Just 2 cups a day of this drink in a week will make your belly flat: worth a try!

Only a week left before the holiday, and the swimsuit became, to put it mildly, not in shape? All is not lost!

"Site" knows weight-lossWith which your walk to the beach will be brilliant.



How to remove the stomach in a week To see how your waist goes 1 cm a day, try this fat-burn with a very refreshing taste!


In just a week, you'll cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. speed up metabolismYou'll get enough vitamins and energy. The drink also transforms the skin and hair, improves the brain and heart muscle. Important: funds of this kind are contraindicated for people with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys!

Ingredients for 1 serving of drink
  • 150ml grapefruit juice
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 tsp natural apple cider vinegar
  • 50 ml of water without gas

  1. Dissolve the honey in grapefruit juice.
  2. Add water and apple cider vinegar to the mixture.





Drink 1 serving of this drink before lunch and dinner for 7 days. If you are not a fan of grapefruit juice with its inherent bitterness, you can use orange, the taste of the drink will be milder.


Do a favor to your friends: share with them a recipe for a unique drink for weight loss!


See also

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