Late in the evening, I got a call when I opened the door, there was an ex-mother-in-law standing on the doorstep, she clearly had a conversation with me.

In the relationship of two adults, sometimes there are various kinds of misunderstandings and conflicts. Not surprisingly, normal human behavior. Arguments have been present in our lives since childhood, but the main thing is to be able to solve them correctly. To do this, it is customary to use the necessary arguments, to provide facts of their rightness. Here. compassionate The other side is a weak position. You can't go far with her.

And yet, for lack of anything better, some turn to such tactics. It just gets more and more annoying. As a result, wives leave their “weak” husbands. Husbands who are tired of baseless and unsubstantiated accusations against themselves also flee the family. Why is that? Because conflicts need to start competently and in business. A quarrel for the sake of a quarrel has never led to anything good.

No matter how many stories I hear about daughters-in-law and mother-in-law, I’m sure my wildest of them. No, we didn't have any fights and the furniture wasn't thrown out the window. It's nothing like that. But the part of the broken family is another matter. And why and why all this was necessary, I still do not understand.

My husband and I couldn’t have children for a long time. We went to consultations, went to doctors. It turned out that he had problems with men's health. Thank goodness this case was fine. That's what fate means. I never complained to my husband about anything he could not do. But in the 8th year of our life together, a miracle happened and we immediately had twins. Both boys from birth were like two drops of water similar to the father.

Since my husband was earning decently, and I was used to household chores, I did not have to think about work. Of course, the home routine increased, but it was to my delight. As I said above, my mother-in-law didn’t get along. Since I met you. She did not want to help her grandchildren. Well, I could come once a month, bring some fruit and admire the baby. But to sit with them or something, never.

There was plenty of talk behind my back. And the fact that I became fat after giving birth (and I was always inclined to be fat), and my attitude towards her is not the way she needs. My husband told me a couple of times that my mother-in-law even cried, remembering how I offended her with my attitude. For my part, I did not give any reason at all. What's the point? I have kids, I don’t have anything to do.

Well, one “beautiful” day off, when I came from the store, my husband was waiting for me on the doorstep. Dressed, shoeed, with a bag over his shoulder. He told me the news: 'Sorry, darling, I found another one. There's no life without her, and that's it. I'll leave the apartment to you, I'll pay alimony. So forgive me and goodbye. We had a good time.”

When I cried for a few hours and decided to call the father of my children, his phone was already off. Where he went, I obviously didn't know. My mother-in-law answered my call immediately. And in a sly voice she told me that I was to blame for my own misfortunes. And Elena, his new passion, smart, beautiful, slim as a deer, and in everything her son obeys. So I'll do my best. It's just a pity that I was able to grab the apartment, that's a mistake.

Is it difficult for a mother to live alone with two young children? You can ask someone you know. I'm sure there are a few examples. Although I tried to run the house, there was not enough money. I couldn’t go to work for obvious reasons, so I had to come up with something urgently. And after a while, the right option was found. I just started doing what I knew so well. Cooking. I bought the right products and sculpted dumplings, cakes, dumplings. And then sold ready-made dishes and frozen semi-finished products to everyone via the Internet. And people liked it.

Not to say that it was very easy for me or that my new job brought unprecedented profits, but somehow we healed as people. The kids were growing up, I learned to work at home, so I could even take some time off to get out of my mind. Well, let's break through. The only question is, what to do next? I had neither the time nor the desire to date other men. Correspondence on the same network in our century is a scam. And then one evening, a sudden bell rang at the door of my apartment, and then a knock.

Who could it be? People don’t come to me often, even at this hour. Is that what? How come he hasn't forgotten the address in such a while? So what do we do? I had to go open the door. With a full head of all sorts of thoughts, I turned the doorknob. On the doorstep was my only and favorite ex-mother-in-law. Unhappy, kind of twisted. And immediately, without entering the house, she began to complain to me about her son and the “herring”, which he warmed up in their apartment.

Despite my mother-in-law’s attempts to please my ex-husband’s new woman, she showed no warm feelings on her part. And then I started talking all sorts of things. Like, the three of them will be cramped, probably, my love, your mother to give to a nursing home. And despite all the protests of my mother-in-law, her son sided with his new love. It turned out that I was not such a bad daughter-in-law at the time. So now she has a new plan.

“Honey, forgive me for the past. I was stupid, I didn't understand. But now I finally get it. We'll get it back. I'm his mother and you're the mother of his children. He'll definitely listen to us both. You just have to do it wisely, and he'll come home like he's cute. So here's his phone number...

I closed the door with a sweep, even a little scared if I nailed my unexpected guest after it. I looked in the eye and made sure she was okay. And then as if nothing had happened, she went to the children's room. I'd rather it be the way it is than be with this crazy family again. Expel your own mother? It's terrible. And leave the family for a young beauty, leaving their own children? Live as you like, I don't feel sorry for you. And I'd rather raise my kids and not think about all this madhouse. Great idea, I think.


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