Recipe for sausages in a parchment shell

Sausages are a favorite dish of everyone who wants to have a quick snack. And despite the doubtful composition, people continue to buy them in stores.

After all, the preparation of homemade sausages looks complicated - requires a sausage shell and special devices.

"Site" He wants to prove otherwise and offers to readers. sausage-makingAvailable to everyone, only desire is enough!

How to make sausages at home Ingredients
  • 300g salt
  • 100g beef
  • 100g lard
  • 1/4 tsp nitrite salt
  • 1/4 tsp regular salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Provence herbs
  • pastry-paper

  1. Cut the meat in pieces, rub it with salt and keep it in the refrigerator for a day. Leave it in the freezer before cooking.
  2. Half the meat pass through the meat grinder, the remaining half and the lard is finely cut.

  3. Add the spices and mix the mince until it's sticky.
  4. Divide the mince into 50 grams. Make them squirrels and then squirrels.

  5. Lay out sausages on square pieces of parchment paper, wrap with "candy" and fasten with thick threads. In the list of sausages without a shell, our today's sausages are not alone, we previously told how to prepare lush Moldavian mititei and spicy fricandels popular in Belgium and Germany.

  6. After that, keep the “candy” in the refrigerator for a day.
  7. Put the sausages in parchment paper on the bowl and send for an hour in the oven with a temperature of 80 degrees.

  8. Ready-made sausages can be used as store, only you do not need to cook, it is better to warm up in a pan or in the oven, having previously removed the paper wrapper.

  9. Bon appetit!

In cold form, these parchment They remind me of my favorite hunting sausages, which I always take with me on picnics and hiking.


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