These simple exercises will help to improve the sound of your voice
Most try to Express their emotions – sadness, anger, joy!In different sources, from articles on the pick-up to business literature, You have encountered the phrase “it's not WHAT You say, but HOW You say.”I assure You is 100% true!
a scene from the movie "the King's speech"
It seems to me that many people think if the voice is something unchanging, given to us from birth and not amenable to training and even more changes. This view is mistaken.
I want to bring to Your attention a few simple exercises that affect the voice and help to shape it. These exercises really helped me in the first weeks of operation, when the voice “sat” first, after 4 hours of conversation, then after 3 and in the end, and did not recover for the next shift.
The author presents exercise tips is Philippe-Nicolas Melo (Philippe-Nicolas Melot), a French Professor of vocal, author of the course "Find your voice". He teaches singing Amateurs and professionals; it exercises are designed for the resolution of the main problems that can occur in a person with your own voice.
1. Your voice... you do not like
Turn left palm "shell" and attach it to the left ear – this will be the earpiece. Hold right to your mouth – it will become a microphone.
Make a trial, as a sound: loudly read, say different words, playing with sound.
Daily do this exercise for 5-10 minutes over 9 days.
Realizing exactly how the surrounding hear your voice, you can improve its sound. When we hear your voice in the microphone or watch the video with her participation, often own voice seems totally unfamiliar.
2. ... “stuck” in the throat
Exercise for the face. The goal is to clear the throat, passing the main work of the lips and the diaphragm. Pronounce the syllables "q-x": "Kew" lips are rounded, and "x" is pronounced with a broad smile.
Repeat the exercise 30 times, then say a little speech to make sure its usefulness.
During speeches vocal chords will be less tired, and the muscles of the mouth – easier to perform sent by the brain team.
3. ...does not sound
5-10 minutes a day to read out loud some text, but without consonants. Thus, the phrase "Five exercises to love your voice" will sound like "I-have-a-e-I-o-s-o-u-and-Oh-Oh-Oh". Consonants act as a springboard, causing vowel sounds to vibrate.
Re-read the same passage of text, this time cutting consonants.
The voice will gain in intensity of the vibration and sound that you will never be weary, and to understand you better.
a scene from the movie "the King's speech"
4. ...too quiet
Put your hands on the solar plexus. Remember something that you were very angry. Say any text, her hands pressed to her stomach and trying to keep the sounds proceed from the navel.
Release the anger, clearly pronouncing the consonants and widely opening the mouth.
Most try to Express their emotions – sadness, anger, joy. The voice will become rich, less formal, more sincere.
5. ...impersonal
Standing barefoot, calm breaths, inflating the abdomen with each breath.
Slowly move the foot from heel to toe and back.
Continue with your eyes closed. If your energy is too concentrated in the head, you lose your balance. Stop trying to control yourself and focus on the feet. This exercise will help you to better distribute energy.
You better "will grow roots" in your body, and tone of voice will become richer. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.b17.ru/blog/10638/

a scene from the movie "the King's speech"
It seems to me that many people think if the voice is something unchanging, given to us from birth and not amenable to training and even more changes. This view is mistaken.
I want to bring to Your attention a few simple exercises that affect the voice and help to shape it. These exercises really helped me in the first weeks of operation, when the voice “sat” first, after 4 hours of conversation, then after 3 and in the end, and did not recover for the next shift.
The author presents exercise tips is Philippe-Nicolas Melo (Philippe-Nicolas Melot), a French Professor of vocal, author of the course "Find your voice". He teaches singing Amateurs and professionals; it exercises are designed for the resolution of the main problems that can occur in a person with your own voice.
1. Your voice... you do not like
Turn left palm "shell" and attach it to the left ear – this will be the earpiece. Hold right to your mouth – it will become a microphone.
Make a trial, as a sound: loudly read, say different words, playing with sound.
Daily do this exercise for 5-10 minutes over 9 days.
Realizing exactly how the surrounding hear your voice, you can improve its sound. When we hear your voice in the microphone or watch the video with her participation, often own voice seems totally unfamiliar.
2. ... “stuck” in the throat
Exercise for the face. The goal is to clear the throat, passing the main work of the lips and the diaphragm. Pronounce the syllables "q-x": "Kew" lips are rounded, and "x" is pronounced with a broad smile.
Repeat the exercise 30 times, then say a little speech to make sure its usefulness.
During speeches vocal chords will be less tired, and the muscles of the mouth – easier to perform sent by the brain team.
3. ...does not sound
5-10 minutes a day to read out loud some text, but without consonants. Thus, the phrase "Five exercises to love your voice" will sound like "I-have-a-e-I-o-s-o-u-and-Oh-Oh-Oh". Consonants act as a springboard, causing vowel sounds to vibrate.
Re-read the same passage of text, this time cutting consonants.
The voice will gain in intensity of the vibration and sound that you will never be weary, and to understand you better.

a scene from the movie "the King's speech"
4. ...too quiet
Put your hands on the solar plexus. Remember something that you were very angry. Say any text, her hands pressed to her stomach and trying to keep the sounds proceed from the navel.
Release the anger, clearly pronouncing the consonants and widely opening the mouth.
Most try to Express their emotions – sadness, anger, joy. The voice will become rich, less formal, more sincere.
5. ...impersonal
Standing barefoot, calm breaths, inflating the abdomen with each breath.
Slowly move the foot from heel to toe and back.
Continue with your eyes closed. If your energy is too concentrated in the head, you lose your balance. Stop trying to control yourself and focus on the feet. This exercise will help you to better distribute energy.
You better "will grow roots" in your body, and tone of voice will become richer. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.b17.ru/blog/10638/