My son came to ask for money, but I refused him, we will retire soon, not the time to throw away funds.

It's very hard to force. lendEspecially if you know you can’t get them back. Well, at least not a scandal. Therefore, when such an offer is received, many often begin to “turn on the back”. They say that they will think about discussing this issue with their wife, or just a classic “no money”.

Can you blame them for anything? By the way, banks have worked and continue to work. But they are not used to forgiving debts, and quite the contrary, they are still closely watching their debtors. Even some percentages are calculated. So the most convenient thing is still to ask someone from your family for a favor. So that you can have a fight and not talk for years.

Those who lived in the union should know that the money should be stored not in the bank, but under the pillow. Much more reliable. They do not need to be left behind, so there will be little tomorrow. I live by this principle and thank God I don’t complain. There are problems, though. Like a recent fight with my son.

My husband and I have been living together for 40 years. We had different periods, even at some point we wanted to file for divorce. But now, when the passions have subsided, the resentments are forgotten and you only want calm, everything has somehow improved. We live in a large apartment with a cat and me. He is our favorite, creates a good mood for me and my husband, so I am happy with everything.

But the only son sometimes upsets. He's a good guy. He's an adult. But I hate the way he behaves when his wife is around. You see, I don't mind when a couple becomes one. Make decisions together and so on. One head is good, two are better. But not when all decisions are made by one person, and even a woman. A man must be a man. Especially my son.

Andrei and Natasha got married 5 years ago. She's a smart girl, I would even say cunning. It's okay. It's good for life. It's simpler, more direct. But not stupid either. Works in the office, brings money to the house, without bad habits. What else would I want? This is an average family, I think.

Our wedding gift for young people was an apartment. Two-bedroom. We took it on the secondary, so everything was not good with the repair. It's a nice neighborhood and a brick. It was good that they had money set aside and the young ones made excellent repairs to their taste. The brigadier was a friend of her husband, so everything was done as for himself. I really enjoyed that moment.

As I said from the beginning, I prefer to keep my money in cash. I do not trust e-invoices and other new-fangled payment methods. Your account can be hacked or the state our beloved will transfer in his pocket some part, just like that. Things happen. So we have a safe where we put what we've saved in anticipation of retirement. Then my husband and I will be on our own.

I know very well that my son cannot take care of us. He's got a family, money goes there. In addition, it used to be believed in the idea that while the young need to plow. And now there are no fools, everyone wants to live while they have the opportunity. What will happen in old age is a separate conversation. So the money saved is important to us as a lifeline to a ship.

A year ago my son and his wife had children. Twin boys. Of course, my grandchildren are very happy. I'm ready to sit with them all night. Especially since they went to the pope: they do not whine, they behave quietly. Beautiful kids. But they need space.

In the past, I would say that a two-bedroom apartment for such a family would be very good. But today’s standards for young people, in my opinion, are a little too high. So their family decided to sell their two-bedroom apartment and buy a house. Well, it must be a good idea. But you have to be able to implement it. After all, the additional payment to the income from the apartment should still be significant. What are the banks’ interest rates, I don’t even know.

But it turned out that my son and daughter-in-law did not even intend to go to the bank. Instead, they had a great plan, in their opinion, in which my husband and I had to provide them with money. I'm serious. They thought to sell our apartment and “borrow” money to buy a private house. Not expensive, they say.

Peels, of course, we refused. In fact, I fully understand whose idea it was. After all, my son, when we lived together, did not ask me for extra pennies. Here, on you. Break up, parents, the piggy bank, we've decided to move. Of course, the daughter-in-law tried. There were requests, persuasion, and then managed to scandalize. However, we stayed our course. We'll still need our savings.

The most interesting thing is that they do not want to go to matchmakers. After all, my daughter-in-law's mom and dad would have sent them right away, I'm sure. And here, you see, you can play on emotions. Now my daughter-in-law won't let me see my grandchildren. With such a hint, they say, I do not give them the opportunity to grow in good conditions, in a normal living space.

But my husband and I understand that if we go to meet each other now, we will not live to receive this money back. And then, as our grandchildren grow up, do we have to stand on the porch with an outstretched hand? No way. We're not old yet. We also want to enjoy, travel and live. The young ones still have plenty of time, and it's time for us to rest. And this, as you all know, is not free at all.


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