Cardiac surgeon Ilya Yemets: You're drinking water at the wrong time! So that the heartbeat ...”

“Eat as much water as you can!” – urge us in almost every article about healthy eating. But cardiologists believe otherwise: overuse creates an additional burden on the kidneys and does not bring any benefit to the body.

How to Drink Water

Every person is different and needs every day. watering Everyone's different. The amount of fluid needed per day can be easily calculated using these universal formulas. If you suffer from heart disease or have kidney problems, you should additionally consult a doctor.

But the most important question is not how much to drink liquids, but at what time! Doctors advise to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Drink 1-2 glasses of water immediately after waking up. At night, our body is dehydrated, so there is a need to replenish fluid reserves.


  2. Before each meal, it is advisable to drink 200 ml of water. This will help speed up your metabolism.


  3. Try to compensate for every cup of tea or coffee you drink with one glass of water.

  4. Should I wash down food? Doctors disagree. Some believe that this is harmful, as water dilutes gastric juice. Others say that this is contraindicated only for people with low stomach acidity.
  5. During high-intensity strength training, you need to drink 150 ml of water every 20 minutes (the volume of an ordinary plastic cup).

  6. At night, it is better to limit fluid intake, especially for people with kidney disease.

Share this useful information with your friends and learn more about your daily water requirement!


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