Negative emotions cause pain and tension in different places. To get rid of it right away, you need...
To make quality massageYou don’t have to be a professional massage therapist. You just need to master the basic technique that will allow you to perform the procedure and not harm the health of the patient. This massage will take no more than 30-40 minutes.
During the procedure, much attention should be paid to problem areas, allocating a little more time for them. Perform the massage in the order specified in the article, then it will bring maximum benefit.
Massage technique at home
Give your loved one unforgettable sensations - do a relaxing massage! This procedure will relieve tension and lift the mood after a hard day’s work.
During the procedure, much attention should be paid to problem areas, allocating a little more time for them. Perform the massage in the order specified in the article, then it will bring maximum benefit.
Massage technique at home
- Feet and leg calves
Start the relaxing procedure with the feet: gently stretch this area with your thumbs. Movements should be a little pressing, but without fanaticism, otherwise you can harm. It is worth paying great attention to the toes. Pull each finger individually. This procedure will help relieve tension. Cut your legs as shown in the picture. Move up to your thigh, thoroughly rubbing your skin. - The lumbar
This area is quite large, so first do a kneading massage of the buttocks. With the help of stroking movements and squeezes, prepare the lower back for intensive massage. Carefully stretch the crests of the fists of the back muscle, finishing the procedure with shaking and stroking. - Scapulars
To massage the shoulder blades should go after the massage of the pervertebral muscles is completely completed. Start the procedure by rubbing the skin with pads folded together four fingers. Massage soft tissue, avoiding the joint area. Particular attention is paid to the depressions between the clavicle and the processes of the shoulder blade. - Neck and shoulders
This trick will help relieve tension in the shoulder joints. Ask your partner to open and squeeze your fists several times in a row. Then stretch each shoulder, gently counting the thumbs into the muscles. Stroke your hands several times on the back of the neck. Having squeezed the palms into a fist, make several rubbing movements on the posterior lateral surface of the neck. - Head.
Widely spread your fingers and fix your thumbs on your partner’s forehead. With the remaining fingers, perform massaging movements on the surface of the head. Then make taps with your finger pads and complete the head massage with stroking.
Give your loved one unforgettable sensations - do a relaxing massage! This procedure will relieve tension and lift the mood after a hard day’s work.