How to prepare lambs from condensed milk

Oh, lamb candy! Hot samovar, cups of bowls and lamb. I would also like to get an old record somewhere. I imagined it all, and now I want something unusual, sweet. Aunt Valya cooks delicious sheep. At first I did not want to share a secret, and then I was sorry.

My wife carefully recorded and saved everything, smart boy. And when the weekend came, we decided to go to the kitchen together. There was a jar of condensed milk. It's a secret, by the way. Not in the jar, I mean, in the condensed. We're going to cook, and the editorial board. "Site" share with you. That's how you do it.

Barranks in the oven Ingredients
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 3 eggs (2 pcs in dough, 1 pcs for lubrication)
  • 3.5 tbsp wheat flour
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • pinch
  • poppy

  1. Pour the condensed into a convenient container, beat two eggs into it, add salt and soda. Now slowly add sifted flour and stir constantly. Mix the soft dough. Nuance: flour can go less.

  2. Cut the dough strips and roll into stripes. Glue the ends together to make rams. It is not necessary to make them the same in size, the main thing is that the hole inside was quite large; the rams in the oven swell well.

  3. Lay the sheep on the pan, before that it must be covered with a parchment sheet and well lubricated. Lubricate the lambs with a whipped egg and sprinkle the poppy. Other ingredients can be used instead of poppy. It's like your heart tells you.

  4. Send the batter to the oven for 10-15 minutes. The temperature is 180 degrees Celsius. You can hold them longer to make them dry, but don't forget that they're sheep, not drying. Once baked, let them cool for a few minutes.

That's the recipe! Prepared. householder In two counts: my wife kneaded the dough, and I collected the sheep, so to speak. It tastes very interesting, too. It is a pity that we do not have a samovar or an old gramophone. I had to sit down in front of a huge plasma and watch a modern comedy. What can I say? Have a great time!


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