Shortly before the silver wedding, my husband announced that he was leaving me, bought me a luxury apartment during the divorce, but this is not what I want.

Tell me, the word "divorce" does not appear before you a mirage called "common joint property of the spouses"? And the retinue of the ghost - rumors, gossip, quarrels, arguments, quarrels, scandals? Pay attention to the abundance of whistling "s" sound. It is as if the warning hiss of a snake lurking among bright, peaceful greenery is heard. Scared like a ghostly bogart from Harry Potter.

The common joint property of spouses A replace "c" with "sh" and say the words: "shobshtvensht", "whores", "shkloki"... It's not that threatening anymore, is it? If only it were so easy to get divorced. .

In the story of the abandoned woman Dina N. joint ownership It appears as a background and not a subject of litigation. They married Yegor 25 years ago as students. Their young family did not start from scratch: both parents were engaged in the construction business, Egor and Dina also work in this field. The husband is an architect, the wife is an interior designer. Having started their career in their student years, they considered themselves lucky: the house presented for the wedding was furnished stylishly, with taste, and the garden was captivated by beauty, and the business brought pleasure, and leisure pleased.

Their family life soon had a daughter. She's 23 now. Already married. Parents for the wedding gave the newlyweds an apartment where they live. We can say about Din and Egor that they lived chorusily. Parents, friends and neighbors called their family exemplary. The pair matched each other well. Energetic, dynamic, impetuous Egor and Dina, skillfully able to smooth out sharp corners. When communicating with the spouses, there was an impression that there was agreement in the house.

Therefore, Egorov’s statement that they need to break up, Dina perceived as if she was suddenly bitten by the same hidden snake. As the woman herself says: Shortly before the silver wedding, my husband told me that he was leaving me, when he divorced, he bought me a luxury apartment. But that's not what I want. After recovering from the shock, she persuaded, almost begged her husband to come to his senses, to stay. Our daughter asked us not to leave. But neither my nor my daughter’s requests worked.

To the honor of Egor, he did not reproach his wife for anything, explained that he loved another and wanted to be with her. The abandoned woman now lives alone in a luxury apartment given by her ex-husband. She said, Yes, there were bells, but I didn’t think they were dangerous. Egor is a frequent traveler, so that's his job. Somehow, half-jokingly, I noticed that I had smacked. But in the winter, many people get better. However, I immediately went to the hall, the pool, reduced the amount of sweet and flour, began to walk more. However, managed to lose weight only 2 kilograms out of the planned seven. And there it is.

I do not want to lose weight, nor eat, nor go to work, nor walk, nor paint, nor do flowers or do yourself. It’s hard to let go of my husband, I’m looking at the past. It is not easy to forget 25 years of living together.

Empathizing with Dina, I hugged her and quietly stroked, mentally recalling similar stories in the family, surrounded by friends. Yeah, her case isn't unique. At the same time, it is rare, if only because her husband, leaving, took care of her, provided her with good housing. But more often, divorce not only causes psychological and moral injuries, but also worsens the financial situation of the abandoned family. But Dina's not the kind of person who's going to feel better, which is even worse.

And, as far as I know, she has always been alien to possessive views, allegedly someone can belong to someone and therefore it is permissible on the rights of a wife or mother to dispose of another person, control him and think: “I will not give!” But how can she begin to think gratefully about her own experiences and reanimate her interest in life? Can you share?


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