest).

Apathy dwells in the land of shattered hopes. Perhaps it is not worth living, it will no longer be better - this is her view of the world.

We go even higher to the level of 0.5 there lives the emotional tone of the mountain.
In this emotional tone, tears and powerlessness dwell, tragedy and suffering find their refuge here. Let the person in this emotion cry from the heart, and he will come to himself. But the man in Chronic Mountain is a vampire. It is he who always whines, complains, demands your sympathy and empathy. And in each new day and event, he will find a new cause for grief.
A woman cries for ruining the best years of her life by getting married and abandoning her beloved job. When she gets divorced, she cries that at least she had family and stability before - now there's nothing! Oh, why would she do this job?! In a relationship, Grief will require constant confirmation of your love and affection, but will never believe your assurances and sincere love.
Grief is fixated on itself – it doesn’t want to waste its attention on other people.
Offer Grief a real way out, and it will push that opportunity away. It is much more pleasant to mourn and remember past times than to act. More headscarves! Sloop, sloop.

Between Apatia and grief in a chronic tone settled depression.
Now this diagnosis has become very fashionable and to some extent socially approved. A depressed person is prescribed drugs that are constantly advertised on TV, he visits psychologists for a long time, by the way, giving preference to the psychoanalytic direction. But the most effective way to survive depression and climb higher on the scale is through physical labor. Yes, it can be difficult, but who said that treatment is easy? No matter how difficult it may be, you need to take a shovel and dig up a garden for a neighbor or parents, do a general cleaning in the house, and then, be sure to be happy and proud that you did everything. And strength? Where can I get them? Strength goes to work. They're not coming until we act. But if we decide to start the movement and have already taken the first step, everything will change immediately. Like this.

After the mountain, we jump over a few not very important for our understanding tones, get to the point 0.9 - Contained fear (sympathy) and a little higher to the point 1.0 - Fear expressed.

Compassion (Contained Fear)
A well-known truth: in order for us to be sympathetic, someone must feel bad. So let's get to the tone of sympathy. Compassion means, “I share your feelings,” and it means, “We are together” on the Tone Scale. If you have a bad day, a wallet, a car or a loved one has been stolen, who wouldn’t want to have an understanding and empathetic listener around! A person in sympathy will give you his velvet shoulder. But chronic empathy is never happy if you're back on the horse.
Only when you fall off the horse will you be able to feel sorry and sympathize with grief! If you want to fight again, a person in sympathy cannot be happy about it. Success should be rejoiced, but this tone does not know how to rejoice. Only eternal support will provide him with your company and in his understanding the right thing, relieve him of the fear of loneliness. This is a new kind of sleep captivity in which you will never be able to live a full life.

Fear expressed
In the Tone of Fear, one cannot look at danger realistically and correctly. A person in the tone of fear always lies.
Someone knows for sure that everything in this world is scary or dangerous. It is worth installing more locks on the door and placing a pillow softer, because you will definitely fall. A person in fear is animated when talking about various horrors occurring in the world. And if you add information about how to protect yourself from them, he will try to fulfill everything.

Fear will find something to be afraid of. And he will try to frighten you. Sharks are found in the sea, wolves and deadly insects are found in the forests. Maniacs walk the streets, masquerading as cute guys, and millions of people around the world collapse, starting their business and ending their lives in poverty. Be careful if you meet a person in Fear, you may be afraid to move on.

By the way, now very often in various ways they try to lower us to the tone of Fear. Because a person in the tone of Fear is easy to control. But just think that this tone is not far from the tone of Death, and Death is a complete defeat and there is no escape from it into this world.

The next tone, with a digital mark of 1.1, is the Tone of Hidden Enemy, and to my deep regret, most of the population of our planet lives in this tone chronically or periodically, including, I must honestly admit. Me too.

The Hidden Enemy
This tone overcame its fear and found a socially accepted tone. It is in this tone that the neighbor smiles in the face and describes behind your back how disgusting you are. Here is a pleasant young man, whose mistresses sympathize with their predecessors and sincerely believe that only they will become his last and true love. This tone is funny, but his jokes are sarcastic.
Hidden hostility is still afraid to express its attitude in the eyes, but the craving for life in this tone is already strong. Hidden hostility learns to juggle and maneuver, but can not get rid of the negative emotions that are born in them and can not find reflection in real life. Hidden hostility hates covertly and operates in roundabout ways.
Outwardly pleasant in communication, a person in hidden hostility can never be your support: he will describe to you why you are wrong and not worthy of his help and will go on to charm with his ease and pleasant appearance. If you want to be loyal, take Hidden Hostility as your companions and you will not fail.
Hidden hostility has female and male variants of manifestation.
In the female version, a person smiles and praises you in the eye. Your eyes are full of different things. But the male version, this is a variant of small dirty tricks and nasty physical. Footsteps, set-ups, sabotage.

But as soon as such methods become ineffective, the Man of the Tone of Hidden Hostility has to rise higher by 1.5 in the Tone of Open Hostility or Wrath.
We need anger to stop encroaching on our personal boundaries. War can only be waged effectively in the tone of anger. Isn't it a little bit clearer now why things like this are happening in our world?
How can you put up with a stupid government or step on that man's foot! Chronic Anger will find something to be angry with, will find something to direct the fire of his temper. People in chronic anger are ready to explode on any occasion, their emotions are always directed directly at you, unlike all previous tones. Anger goes to confrontation with pleasure, without fear of offending you. Alas, the predominance of this emotion leads to destruction – business, relationships and any cozy atmosphere.
Anger is ready to destroy the old world, but never ready to build a new one. This tone is good because it is much less fearful than in previous tones, it is more lively (lower-tone parents, by the way, will be angry with their children and raise them with a hard hand if they do not dare to show this emotion to someone else.) But staying in it for a long time does not make sense. Where there is joy and creation, there is no need for constant exhausting wars.

The tone of pain with the number 1.8 is anger directed inward – at yourself!

Remember!!! All crimes on this Earth are committed from two emotional tones of hidden and open hostility.
People, being in these tones, are well aware that what they are doing is wrong or even dangerous, but this does not stop them at all.

The next tone with a digital gradation of 2.0 is called ANTagonism.

Refut and protest. Antagonism argues to defend its reality, and it tries to push yours.
“Why me?” and “I’ll leave everything and go!”
Antagonism is useful: in competition, this emotion is more than appropriate. Challenge - Antagonism will respond, directing all its forces to victory. In everyday life, a person in antagonism is an intolerable arguer. He needs to go left when everyone needs to go right.
He needs to convince you and make you believe that he is right, no matter what means he will achieve this: logic, emotional pressure or fists. Antagonism needs an opponent, not a partner.
When he accepts someone else’s point of view, without giving up his own, he will be able to rise higher in tone, and, believe me, it will be much more pleasant to live with him. A man in antagonism knows how to win.

There is a line between survival and non-survival. Between the possibility of success and its impossibility. Between high vibration tones and low vibration tones. But I'll talk more about that in the second part, and now we're going to go up.

The next emotional tone, which we will consider in more detail, is called boredom and the digital gradation of this tone is 2.5.
Chronic Boredom implies a state in which a person tries to kill time. Sometimes this state is easily confused with Apathy or Grief, but in fact the cardinal difference is that the person in Boredom does not complain or get irritated, his constant emotion is satisfaction. Unfortunately, he has no purpose in life. He is carefree and not ambitious, he is a pleasant and non-conflict person.

Here a person is no longer inclined to destroy himself, but success is impossible for him. And, unfortunately, many people today limit their lives to this emotional tone, considering it a kind of benchmark of their achievements.

Let’s take a closer look at Conservatism. His numbers on the scale are 3.0.
Man in the tone of conservatism are traditions, rules, instructions. Its only drawback is that it suppresses enthusiasm and ingenuity. He is driven by caution, balanced, restrained, patient, does not like to stand out from the crowd. Its advantages are reliability, honesty and non-conflict. He can be a very good parent, but if his children want to break old traditions and become someone different from their parents, they will have a very difficult time.

Even higher on the scale of emotional tones is TON STRONG INTEREST. This tone corresponds to the number 3.3
Since this tone, all your diseases disappear, a person in this tone and above does not even get sick with snot.
A person who is in the tone of interest is successful and has large incomes. He will not trade for tradition and idleness, he lives only what interests him, enjoys it and every day becomes the best version of himself.
The only thing you need to remember in order to recognize this emotional tone in a person is that he is interested only in what benefits him and the people around him. If a person selflessly creates nasty things, it is not about this tone.

Even higher with the numbers 3.5 is the tone of Joy or Fun.
In this tone, everything is solved easily and safely.
A person, in a tone of joy, easily finds a reason for joy in every day of his life. For example, children under a certain age simply live in a state of natural joy at the feeling that they exist. And they don't separate that emotion from themselves -- it's their natural way of being. And in order to learn this state of natural joy, I once again advise everyone to watch the film Pollyanna. This is a real textbook on the scale of emotional tones in general, and on the tone of joy in particular.
Then in our life, this tone, most often, is clogged with education, because of which a person loses many opportunities. But most importantly, since we once knew how to live this way, we will definitely be able to learn it again. It is clear that only in this state is real creativity possible. This is a sign of true mental health.

And in the second part of our summary, I will tell you about the benefits of knowing the Emotional Tone Scale for our daily lives and relationships with ourselves, with partners, with the world. Wait, very soon.
