Why you should regularly get rid of old things, the laws of the universe can not be broken
People are interested. How to properly throw out the oldTo open the way to new things. There is an opinion: until you part with the old, you will not wait for a new one. This is relevant not only for things, but also for life in general.
If you constantly feel that you are trampling on one place, your development and progress to the cherished goal slows down, you need to throw out everything old. In this way, you will take a decisive step into a new life and rise to a higher level. It is necessary to collect everything unnecessary and sort before throwing it into a landfill. Some things are not recommended to throw away. They should be burned so as not to harm their well-being.
How to properly throw out the old can not throw away children's things. Clothing, from which the child grew up, and toys are best given to good people. If small things are too worn out, it is better to burn them. Old hats and hair care items should be burned: they can not be given to anyone and recooked so that their own energy does not suffer.
Old underwear is burned. When it is not possible to throw things into the fire, they are advised to wash, tear (cut) into pieces and only then send them to the trash can. Battered purses and bags need to be burned or buried under a young fruit tree so as not to interrupt energy cash flow.
Exhausted shoes should be thrown into the fire, so as not to lose the accumulated energy. Clothing belonging to the deceased is recommended to be burned so that its negative energy does not pass to the new owner. You can’t give anyone the mattress, pillow and bed linen on which you slept. You risk your well-being if things fall into the wrong hands.
In order for the new to appear in your life, you need to make room for it - to throw out the old. As long as you are burdened with the old, you cannot wait for the new. The negative energy of old things does not allow change to enter your life.
Old objects with which there is an emotional connection do not allow you to develop and move forward. They take you back to the past with their memories. But living in the past is impossible! Do not hold on to things in the hope that someday they may still be useful. Throw away the rubbish without regret! And then, if you need anything in the future, you can buy everything you need, only new and better.
There is a belief that through holes on torn things escapes wealth and weathered well-being. And it is hard to disagree with him: people who are well dressed feel much more confident, and a confident person always succeeds.
To get rid of junk, it is pointless to look for an excuse or wait for an opportunity. It is worth doing it right now and opening up to new things, achievements and a bright stage in your destiny. Although you can do it solemnly and time the throwing away of old and unnecessary objects to a certain religious holiday or event.
When is it recommended to get rid of old things? According to astrologers, throwing out old age is useful immediately after the full moon on the waning moon and on the young month. New Year’s Eve is a great opportunity to take the trash out of the house (before the holiday). A good sign is to throw old objects into the fire on Maslenitsa. You can traditionally get rid of junk before Clean Thursday.
The less you regret the old, the faster you get the new!

If you constantly feel that you are trampling on one place, your development and progress to the cherished goal slows down, you need to throw out everything old. In this way, you will take a decisive step into a new life and rise to a higher level. It is necessary to collect everything unnecessary and sort before throwing it into a landfill. Some things are not recommended to throw away. They should be burned so as not to harm their well-being.
How to properly throw out the old can not throw away children's things. Clothing, from which the child grew up, and toys are best given to good people. If small things are too worn out, it is better to burn them. Old hats and hair care items should be burned: they can not be given to anyone and recooked so that their own energy does not suffer.

Old underwear is burned. When it is not possible to throw things into the fire, they are advised to wash, tear (cut) into pieces and only then send them to the trash can. Battered purses and bags need to be burned or buried under a young fruit tree so as not to interrupt energy cash flow.

Exhausted shoes should be thrown into the fire, so as not to lose the accumulated energy. Clothing belonging to the deceased is recommended to be burned so that its negative energy does not pass to the new owner. You can’t give anyone the mattress, pillow and bed linen on which you slept. You risk your well-being if things fall into the wrong hands.
In order for the new to appear in your life, you need to make room for it - to throw out the old. As long as you are burdened with the old, you cannot wait for the new. The negative energy of old things does not allow change to enter your life.

Old objects with which there is an emotional connection do not allow you to develop and move forward. They take you back to the past with their memories. But living in the past is impossible! Do not hold on to things in the hope that someday they may still be useful. Throw away the rubbish without regret! And then, if you need anything in the future, you can buy everything you need, only new and better.
There is a belief that through holes on torn things escapes wealth and weathered well-being. And it is hard to disagree with him: people who are well dressed feel much more confident, and a confident person always succeeds.

To get rid of junk, it is pointless to look for an excuse or wait for an opportunity. It is worth doing it right now and opening up to new things, achievements and a bright stage in your destiny. Although you can do it solemnly and time the throwing away of old and unnecessary objects to a certain religious holiday or event.
When is it recommended to get rid of old things? According to astrologers, throwing out old age is useful immediately after the full moon on the waning moon and on the young month. New Year’s Eve is a great opportunity to take the trash out of the house (before the holiday). A good sign is to throw old objects into the fire on Maslenitsa. You can traditionally get rid of junk before Clean Thursday.

The less you regret the old, the faster you get the new!
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