About how I was drinking beer with Fred Durst.
Those who know Hu from Fred Durst and what Limp Bizkit - HERE! )
The others ask pass.
Will be 13 photos and 3 videos.
Fasting is not the first, you can kick)
Actually the beginning of the story takes in 2010, when my friend Sergei offered to go to the concert of Limp Bizkit. Not that I was a tremendous fan of the group and was delighted with the idea, but he realized that for 24 years has not been in any explanatory concert has taken a positive decision. Especially from the work of many Limp Bizkit songs in his time listening "to the holes", and some even knew by heart. The tickets we bought a few months and would count down the remaining days before the concert.
Queues, heating and so on - a topic for another post. More to the point)
Being at a concert in the fan zone (just before the stage), right in front of the performer - a fantastic experience! Living Fred Durst is on me three meters! And it is not necessary, and performs songs of my youth! But how can perform: the live sound yet radically different from the studio, the album. Plus, the sound is very loud, plus the drive of the crowd, you tightly fitting))
The concert was great! At some point, between songs, Fred got somewhere a bottle of vodka and began to pour the contents of a group of comrades in the mouth from the bottle. Finishing off a bottle in person, he continued the song, the first chords of which all this time was playing bass. The audience was delighted!
And, in another pause between songs, Fred, pacing the stage and talking into a microphone with the crowd in the hall saw a guy with a poster. I asked to pick a poster higher to read the inscription. And reading, invited the boy to the stage! That was something! Under the envy of the crowd of thousands, the guy made his way to the stage and stayed there for the whole song! It was cool! They hug goodbye to Fred and guy wires back into the hall.
It was an amazing experience! My friends and I like all were happy for the guy, and each in his own jealous of his good fortune to go on stage with Fred.
It took one and a half years and Sergey again offered to go to the concert of Limp Bizkit, who are planning to give two concerts in Moscow in June 2012. My eyes lit up! I realized that here it is, my chance! To understand exactly what this time I go up on stage to Fred!
Tickets bought! It remains only a few days before the concert. Every time I think - "Well, today it is necessary to call in stationery, buy everything you need to start painting and poster," and so goes, day after day, drawing poster transferred to tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on.
And then came the day! In the evening, at eight o'clock in the door area Stadium Live swing open for us and we will meet with your favorite artist! There remain a few hours, and I have a poster or not! Sam-I, meanwhile, had all the relatives and friends nasvistet that the purpose of the evening - to go on stage with Fred and ready for this purpose at all.
All of our guys have already met - planned to go to a concert six of us, with Sergei and his friends - sat in nutrition unit shopping center with a couple of tables and waited for me. An hour before the concert, I take refuge, worn by all day for meetings at work and have not had time to buy office equipment for the poster.
I found a book store, where, as an evil, there were no flipcharts, bought a sheet of A3, markers for drawing, pencil sketch, tape to fasten sheets. Rushed to the guys quickly spent them in their evil plans and to the general derision, we started to draw.
In my head all day winding in traffic jams of the capital, to bring a lot of ideas to draw a poster. But most of all liked one, its simplicity and brevity - do the words "Limp Bizkit Moscow likes to" self-English and instead of the word love to paint a big red heart. And I shared this idea with the guys and asked Sergei to do a pencil sketch. Just ten minutes and a sketch was ready. (this is the way I frame in shirt-parody of the UK)
Slightly worked markers and the result became visible to the naked eye. We have not had a task to create a piece of art, we just had to with five to ten meters message was read.
Just a little patience and a poster was ready!
We have joked, "concert tickets Limp Bizkit - 1790 rubles. Paper, markers, tape, pencil - 150 rubles. To get to the stage - priceless! "(To the tune of advertising cards)
Here's the finished poster next to a man, the dimensions are clear. Over the same way a poster Sergey, and the right of sticking my hand))
We stand in a queue in a concert hall, we went through all the checkpoints, the metal detector. It has been warming, which for an hour annealed Belarusian group. Guys were getting pretty bad, the audience reacted adequately.
And here on the scene appeared musicians from Limp Bizkit! It seemed that the most difficult thing behind us, here they are, before they can reach almost hand! But no, apparently ... The point is that the public is standing in the front row, very tightly held on to their seats, and extracted in loktetolkaniyah bodaniya with other fans. Those who were a little farther, trying to squeeze closer. And this created a terrible crush! And during the hottest moments of the song, or rather during the choruses, the whole crowd of thousands starts jumping on the spot! It looks like this here, since 1:40
Save my poster, rolled into a roll in such conditions it was a mission impossible! After the first such "sausage" poster was "like from one place dostat", a gift that does not break anywhere, I survived. It remained for the small - to watch for the moment when Fred walks on stage during a break between songs and to raise and deploy a poster in sight. There began Mission: Impossible 2, because it cost me to deploy a poster, immediately begin the next song and the crowd I endured. Or, if you even managed to raise and deploy a poster, Fred was in a completely different side of the stage and obviously he could not see me with my message across. This went on for an hour - I was trying to squeeze the left and right to monitor the movements of the soloist on the stage and every time between the songs he tried to draw attention to their crumpled poster.
So, it happened! Fred walks across the stage, the hall asks "Do you feel good?" And the overall "eeeee!" Responds «Fuck eee, fuck eee ...» and his gaze falls on me, turning back a crumpled poster above his head. "Your poster upside down!" Fred said to me and I hear from all sides hint "guy, turn!". I look really, like a fool hold his creative upside down. Flips. Fred grasp and says, "Oh, yeah, I like it! Let's get up here man, I want to see you on stage! »
My feelings - beyond words! Struggling made his way to the stage through the hardcore fans in the first row, which is not understood to be a fright to disperse before somehow brow.
With some difficulty, but he made his way to the fence, barely rolled over beneath his comments Fred "security will not help you, Come on dude." And personal bodyguard Fred led me to the stage, carefully inspect visually.
I'm on the stage! Tower tears! The whole body is shaking terribly, as if I myself continue to lead this concert! I do not feel as ever, even when a parachute jump. Drive will pohlesche.
Once talking with friends on the subject, what do I do / say if (or rather when) Getting on the same stage. Neighing, it would be cool to say something from the category of "Be a man blead!". They then neighing and forgotten, and I have now is nothing other than that in mind from stress and was not! ))
Fred asked me my name, where I wanted to continue to start singing, as here, I saw that on a special monitor, rotated on the stage, showing the name of the next song (and during the songs there were words like karaoke, just in case he forgets text. It should be noted that the screen that Fred is not needed, it is almost all the time is on the edge of the stage, closer to the fans and all the songs he knows by heart). Fred pulled his hand over the microphone. He hesitantly gave it to me with a little bit frightened face. I yelled - "Gold Cobra blead!" Because is the title of this song, I saw on the screen. "Cobra Gold?" - Said at the Fred Hall, unsorted last word. All shouted "Yeah!" And after his team's "Lets do IT!" Rushed the song. He gave me a red cap with earflaps with the Soviet coat of arms, apparently, someone had given him in honor of his red cap, usually complementary way.
I vaguely remember myself, I was overwhelmed by emotions about it. I remember trying to somehow move, waved placards and even took off a little bit on your phone.
At one point, Fred crawled to me on a pedestal for the drummer, which he put me, and wanted to give me a piece of a song to sing, looking me in the mouth. But when he saw that I did not sing along, dopel song itself.
How to sing along if you do not know the text? What could sing in karaoke on the screen - came the next day! ) From the excitement did not immediately realized. A Cobra Gold this - their most recent album, which they themselves, and not PR nowhere and songs from it is not often performed. And words that I really knew only the chorus ...
At the end of the song, Fred again shook my hand and hugged and said, "Wait a minute, we have a beer for this guy? I want to see how it is with me fucking drink beer! ". Here one must say that I do not drink. Well, that is all. Almost three years ago just stopped drinking alcohol. I do not drink a 25-anniversary or a wedding or the birth of a son. And here he is with his beer))
The guys were ready to break me, because in the crowd every drop of water, even sweat neighbor - a joy, because with such a density of the crowd and the constant jumping was very hot. And here I am, on stage, gave up beer from the hands of Fred Durst, the idol of a large crowd))
«Water, please» - I said. "Water?" Said Fred. "Yes, water, please," I repeated. "He says the water, and I say the beer!" Said Fred into the microphone and gave me a glass of cold beer. He winked at me, making it clear that it is still necessary to show and bring my presence on the stage to its logical conclusion. I realized it and pretended to sip a drink by typing in your mouth a little foam))
We checked, we sipped again embraced and Fred asked his badigarda take me to the gym.
7:00 Video from a phone that managed to record.
2:10 Amazing! Magically! Why, fucking! I descend from the stage with a sense of deep satisfaction! Put this goal, the chances of implementation which one to xs and how to execute it - it's incredibly nice!
From now until the end of the event, I was approached by a total of about a hundred people, huddled my hand and exclaimed "Stac", "fellow", "oh, this is the guy," and so on. It was, of course, pleased that so obscure))
I went up to the bar, so satisfied, please cola. It was so good, sipping a Coke, which is a favorite performer, playing my favorite songs in the background, I did not pay any attention! Goal achieved!
That's all I wanted to say! ) If you like, and you have experienced at least 1/100 of that experience happened to me, please, plyusanite up there! Thank you for attention!
The others ask pass.
Will be 13 photos and 3 videos.
Fasting is not the first, you can kick)

Actually the beginning of the story takes in 2010, when my friend Sergei offered to go to the concert of Limp Bizkit. Not that I was a tremendous fan of the group and was delighted with the idea, but he realized that for 24 years has not been in any explanatory concert has taken a positive decision. Especially from the work of many Limp Bizkit songs in his time listening "to the holes", and some even knew by heart. The tickets we bought a few months and would count down the remaining days before the concert.

Queues, heating and so on - a topic for another post. More to the point)
Being at a concert in the fan zone (just before the stage), right in front of the performer - a fantastic experience! Living Fred Durst is on me three meters! And it is not necessary, and performs songs of my youth! But how can perform: the live sound yet radically different from the studio, the album. Plus, the sound is very loud, plus the drive of the crowd, you tightly fitting))
The concert was great! At some point, between songs, Fred got somewhere a bottle of vodka and began to pour the contents of a group of comrades in the mouth from the bottle. Finishing off a bottle in person, he continued the song, the first chords of which all this time was playing bass. The audience was delighted!

And, in another pause between songs, Fred, pacing the stage and talking into a microphone with the crowd in the hall saw a guy with a poster. I asked to pick a poster higher to read the inscription. And reading, invited the boy to the stage! That was something! Under the envy of the crowd of thousands, the guy made his way to the stage and stayed there for the whole song! It was cool! They hug goodbye to Fred and guy wires back into the hall.

It was an amazing experience! My friends and I like all were happy for the guy, and each in his own jealous of his good fortune to go on stage with Fred.
It took one and a half years and Sergey again offered to go to the concert of Limp Bizkit, who are planning to give two concerts in Moscow in June 2012. My eyes lit up! I realized that here it is, my chance! To understand exactly what this time I go up on stage to Fred!
Tickets bought! It remains only a few days before the concert. Every time I think - "Well, today it is necessary to call in stationery, buy everything you need to start painting and poster," and so goes, day after day, drawing poster transferred to tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on.
And then came the day! In the evening, at eight o'clock in the door area Stadium Live swing open for us and we will meet with your favorite artist! There remain a few hours, and I have a poster or not! Sam-I, meanwhile, had all the relatives and friends nasvistet that the purpose of the evening - to go on stage with Fred and ready for this purpose at all.
All of our guys have already met - planned to go to a concert six of us, with Sergei and his friends - sat in nutrition unit shopping center with a couple of tables and waited for me. An hour before the concert, I take refuge, worn by all day for meetings at work and have not had time to buy office equipment for the poster.
I found a book store, where, as an evil, there were no flipcharts, bought a sheet of A3, markers for drawing, pencil sketch, tape to fasten sheets. Rushed to the guys quickly spent them in their evil plans and to the general derision, we started to draw.

In my head all day winding in traffic jams of the capital, to bring a lot of ideas to draw a poster. But most of all liked one, its simplicity and brevity - do the words "Limp Bizkit Moscow likes to" self-English and instead of the word love to paint a big red heart. And I shared this idea with the guys and asked Sergei to do a pencil sketch. Just ten minutes and a sketch was ready. (this is the way I frame in shirt-parody of the UK)

Slightly worked markers and the result became visible to the naked eye. We have not had a task to create a piece of art, we just had to with five to ten meters message was read.

Just a little patience and a poster was ready!
We have joked, "concert tickets Limp Bizkit - 1790 rubles. Paper, markers, tape, pencil - 150 rubles. To get to the stage - priceless! "(To the tune of advertising cards)

Here's the finished poster next to a man, the dimensions are clear. Over the same way a poster Sergey, and the right of sticking my hand))

We stand in a queue in a concert hall, we went through all the checkpoints, the metal detector. It has been warming, which for an hour annealed Belarusian group. Guys were getting pretty bad, the audience reacted adequately.
And here on the scene appeared musicians from Limp Bizkit! It seemed that the most difficult thing behind us, here they are, before they can reach almost hand! But no, apparently ... The point is that the public is standing in the front row, very tightly held on to their seats, and extracted in loktetolkaniyah bodaniya with other fans. Those who were a little farther, trying to squeeze closer. And this created a terrible crush! And during the hottest moments of the song, or rather during the choruses, the whole crowd of thousands starts jumping on the spot! It looks like this here, since 1:40
Save my poster, rolled into a roll in such conditions it was a mission impossible! After the first such "sausage" poster was "like from one place dostat", a gift that does not break anywhere, I survived. It remained for the small - to watch for the moment when Fred walks on stage during a break between songs and to raise and deploy a poster in sight. There began Mission: Impossible 2, because it cost me to deploy a poster, immediately begin the next song and the crowd I endured. Or, if you even managed to raise and deploy a poster, Fred was in a completely different side of the stage and obviously he could not see me with my message across. This went on for an hour - I was trying to squeeze the left and right to monitor the movements of the soloist on the stage and every time between the songs he tried to draw attention to their crumpled poster.

So, it happened! Fred walks across the stage, the hall asks "Do you feel good?" And the overall "eeeee!" Responds «Fuck eee, fuck eee ...» and his gaze falls on me, turning back a crumpled poster above his head. "Your poster upside down!" Fred said to me and I hear from all sides hint "guy, turn!". I look really, like a fool hold his creative upside down. Flips. Fred grasp and says, "Oh, yeah, I like it! Let's get up here man, I want to see you on stage! »
My feelings - beyond words! Struggling made his way to the stage through the hardcore fans in the first row, which is not understood to be a fright to disperse before somehow brow.
With some difficulty, but he made his way to the fence, barely rolled over beneath his comments Fred "security will not help you, Come on dude." And personal bodyguard Fred led me to the stage, carefully inspect visually.
I'm on the stage! Tower tears! The whole body is shaking terribly, as if I myself continue to lead this concert! I do not feel as ever, even when a parachute jump. Drive will pohlesche.
Once talking with friends on the subject, what do I do / say if (or rather when) Getting on the same stage. Neighing, it would be cool to say something from the category of "Be a man blead!". They then neighing and forgotten, and I have now is nothing other than that in mind from stress and was not! ))
Fred asked me my name, where I wanted to continue to start singing, as here, I saw that on a special monitor, rotated on the stage, showing the name of the next song (and during the songs there were words like karaoke, just in case he forgets text. It should be noted that the screen that Fred is not needed, it is almost all the time is on the edge of the stage, closer to the fans and all the songs he knows by heart). Fred pulled his hand over the microphone. He hesitantly gave it to me with a little bit frightened face. I yelled - "Gold Cobra blead!" Because is the title of this song, I saw on the screen. "Cobra Gold?" - Said at the Fred Hall, unsorted last word. All shouted "Yeah!" And after his team's "Lets do IT!" Rushed the song. He gave me a red cap with earflaps with the Soviet coat of arms, apparently, someone had given him in honor of his red cap, usually complementary way.
I vaguely remember myself, I was overwhelmed by emotions about it. I remember trying to somehow move, waved placards and even took off a little bit on your phone.
At one point, Fred crawled to me on a pedestal for the drummer, which he put me, and wanted to give me a piece of a song to sing, looking me in the mouth. But when he saw that I did not sing along, dopel song itself.
How to sing along if you do not know the text? What could sing in karaoke on the screen - came the next day! ) From the excitement did not immediately realized. A Cobra Gold this - their most recent album, which they themselves, and not PR nowhere and songs from it is not often performed. And words that I really knew only the chorus ...
At the end of the song, Fred again shook my hand and hugged and said, "Wait a minute, we have a beer for this guy? I want to see how it is with me fucking drink beer! ". Here one must say that I do not drink. Well, that is all. Almost three years ago just stopped drinking alcohol. I do not drink a 25-anniversary or a wedding or the birth of a son. And here he is with his beer))
The guys were ready to break me, because in the crowd every drop of water, even sweat neighbor - a joy, because with such a density of the crowd and the constant jumping was very hot. And here I am, on stage, gave up beer from the hands of Fred Durst, the idol of a large crowd))
«Water, please» - I said. "Water?" Said Fred. "Yes, water, please," I repeated. "He says the water, and I say the beer!" Said Fred into the microphone and gave me a glass of cold beer. He winked at me, making it clear that it is still necessary to show and bring my presence on the stage to its logical conclusion. I realized it and pretended to sip a drink by typing in your mouth a little foam))
We checked, we sipped again embraced and Fred asked his badigarda take me to the gym.
7:00 Video from a phone that managed to record.
2:10 Amazing! Magically! Why, fucking! I descend from the stage with a sense of deep satisfaction! Put this goal, the chances of implementation which one to xs and how to execute it - it's incredibly nice!

From now until the end of the event, I was approached by a total of about a hundred people, huddled my hand and exclaimed "Stac", "fellow", "oh, this is the guy," and so on. It was, of course, pleased that so obscure))

I went up to the bar, so satisfied, please cola. It was so good, sipping a Coke, which is a favorite performer, playing my favorite songs in the background, I did not pay any attention! Goal achieved!

That's all I wanted to say! ) If you like, and you have experienced at least 1/100 of that experience happened to me, please, plyusanite up there! Thank you for attention!
