My sister’s husband suddenly wanted to meet me, and I wondered what such a business man wanted from me.

If you're going to pay. kinshipWe advise you not to spend more money than you are not afraid to lose. So that, if anything, there will be no drama or even tragedy. Let the banks do big loans. They have all the tools and information they need. And ordinary people from such actions only gray prematurely.

Peels First, you as a borrower won't win anything. Interest from a relative is not accepted. Secondly, if everything goes wrong, it will be very difficult to get yours back, and even other relatives will begin to judge you. Believe me, this is a classic reaction in such cases. And, thirdly, all this fuss will bring only a negative for the nervous system. And treating it is very difficult and expensive. They say all diseases are nerves.

Despite being 29 years old, I celebrate my birthday twice every year. The first time on the date I was born. The second was when he escaped the fire. Or rather, my older sister saved me. It took me 20 minutes before the fire truck arrived. Obviously, they would never have had time.

The Peels story is actually quite banal. I'm a seven-year-old dumbass who saw caramel made on TV. To do this, you need to melt the sugar in the pan, bringing it to a liquid state. My parents weren't home, so I decided to experiment. I didn’t want the sugar so I decided to wait in the other room. And safely distracted by cartoons, while thick smoke went from the pan.

As we were told later, the curtain lit first, and then the whole kitchen. Smoke started, I burned. Well, my sister came back from school earlier and carried me out. She acted like a real hero.

Mom and Dad didn't even swear at me. A little bit of scolding, and that's it. But the sister in the family became a real favorite. She got all the attention. And my mother always reminded me of that incident and always in between advised me to thank my sister again for saving me. Even after twenty years. Can you imagine?

We grew up. I got into modern technology, learned to be a programmer. This profession gave me the opportunity to provide myself well, to visit many places, to see a large number of interesting countries and people. Unfortunately, my sister was worse off. It's not my fault, she just didn't have time.

At first she worked in a specialty, then a friend advised her to go to a beauty salon. They paid more and she liked the job. Cilics, nails, cuticles... Basically, I was happy for her. And then she met Victor, with whom she later became engaged.

I didn't like this guy from the beginning. Small, twisty eyes. On duty smile on the face, framed with perfect bristles. Artistic, always in a good mood. There are no such people in real life, unless you play their part diligently. Anyway, I was worried about my sister, but she didn't want a soul for this Victor. He's the only one we've ever talked about.

I hoped my mother would be on my side. But she also succumbed to the charms of this pretender. The funny thing is that when we met, my relatives treated me much cooler than Victor. My mother put him closer to me than me. She laughed at his jokes, even though she didn’t take my humor at all.

Peels Well, Vitya was also a businessman. I was just pushing two buttons all day. And here is a business man with knowledge of life and such acquaintances that it is breathtaking. No matter how much I tried to ask what kind of business my son-in-law had, I could not get a specific answer. There's too much business range. In other words, not for average minds.

So I was surprised when, 3 months after their wedding, Victor invited me to meet him. Why would such a busy person need a regular “button presser”? Of course, for business. And not simple, but very profitable. You just needed money to get in. And cash, as you know, serious businessmen never have. It's all spinning and making a profit, if anyone didn't know.

It was a favor to a few thousand evergreens. It's not deadly to me, but it's not a small amount these days. The whole family knew. My plan was to “help” my sister’s family a little. And they make the first deposit in the mortgage, in the apartment of their dreams. As you can see, the profit promised to be good.

But neither a month or six months later, the promised “profit” did not appear. By this time, I should have had my money already. Admittedly, I forgot a little about them myself, because a lot of work fell on my head. My son-in-law wasn’t very visible. But after another 3 months, I began to have fair questions about my investments.

It was my mom's birthday on the nose. While I had the chance, I wanted to talk to Victor about the situation. But he was the first to take the floor. I asked for everyone’s attention, got up and painted for a few minutes how good I was, which helped their family in a difficult moment. And that they are grateful to me for the funds provided, which, of course, will be returned when the opportunity arises.

So my money went from my 100 percent return on investment to normal debt. Not easy, but in debt to his sister. Which, of course, turns it into a gift. Moreover, the reaction to this news was very joyful. My parents strongly supported my son-in-law, and my father even sympathetically patted him on the shoulder. I was so confused that I didn’t even protest. He just clapped his eyes and smiled stupidly when Victor came to shake my hand.

But in any situation you need to find a positive. Let me lose that money. Nothing, I'll make more money, I have the opportunity. Vitya is the second son to my parents, and my sister loves him even more than before. But in family meetings, and in private conversation, my mother no longer bothers me with the subject of my past misconduct. He does not ask or advise me to thank my sister for saving me at any opportunity. In that regard, I am now free. Was it worth that much money? I'll say yes. After all, I paid morally for my sister that day. At least I feel that way. Did this bring me closer to Victor? Of course not. But now I'm not so worried about him being my sister's husband. People like him won't be lost. Which means she'll be fine too.

Happy ending? I think so. No one was hurt except my pocket. But this is a family, and financial trifles need to be overlooked. It's just money. I think so. What do you think?


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