Chicken meat salad recipe
Long gone is the time when people arranged a feast and boasted a huge number of dishes, from which the table bent. Time flies more rapidly every day, and reluctant to spend it on cooking food, which will spoil due to the fact that it does not have time to eat. Therefore, we focus on the main, favorite delicacies and please their relatives.
Salad with chicken and pickled cucumbers In it and sourness, and freshness of parsley, and satiety of chicken meat. Salad "Zhigulevsky" is not ashamed to put on the festive table, and an ordinary dinner becomes a holiday automatically as soon as you eat a spoonful of hearty salad with a chicken.
Editorial "Site" insists that you try this simple but worthwhile recipe as soon as possible. Salad with boiled chicken and pickled cucumbers A dish that you want to cook again and again.
The ingredients
Why the salad has such a strange name is unknown. In addition, the Internet is full of recipes salads with the name, but the ingredients in them are completely different! You can call it what you want, the main thing is that it was delicious and everyone had enough.

Salad with chicken and pickled cucumbers In it and sourness, and freshness of parsley, and satiety of chicken meat. Salad "Zhigulevsky" is not ashamed to put on the festive table, and an ordinary dinner becomes a holiday automatically as soon as you eat a spoonful of hearty salad with a chicken.
Editorial "Site" insists that you try this simple but worthwhile recipe as soon as possible. Salad with boiled chicken and pickled cucumbers A dish that you want to cook again and again.

The ingredients
- 500g chicken fillet
- 200g carrot in Korean
- 10 pickles
- 6 eggs
- 1 bundle parsley
- mayonnaise
- salt
- Prepare the fillet. If you want it to be juicy as possible, bake it in foil with salt and pepper. You can just boil it to your taste.
- When the chicken cools, cut it with straw or disassemble it into fibers. In anticipation of a delicious salad, do not eat all the chicken in advance, leave some for decency.
- Boil hard-boiled eggs and cut a straw or a cube if that tastes better.
- Add to the sliced fillets and eggs a carrot in Korean.
- Cut the pickles with straw. Many of them do not happen, especially if the cucumbers are crispy and delicious.
- Cut the parsley and add to the other ingredients. If there is dill, you can add it. 751758
- Fuel up. chicken salad and pickles Mayonnaise and salty, if necessary.
Why the salad has such a strange name is unknown. In addition, the Internet is full of recipes salads with the name, but the ingredients in them are completely different! You can call it what you want, the main thing is that it was delicious and everyone had enough.