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The voice as instrument: learning to seduce them and lead business negotiations


Not a coincidence at first, geisha were taught not only skilful control of the body during sex, but the command of the voice. And only after that in Japanese Charmer learned other skills sexual science: singing, dancing, the art of ikebana, conducting tea ceremony, conversation...

No doubt the voice can have on men's magnetic influence. Legend has it that before meeting the man Cleopatra was talking to him from behind the curtain. The Queen had an extraordinary timbre and strength of voice, which she skillfully used, seducing the powerful. Plutarch wrote: "The sounds of her voice caressed and pleasing to the ear, and the language was exactly the many-stringed instrument, easy tuning at any fret...". Like sirens (panopticum-polozheniya) she fully enjoyed this gift, enticing in their networks need men.

Cleopatra knew many languages, who have studied not only for self, but to the representatives of any nation felt the power of her terrible weapon of seduction. Under her spell hit and Caesar, and Antonyand gnaeus the son of Pompey, and many others, Muzy. Nowadays, it seems that Cleopatra would have started the procedure of seduction with your phone.

Really, sexy beautiful voice works wonders. How many famous singers have captured many men's hearts! By the way, the whole business of "phone sex" is built on the seductive voices of ladies are able to make a man not what they say, but rather by the sound.

To talk sexy, it is not necessary to have by nature a beautiful voice or be able to magically sing. Smooth squeaky or squeaky voices verge of constant workouts. Writer Eugene Shatskaya in the book "Junior school bitches" (Publishing house "EKSMO") gives a few exercises for the formulation of a sexy voice.

So, to get started is to assess your voice and record it on a VCR or tape recorder. Scientists believe that the voice of a man owes his mother. It was her tone, the height and peculiarities of speech tries to copy the baby. In boys the voice in adolescence, breaks, acquiring new shades. The girls often remain unchanged. Surely all of us know cases, when you call the friend and begin to tell the latest gossip, but it turns out that you're talking to her mom – so similar voices.

The voice is the part of the image. It needs to be official as much as you need. At the same time must be solid and bland or slightly Flirty, that is the way you need at the moment. They can be varied. Therefore it is necessary to learn to seduce them, and lead business negotiations.

The 1st exercise. "Monkey"As a rule, the voice of business women associated with the voice presenter: loud, slow, without speech defects. Exercise to achieve this effect is very simple. As a sample, select your favourite presenter. Then pick up a newspaper and read in front of the mirror with an expression of any article, trying to diction and intonation was similar to the selected speaker. Record on tape.

After listening, mark, what's not to like. Again read and record. The main thing – to find his voice, which harmoniously fit into your image. When you find it, the next step is to introduce the presenter on the date. Make the voice softer, a little vibrating. Achieve day after day "velvety" notes, which will be enchanting music to men's ears.

2nd exercise. Remove the "restraint"If the voice is "pinched", it should "let go". How to do it? Yell, for example, as loud as you can – words or vowel sounds, try to sing an Aria. Even if you make it false, not scary. You're not on stage to speak. "Restraint" is after the massage, when the muscles are relaxed or after taking a small dose of alcohol (only it must be careful!). You can just try once to remember the result.

"Pressed" voice is a consequence of internal complexes, self-doubt.

Remember the recipes of Diogenes is to go ashore and speak to the waves or read a lecture to the statue. Instead of the statue you can take a portrait of someone or a poster with the actor/singer. Try to give him business or to seduce. Many much easier to communicate if speech is accompanied by gestures. So the person is liberating. Do not abandon habits, which helps to relieve "stiffness", to think and speak more clearly and confidently.

3-e exercise. Setting holosystolic voice conversation or for singing – even though it is not the same, but very similar. Men don't like squeaky and high pitched voice. Female temptress should at least not be nasty, and ideally flows like a tale of Scheherazade, to be like music, where you will hear any. Of particular charm are the so-called "chest voice". They are more common in jazz singers and performers of songs. Such a voice may be low or high, but he was strong as the singers, with "meat". To develop such a voice is easy. Its distinguishing feature is that the sound is carried not only by ligaments, and by proper breathing. Women breathe with the chest, shallow and superficial, often inhaling air. The winner of the same breast voice breathe with your belly. Exercise is that you have to put a hand on your belly and breathe with his tongue hanging out so that air was not accumulated in the chest and in the stomach. Then, deeper breathing, say something. Try to develop the habit before to say something, to breathe, to feel slightly strained vocal chords and only then start talking. Sing songs, trying to keep the voice low and sonorous. Open his mouth wider and clearly, without him, pronounce the word. Many chest voice given in a half-smile when the sky is lifted, creating acoustic voice amplifier. Singers call this situation of the sky "dome". Feel the "dome" you can, opening your mouth wide or yawning.

4th exercise. Training grammaticly person speaks too loudly, it's annoying. But the same effect produces a quiet, slurred speech. Feature well-trained voices – it is well audible, even when the person says in a whisper. Try to develop a voice in a quiet voice and whisper, speak loudly, but softly, creating the same "dome".

5th exercise. Get rid of the accent and "swallowing" zvukovoi it is necessary to recall the film "Carnival" and the main character, played by Irina Muravyova. Nuts in your mouth and forward – deklamiruya poems, recite tongue twisters. Nuts provide a barrier in your mouth, impeding speech. And the easier it will flow when you pull it out of his mouth.

6th exercise. Practice different voices and intonatio method Walt Disney try to bring to life the artistry. The great animator evaluated their projects from three points of view. First thought of the project, then laid it fictional criticism. Then, seated critic, criticized the project itself. And either rejected or passed with amendments for consideration by a third party, that is himself.

The last part of the performance was calculated the cost of the project, arguing with a dreamer. Try also to play the speech to the chief, playing colleagues and friends, copying their facial expressions and manner of speaking. Good training for voice – the telling of anecdotes.

And finally, a few words about what voice I want to hear men. Sexual is considered smooth, with a small intake of breath, speech, to the best of painted emotions and small gestures.

Many men like slight hoarseness. They associate it with experience and sophistication, sometimes even perversity. But wheezing like an old gramophone, a woman produces rather the impression of a cold or a lot of Smoking, rather than seductive.

Try in conversation to do less unnecessary pauses. They say that man slowly thinks or wants to give itself a more serious and significant than it is. Avoid didactic intonations. Looking at him, never averting her eyes, as if a direct gaze to withstand hard look the interlocutor in the nose.

And most importantly – often smile. A smile gives your voice the softness and unique charm. Do not stop training even for a day. Repeat the exercise until, until a new tone will not be familiar and family.


Source: domashniy.ru/