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The navigation line NL-10M is a countable instrument pilot and navigator, and is designed to perform the necessary calculations in preparation for the flight and in-flight. It is arranged on the basis of the usual counting slide rule and allows you to replace complex mathematical operations on numbers (multiplication and division) is more simple actions - addition and subtraction lengths scales, expressed in a certain scale, the logarithms of these numbers.
The navigation lineup consists of the body, engine and vizirki. The main body of the engine and applied scales, indexes, formulas and labels.
NL-10M allows to solve the following main tasks:
1. Calculation of the elements (FF, W, and MK t) is known wind.
2. Determination of wind speed and direction.
3. Determination of the distance traveled, speed and time of flight.
4. Consideration of methodological errors altimeter and airspeed indicator.
5. Determination of the radius of bend time and turn through 360 ° and at a predetermined angle.
6. Determination of trigonometric functions, multiplication and division of numbers in the trigonometric functions of angles.
In addition, the NL-10M can solve many special and mathematical problems.
taken on livit.ru 02 ... Scales navigation line and their purpose
The navigation lineup is not uniform scale and logarithmic. When solving problems using NL-10M uses simultaneously two, and sometimes more scales that are said to be adjacent.
On the navigation bar bear the following scale (Fig. 4.1).
The scale is 1 - distances and speeds.
Scale 2 - time. The scale 2 coated with four indices: round, triangular and two rectangular. Scales 1 and 2 are used to determine the distance traveled, speed, time of flight and for solving multiplication and division of numbers.
Scale 1 a - angle turn; it is used together with the scales 1 and 2 to determine the time of turning plane by a predetermined angle.
Scale 3 - sinuses, the scale of 4 - tangents and the scale of 5 - turning radius, distances and heights. On a scale marked 4 triangular and round indexes with the letter R. These scales are used to determine the trigonometric functions of angles and to perform operations with trigonometric functions (solved rectangular and oblique triangles).
Scale 6 is optional and is used in conjunction with scales 4 and 5 to determine the turning radius and the square root of the numbers and the numbers in the construction of the square.
Scale 7 -sums temperatures near the ground and at altitude, the scale 8 - fixed height and the scale 9 - the height of the instrument.
These scales are designed to take account of amendments to the methodology of the temperature readings of barometric altimeter.
Scale 10 - air temperature elevation of more than 12,000 meters, the scale of 11 air temperature to determine the speed, scale 12 - height of the device, the scale of 13 - the height of the unit for ASC, the scale of 14 - fixed-height and speed and scale of 15 - altitude and speed of the device. The scale 14 is applied three indices: AM, MM and FT. The scales 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 are designed to convert the flight altitude and speed, and scales 14 and 15, moreover, for the transfer of marine and angliyskih.mil kilometers in meters and feet and back.
Scale 16 - amendments to the thermometer outside air TUE type and the scale of 17 - millimeter scale scale designed to measure distances on the map.
The navigation line NL-10M is a countable instrument pilot and navigator, and is designed to perform the necessary calculations in preparation for the flight and in-flight. It is arranged on the basis of the usual counting slide rule and allows you to replace complex mathematical operations on numbers (multiplication and division) is more simple actions - addition and subtraction lengths scales, expressed in a certain scale, the logarithms of these numbers.
The navigation lineup consists of the body, engine and vizirki. The main body of the engine and applied scales, indexes, formulas and labels.
NL-10M allows to solve the following main tasks:
1. Calculation of the elements (FF, W, and MK t) is known wind.
2. Determination of wind speed and direction.
3. Determination of the distance traveled, speed and time of flight.
4. Consideration of methodological errors altimeter and airspeed indicator.
5. Determination of the radius of bend time and turn through 360 ° and at a predetermined angle.
6. Determination of trigonometric functions, multiplication and division of numbers in the trigonometric functions of angles.
In addition, the NL-10M can solve many special and mathematical problems.
taken on livit.ru 02 ... Scales navigation line and their purpose
The navigation lineup is not uniform scale and logarithmic. When solving problems using NL-10M uses simultaneously two, and sometimes more scales that are said to be adjacent.
On the navigation bar bear the following scale (Fig. 4.1).
The scale is 1 - distances and speeds.
Scale 2 - time. The scale 2 coated with four indices: round, triangular and two rectangular. Scales 1 and 2 are used to determine the distance traveled, speed, time of flight and for solving multiplication and division of numbers.
Scale 1 a - angle turn; it is used together with the scales 1 and 2 to determine the time of turning plane by a predetermined angle.
Scale 3 - sinuses, the scale of 4 - tangents and the scale of 5 - turning radius, distances and heights. On a scale marked 4 triangular and round indexes with the letter R. These scales are used to determine the trigonometric functions of angles and to perform operations with trigonometric functions (solved rectangular and oblique triangles).
Scale 6 is optional and is used in conjunction with scales 4 and 5 to determine the turning radius and the square root of the numbers and the numbers in the construction of the square.
Scale 7 -sums temperatures near the ground and at altitude, the scale 8 - fixed height and the scale 9 - the height of the instrument.
These scales are designed to take account of amendments to the methodology of the temperature readings of barometric altimeter.
Scale 10 - air temperature elevation of more than 12,000 meters, the scale of 11 air temperature to determine the speed, scale 12 - height of the device, the scale of 13 - the height of the unit for ASC, the scale of 14 - fixed-height and speed and scale of 15 - altitude and speed of the device. The scale 14 is applied three indices: AM, MM and FT. The scales 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 are designed to convert the flight altitude and speed, and scales 14 and 15, moreover, for the transfer of marine and angliyskih.mil kilometers in meters and feet and back.
Scale 16 - amendments to the thermometer outside air TUE type and the scale of 17 - millimeter scale scale designed to measure distances on the map.
