What casserole of cottage cheese will increase in the oven twice

Gentle cottage cheese casserole - my family's favorite treat. How many recipes did I try before I found this treasure? Just one secret ingredient makes this wholesome dessert amazing.

The cheesecake in the oven Ingredients
  • 1kg cottage cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 200g sugar
  • 1.5 tbsp starch
  • 1 tbsp manki
  • vanilla
  • raisins
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 bar of chocolate

  1. Rub the eggs with sugar. Add cottage cheese and break the lumps. Now our secret ingredient is lemon juice. It is this component that will make the casserole tender and very lush. 343190

  2. Stir thoroughly. Sprinkle the mancu, starch and stir again. Add raisins and vanilla to taste. Put the finished mixture in the form.

  3. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees about 30-40 minutes until the golden crust.

  4. Take it out and cool it. Fields of melted chocolate.

  5. You can serve the table. Bon appetit!
If you connect imagination, you can add an exquisite accent - cinnamon, lemon peel or orange, ginger or nutmeg, as well as a variety of berries, dried fruits or nuts. Do not forget to decorate the original dessert, so that everyone gasps not only from taste, but also from serving!

Feed guests such a delicious casserole and share this wonderful recipe.


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