Why do people hear your voice differently

course you have heard his voice in the recording. And you, of course, surprised it sounds, because it sounds completely different than you hear it. Different people have different perceptions of it - some people think that his voice sounds in the recording above, someone - is lower, but it does not always like what they hear when they speak. With respect to small children, they most often are not able to recognize his voice recording. What is the voice of the "right"? Oddly enough, both. These two different sound - the same your voice. Here is how he explains the process of formation and perception of sound and voice therapist professional director voices of Hollywood actors, Nelson Vaughan: "Listening to your voice during a conversation, we perceive not only his ears. We hear the sound waves propagating within us through the fluid that fills the internal organs. It begins in the larynx, whence come the sound vibrations. Part of this vibration propagates through the air. That's exactly what they hear others when we speak, and what is written, for example, a voice recorder. Another part of the vibrations and the liquid passes through various tissues of our head. The inner and middle ear are located in the bone cavity. The inner ear contains fluid, and the average - the air, and both of them are in constant compression. Larynx, in turn, is enclosed in a soft tissue, comprising also a liquid. By air, sound propagates differently than in the liquid and solid tissues. This difference applies to almost the entire width of tones that we perceive, so the surrounding hear not what we hear. The study can not prove that the voice we hear (our "inner" voice), certainly higher or lower than that which they hear others ("external" voice). Therefore we can say that in fact we have two votes. And both of them - our "real" voice. It all depends on the attentive ear. »
Source: mirfactov.com/