This natural powder will rid You of the most difficult infections!
Helicobacter pylori, dizenterina coli, Salmonella, typhoid, cholera, other bacteria and even parasites leave the body of the host aqueous solution or powder of peels of pomegranate fruit. And it happens quickly — within weeks.
Water extract of dried peels of pomegranate are used for the treatment of ulcers (stomach or intestines), as well as to relieve the inflammatory process in the colon (colitis), getting rid of the dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid, cholera, acute appendicitis (and the need for surgery in appendicitis is eliminated). And that's just a fraction of its efficiency.
Prepare a drink for all listed diseases the same, but used differently.
1. Dry pomegranate peel pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:20 (1 tsp (10-12 g) + 200-250 grams of water).
2. Cover with a saucer or paper, folded in 4 layers (I brewed in a special teapot with a ceramic lid).
3. To insist 25-30 minutes and you can start to drink.
Peel do not throw, infusion continues.
To cure for 1 weekfrom stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, colitis, dysbacteriosis, to use water infusion of dry peels of pomegranate in the following way:
1. After insisting for 25-30 minutes getting a drink. During the day drink a half of infusion of water (90-100 ml) for 4 doses in equal portions and at equal intervals of time. Drinking on an empty stomach, and 1st reception in the morning after sleep, and a 4th reception at night before going to sleep.
2. Drinking water infusion through the day.
3. This is sufficient for complete cure. But if someone for reassurance, wants to continue, it is possible NOT EARLIER THAN in a week repeat week course of treatment.
In the treatment process of water infusion is not strain — infusion continues. Alcohol is contraindicated.
The treatment consists in the fact that throughout the gastrointestinal tract permanently suppressed all bacteria (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their location successfully colonize healthy necessary for human bacteria.
To cure for 5 hoursfrom dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid, cholera, acute appendicitis, use water infusion according to the scheme:
1. After insisting for 25-30 minutes to drink about half of liquid (half Cup). Don't strain the infusion, infusion continues. And again cover with a saucer. If after 10 minutes, then felt sick, so it was a normal upset stomach (diarrhea) and it is fully cured. It is safe to indulge in any traveling, since diarrhea and constipation.
2. If after 10 minutes nothing has changed, then you have or dysentery, or Salmonella, or typhoid, or cholera. You need to stay at home after 3 hours to drink the remaining water extract. The treatment process lasts 3 hours (with insistence 3.5 hours), and recovery occurs after 5 hours after the start of treatment.
Other useful properties of pomegranate peels.
It is known that Hippocrates was treating this water infusion cut and stab wounds. The wound superimposed clean (cotton) cloth pre-soaked in water infusion of dry peels of pomegranate fruit. The cloth is constantly kept moist until the wound heals.
Pomegranate peel is one of the richest sources of vitamin C.
It is suitable to stop all types of bleeding and exacerbation of hemorrhoids — 8 g powder of dried peels (about a teaspoon) diluted with water at room temperature to a paste. Take morning and evening until you feel better.
Ground to a powder peel mixed with water and the part washed the throat when coughing.
Also when you cough it is possible to prepare pills of Himalayan pink salt. 8 parts of crushed pomegranate peel take 1 part salt. Add enough water to make a thick paste. Roll out small balls. Take them one at a time, 3 times a day (to dissolve in your mouth).
For a cough you can give the child to hold the mouth the usual dried peel.
Extract of pomegranate peel is used to combat hair loss and prevent dandruff.
Chopped peel in combination with rose water is good with pimples and acne, and rejuvenates the body.
If you add to the powder of the peels of pomegranate mint, ginger, cumin, and green tea leaves in equal proportions, brewed with boiling water — will healing tea from problems of the digestive tract. It helps with digestive disorders and gut motility disorders, cleans liver and kidneys, gets rid of parasites. 1 tsp parochka composition take 1 Cup of water, bring to a boil and keep on heat for another minute. Remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes. Strain the tea and add the honey.
How to make pomegranate powder?
From pomegranate peel to remove the inner white part – it is bitter and is not suitable for our purposes. But do not rush to throw it away. Then I'll tell you why. Dry the peel in the sun or in special drying for vegetables and fruits. Grind in a meat grinder or in a mortar with pestle to a fine powder. Put in light-protected containers (e.g., bottles of dark glass) and put in a cool place.
This homemade powder is an excellent source of beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. It also contains 16.5% of polyphenols and 5.35% of mineral substances.
Now back to the inner part of the pomegranate peel white membrane attached to the peel from the inside. Indian doctors use it to treat colds. They can be simple to eat, and can be dried and added to tea for cough and fever.published
Author: Elena Bright
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: eko-zdrav.ru/samye-slozhnye-infekcii-i-parazity-ubegayut-iz-organizma-blagodarya-chudesnomu-naturalnomu-poroshku
Water extract of dried peels of pomegranate are used for the treatment of ulcers (stomach or intestines), as well as to relieve the inflammatory process in the colon (colitis), getting rid of the dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid, cholera, acute appendicitis (and the need for surgery in appendicitis is eliminated). And that's just a fraction of its efficiency.
Prepare a drink for all listed diseases the same, but used differently.

1. Dry pomegranate peel pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:20 (1 tsp (10-12 g) + 200-250 grams of water).
- you can put the peel in a pre-heated Cup, a glass or glass jar and pour a Cup of boiling water,
- can I use the container to pour a glass of tap water, drop 10-12 grams pomegranate peels and kettle bring to boil but do not boil.
2. Cover with a saucer or paper, folded in 4 layers (I brewed in a special teapot with a ceramic lid).
3. To insist 25-30 minutes and you can start to drink.
Peel do not throw, infusion continues.
To cure for 1 weekfrom stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, colitis, dysbacteriosis, to use water infusion of dry peels of pomegranate in the following way:
1. After insisting for 25-30 minutes getting a drink. During the day drink a half of infusion of water (90-100 ml) for 4 doses in equal portions and at equal intervals of time. Drinking on an empty stomach, and 1st reception in the morning after sleep, and a 4th reception at night before going to sleep.
2. Drinking water infusion through the day.
3. This is sufficient for complete cure. But if someone for reassurance, wants to continue, it is possible NOT EARLIER THAN in a week repeat week course of treatment.
In the treatment process of water infusion is not strain — infusion continues. Alcohol is contraindicated.
The treatment consists in the fact that throughout the gastrointestinal tract permanently suppressed all bacteria (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their location successfully colonize healthy necessary for human bacteria.
To cure for 5 hoursfrom dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid, cholera, acute appendicitis, use water infusion according to the scheme:
1. After insisting for 25-30 minutes to drink about half of liquid (half Cup). Don't strain the infusion, infusion continues. And again cover with a saucer. If after 10 minutes, then felt sick, so it was a normal upset stomach (diarrhea) and it is fully cured. It is safe to indulge in any traveling, since diarrhea and constipation.
2. If after 10 minutes nothing has changed, then you have or dysentery, or Salmonella, or typhoid, or cholera. You need to stay at home after 3 hours to drink the remaining water extract. The treatment process lasts 3 hours (with insistence 3.5 hours), and recovery occurs after 5 hours after the start of treatment.
Other useful properties of pomegranate peels.
It is known that Hippocrates was treating this water infusion cut and stab wounds. The wound superimposed clean (cotton) cloth pre-soaked in water infusion of dry peels of pomegranate fruit. The cloth is constantly kept moist until the wound heals.
Pomegranate peel is one of the richest sources of vitamin C.
It is suitable to stop all types of bleeding and exacerbation of hemorrhoids — 8 g powder of dried peels (about a teaspoon) diluted with water at room temperature to a paste. Take morning and evening until you feel better.
Ground to a powder peel mixed with water and the part washed the throat when coughing.
Also when you cough it is possible to prepare pills of Himalayan pink salt. 8 parts of crushed pomegranate peel take 1 part salt. Add enough water to make a thick paste. Roll out small balls. Take them one at a time, 3 times a day (to dissolve in your mouth).
For a cough you can give the child to hold the mouth the usual dried peel.
Extract of pomegranate peel is used to combat hair loss and prevent dandruff.
Chopped peel in combination with rose water is good with pimples and acne, and rejuvenates the body.
If you add to the powder of the peels of pomegranate mint, ginger, cumin, and green tea leaves in equal proportions, brewed with boiling water — will healing tea from problems of the digestive tract. It helps with digestive disorders and gut motility disorders, cleans liver and kidneys, gets rid of parasites. 1 tsp parochka composition take 1 Cup of water, bring to a boil and keep on heat for another minute. Remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes. Strain the tea and add the honey.

How to make pomegranate powder?
From pomegranate peel to remove the inner white part – it is bitter and is not suitable for our purposes. But do not rush to throw it away. Then I'll tell you why. Dry the peel in the sun or in special drying for vegetables and fruits. Grind in a meat grinder or in a mortar with pestle to a fine powder. Put in light-protected containers (e.g., bottles of dark glass) and put in a cool place.
This homemade powder is an excellent source of beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. It also contains 16.5% of polyphenols and 5.35% of mineral substances.
Now back to the inner part of the pomegranate peel white membrane attached to the peel from the inside. Indian doctors use it to treat colds. They can be simple to eat, and can be dried and added to tea for cough and fever.published
Author: Elena Bright
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: eko-zdrav.ru/samye-slozhnye-infekcii-i-parazity-ubegayut-iz-organizma-blagodarya-chudesnomu-naturalnomu-poroshku