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Sense of the sacred lullabies


Forty one million eight hundred three thousand three hundred seven

Surely each of us adults remember some song from his childhood, or only a few words remaining in the memory, sung by mom, or grandma. And you were little. And now you think about it, and a warm feeling of happiness and love spreads to your Ya.

Life can have thousands of different events, but this is something you will always remember. For your conscious and subconscious, the feeling is most important. The feeling of overwhelming love and peace that is associated with the first song you heard — lullaby the World is rapidly changing, often not for the better. Your baby is absolutely defenseless against the world. You parents are the only barrier between your little man and the World.

Let us a little decide what is a lullaby?

Russian people had a rich culture and a millennial history long before the arrival of Christianity. The accumulated wisdom of a people passed down through the generations in an imaginative and verbally. From the older to the younger. As in nature, when a baby is born, it is first necessary mother, she protects him, gives him food, licks it, teaches necessary things.

Later connected father, and parents teach kids to survive, to hunt, to continue the race. Man is born. How mother can talk and communicate with him? With the help of some subtle vibrations, voice intonations, mother or other good woman can pass the little man is a huge array of information about the world, to set it to an understanding and the ability to appreciate beauty in this complex world Even before birth, even when the man is in the stomach, he already hears and feels! On this subject much is already written, look for and read is interesting.

Obviously, these folk songs and voices resonate with our bodies, for they came from our body, from the body of the people. Any other organism such songs will not occur in principle, so we understand it without words, it's just our way it is. There is a myth or a legend that in the old days, in ancient times, near the Egyptian city of Thebes stood a huge statue – the Colossus of Memnon. She was holding the so-called Eolian harp. Every morning, at dawn, harp uttered the sound "La". The Theban band was set up on it. Several thousand years has served the people is a miracle until it was destroyed.

But how the ancient masters learned the proximity of the note to a man? Because the length of the sound waves of humanity began to define relatively recently. The answer is simple First cry of a newborn announcing its arrival, on the height (frequency), regardless of gender and race were the same, with a deviation of not more than 3% and equal to 440 Hz. on the frequency scale, or exactly 440 vibrations per second! That is, the note "La" first octave, building musical instruments.

The basic functioning of any system – wave processes. Try to determine what the oscillation frequency is closest to the human body as a living dynamic system. It is known that if the length of some of the body coincides with the whole wavelength, then such a body in relation to it – polnomochnogo vibrator and absorb this wave. This is crucial in the phenomena of resonant isomorphism.

If the body coincides with half the wavelength – that is a half-wave dipole: absorbs and radiates it. If a quarter wavelength, a quarter wave – it just radiates.

It is known that all tuning forks absorb and emit a single note – "La". Why? Obviously, it's all about the wavelength of the sound. To find the wavelength, it is necessary its velocity divided by frequency. The speed of sound in air is 343 m/sec. Divide a frequency of 440 Hz. Thus, the wavelength of the sound "La": 343/440 Hz. = 0,77954 M.

Therefore, polnomochnogo vibrator, to her, should be equal to 78 cm, But it's – the average length of the vertebral column of an adult. And, so, the man is a tuning fork itself. Moreover. Its width of the chest is equal to half the length of this wave, and the distance between the auricles of the quarter! That is, at least three of his options, the man tuned to the note "La" as a vibrator.

In the spectrum of the human voice, the sound remains fundamental for life. Growing people – changes the spine. Follow changes in critical periods of human life corresponding to the row of Fibonacci numbers.

In 5 years the spine, compared to the original, is lengthened twice. The first octave range voice. Man comes into the period of adolescence.

In 13 years, the length of the spine becomes three times longer. Ends adolescence. The vocal range is a sequence of a reference tone (1) – the octave (2/1) – quantum (3/2). Thanks quantum, we believe that the teen is "breaking" voice

Hereinafter, the youth. To 21 years completed the quadruple of the spine. With the end of adolescence, the formation of the body, mainly the ends. Voice range expanded to two octaves (4/1)..

They say that great poets necessarily, seers. After all, Vladimir Mayakovsky, not knowing all the intricacies, some poetic inspiration called his poem "the backbone Flute" in which he declared: "today I will play the flute. On their own spine." from the book by Valery gagina "Blade life»:

By the way, a simple home phone. If you just pick up the phone and listen to it will be the note "La". The fifth string six-string guitar.

Resonance oscillatory systems is well studied and understood phenomenon in physics. If you excite the tuning fork at a frequency, say, 440 Hertz and bring it to the other, unexcited, a tuning fork with natural frequency is also 440 Hz, the latter, too, will begin to sound. In this case we say that the second tuning fork made to resonate first. Physics of resonant interaction with the same success applies to biological systems (i.e.-child). Obviously, these folk songs and voices resonate with our bodies, for they came from our body, from the body of the people. Any other organism such songs will not occur in principle, so we understand it without words, it's just our way it is.

Otolaryngologist Alfred Tomatis "the first" systematically investigated the effect on the human psyche of high frequency sounds. According to his theory, a child floating in the amniotic fluid in utero, hears a lot of sounds that to him after the birth are unavailable — the mother's breath and her heartbeat, the voice, the noise from the internal organs, etc. Due to the fact that in utero the baby's ears filled with liquid, conducting the sound is much better than the air; in particular, the liquid is much less damped high-frequency components of the sound.

For the use of their discoveries for practice Tomatis dipped into the bathroom protected film microphones and speakers through which broadcast the work of internal organs of the female. Therefore, it was modeled filtering sound through the mother's placenta. On the resulting records, a large part of the spectrum of sounds lying in the range above 8000 Hz. When done in this way gave the records to listen to children with various disabilities — dyslexia, autism, hyperactivity, changes in their behavior and teaching were stunning. This high frequency sound, according to the theory of Tomatis, awakens a sense of very archaic relationship with the mother. Such sounds seem to affect the oldest, the primordial layers of our memory of the bliss of being in mother's womb unity with the mother, and awaken in the listener is a lost sense of wholeness, and sometimes even trigger these same ancient mechanisms in humans, becoming active processes that only occur during intrauterine development.

Twenty four million eight hundred ninety one thousand two hundred thirty


P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

Source: http:// ecology.md/page/kolybelnye-pesni-sakralnyj-smysl