The best doctor: I pray with tears! Stop throwing grenade crusts. Take the water.

Speaking of utility. pomegranateWe usually refer to grains or juice. And few people realize that even the crusts of these amazing fruits have healing properties!

Grenade crusts Grenade crusts This is what should be in every home medicine cabinet. After all, they contain substances that effectively suppress pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and adversely affect parasites.

Water infusion of dry pomegranate crusts After 2-3 hours, it will eliminate painful sensations with diarrhea and consolidate the intestine, since it contains tannins and polyphenols in high concentration. It also has an anthelmintic effect and even alleviates hangover syndrome.

Ingredients for 1 serving
  • 10-12g dry pomegranate crusts
  • 200 ml of water

  1. Boil the water. Put the crusts in a preheated cup.
  2. Pour the crust with boiling water, let it brew for 25-30 minutes. You should not strain the liquid.

The first reception should be at once half of the cooked portion, relief will come in 10 minutes. If this did not follow, after 30 minutes after the first intake, drink half the remaining remedy, and after another 30 minutes - the last dose of the medicine.

Because of the high allergenicity crust, children this remedy should be given with caution and in less concentration, having previously consulted a doctor.

In summer, food spoils many times faster, respectively, the risk catch up It's increasing. Therefore, with great caution should be treated to the purchase of ready-made food in the departments of cooking, and with hands - especially. Take care!

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