Magic touch – pros and cons
Touch is the strongest power tool and method of influence on people. It is capable of transmitting a variety of signals about our health, on our emotional mood, our love or dislike.
Touch can soothe, inspire confidence and even relieve pain.
And may cause spasm of disgust.
Maybe unbeknownst to us to give us negative destructive installation.
An important caveat: in the conduct of serious negotiations is necessary to strictly keep distance and avoid touching. Even if casually put a hand on the palm will prevent you to make the right decision. Innocent gesture reduces suspicion, increases confidence and relaxes.
Did you know that touching the LEFT hand has affected us a stronger impact than the right? And the strongest energy impact – touching the back, the elbow, the back of the neck, i.e. the most remote from the source parts of our bodies?
Interestingly, the touch of the elbow:
• in some cultures a symbolic friendly protection and support, expresses warm sympathy;
• and some, on the contrary, is considered to be an unacceptable invasion of personal space, insult, and may cause an explosion of indignation.
People relate differently to touch.
Someone who gladly embraces the not-too-close people when meeting... Someone unpleasant shivers when you touch random even long-familiar colleagues...
Someone does not want even a minute to break away from the beloved... Someone close embrace deprived of energy.
That it is necessary to know about the touches!
• In no case do not try to force yourself to get used to unpleasant touch. To ignore the signals of the subconscious is impossible! If a neighbor or colleague has a friendly manner patting you on the shoulder, and you hate it – any way to stop it. Just tell me what you do not like familiarity. Otherwise you risk to waste their forces on work, and to fight with other people's energy flows.
• Extremely avoid touching your hair! Hair, especially women, in all cultures have a sacred significance – it supports women's power. Many magical rituals are carried out on a strand of hair, because they as an antenna to accumulate energy. The hair is the easiest way to do a love spell or a spell. In any case, do not use someone else's comb is also touch. The exception is the professional work of a hairdresser.
• Back gracious touches are movements from the bottom upwards, but it is permissible only to the family or the therapist. Touching the back against your will can make a dent in your biofield. Have you ever noticed that the supposedly friendly Pat on the back is almost always unpleasant, if it is someone we know? It's the body signals the danger. But it's nice for us when we are back hugs dear and beloved – our aura gets a huge boost at this moment. The body can not neutral and indifferent to respond to touch to the back is either very nice or causes rejection. Listen to his signals.
• Special mention should be touching the abdomen, especially the lower part. This area is so sensitive (it keeps sexual energy) that even opinion can be equated to the touch. Open abdomen is a direct access to your energy. Than wasting it on strangers, it is better to leave for the relatives. If you can't resist the temptation during the summer to show off his adorable tummy, wear as ornaments silver red Jasper or carnelian – they avert the evil eye from the stomach.
• When you can't avoid unpleasant touch – hold in the fist Fig.
Often touch favourite people and avoid other people's touch. published
Author: Elena Yasevich
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: elena-yasevich.com/poleznye-stati/513-magiya-prikosnovenij-vse-za-i-protiv
Touch can soothe, inspire confidence and even relieve pain.
And may cause spasm of disgust.
Maybe unbeknownst to us to give us negative destructive installation.

An important caveat: in the conduct of serious negotiations is necessary to strictly keep distance and avoid touching. Even if casually put a hand on the palm will prevent you to make the right decision. Innocent gesture reduces suspicion, increases confidence and relaxes.
Did you know that touching the LEFT hand has affected us a stronger impact than the right? And the strongest energy impact – touching the back, the elbow, the back of the neck, i.e. the most remote from the source parts of our bodies?
Interestingly, the touch of the elbow:
• in some cultures a symbolic friendly protection and support, expresses warm sympathy;
• and some, on the contrary, is considered to be an unacceptable invasion of personal space, insult, and may cause an explosion of indignation.
People relate differently to touch.
Someone who gladly embraces the not-too-close people when meeting... Someone unpleasant shivers when you touch random even long-familiar colleagues...
Someone does not want even a minute to break away from the beloved... Someone close embrace deprived of energy.
That it is necessary to know about the touches!
• In no case do not try to force yourself to get used to unpleasant touch. To ignore the signals of the subconscious is impossible! If a neighbor or colleague has a friendly manner patting you on the shoulder, and you hate it – any way to stop it. Just tell me what you do not like familiarity. Otherwise you risk to waste their forces on work, and to fight with other people's energy flows.
• Extremely avoid touching your hair! Hair, especially women, in all cultures have a sacred significance – it supports women's power. Many magical rituals are carried out on a strand of hair, because they as an antenna to accumulate energy. The hair is the easiest way to do a love spell or a spell. In any case, do not use someone else's comb is also touch. The exception is the professional work of a hairdresser.
• Back gracious touches are movements from the bottom upwards, but it is permissible only to the family or the therapist. Touching the back against your will can make a dent in your biofield. Have you ever noticed that the supposedly friendly Pat on the back is almost always unpleasant, if it is someone we know? It's the body signals the danger. But it's nice for us when we are back hugs dear and beloved – our aura gets a huge boost at this moment. The body can not neutral and indifferent to respond to touch to the back is either very nice or causes rejection. Listen to his signals.
• Special mention should be touching the abdomen, especially the lower part. This area is so sensitive (it keeps sexual energy) that even opinion can be equated to the touch. Open abdomen is a direct access to your energy. Than wasting it on strangers, it is better to leave for the relatives. If you can't resist the temptation during the summer to show off his adorable tummy, wear as ornaments silver red Jasper or carnelian – they avert the evil eye from the stomach.
• When you can't avoid unpleasant touch – hold in the fist Fig.
Often touch favourite people and avoid other people's touch. published
Author: Elena Yasevich
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: elena-yasevich.com/poleznye-stati/513-magiya-prikosnovenij-vse-za-i-protiv
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