Recipes for unusual jam from available products
If classic raspberries, strawberries and currants are already weary, and tropical fruits do not fit into the budget, it is time to prepare unusual jam from the most common products.
Suitable pumpkin, carrots, squash and even ... watermelon crusts. "Site" We offer 5 simple, delicious and original recipes. Try it yourself and surprise your loved ones!
Every housewife, of course, knows how to cook jam. But it still does not always turn out the way we want.
Avoiding annoying mistakes in the process of preparing a sweet treat and correcting the situation if something went wrong, our selection of tips and tricks will help.
Pumpkin Jam with Orange
The ingredients
Squash jam
Zucchini is amazing that dishes from it can be given a variety of tastes. Prepare it with this recipe, and the jam will turn out exactly like pineapple.
The ingredients
Watermelon crust jam
The ingredients
Carrot jam
The ingredients
Unfortunately, boiled carrots are not loved by everyone. But we decided to correct the situation and offer readers a selection of appetizing dishes with this dietary vegetable.
Melon jam
It is not always possible to buy a fragrant and juiced miracle melon from the first time. Sometimes you get immature. In this case, you can prepare an exquisite dessert from it, which will please you with cold winter evenings.
The ingredients
The method of pouring syrup will preserve not only the taste of melon, but also all nutrients. Such simple melon jam can be used to make cocktails and vitamin drinks.

Suitable pumpkin, carrots, squash and even ... watermelon crusts. "Site" We offer 5 simple, delicious and original recipes. Try it yourself and surprise your loved ones!
Every housewife, of course, knows how to cook jam. But it still does not always turn out the way we want.

Avoiding annoying mistakes in the process of preparing a sweet treat and correcting the situation if something went wrong, our selection of tips and tricks will help.
Pumpkin Jam with Orange

The ingredients
- 550g pumpkin
- 1 orange
- 280g sugar
- 100 ml of water
- 6 buds of cloves
- pinch
- Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut the cubes.
- Pour the water into the pot, put the slices of pumpkin in it. Heat to the boiling stage on a high heat, then reduce it to medium.
- Peel the orange. Cut in random pieces. After 10 minutes of boiling the pumpkin, add pieces of orange to the pan.
- Pour the sugar, stir. Cook the mixture for about 20 minutes (almost all the water should evaporate). When the pumpkin flesh is soaked in sugar syrup, season the jam with cinnamon and cloves.
- With the help of a blender, turn the contents of the pan into a homogeneous puree.
- Pour the jam into pre-sterilized jars.
- Turn them over with the lids down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them in this position until completely cooled.
Squash jam

Zucchini is amazing that dishes from it can be given a variety of tastes. Prepare it with this recipe, and the jam will turn out exactly like pineapple.
The ingredients
- 1kg zucchini
- 900g sugar
- 1 lemon
- Peel the zucchini off the peel and cut the cubes. Take the peel off the lemon, remove the bitter white layer, cut the lemon into slices.
- Fill zucchini with peel and lemon sugar. Leave it for 2-3 hours.
- Bring the jam to a boil and boil for 30 minutes on a small heat. Cool off.
- Bring it to a boil again and boil for another 30 minutes. In this case, zucchini should become soft and transparent.
- That's all, unusually zucchini jam is ready. Bon appetit!
Watermelon crust jam

The ingredients
- 1kg watermelon crusts
- 700g sugar
- 1/3 tsp citric acid
- Eat the watermelon pulp. Set aside crusts for jam and weigh them. Remove the topmost layer. Then cut the dice.
- Fill the cut crusts with sugar and leave for three hours. During this time, they will release the juice and the sugar in it will dissolve.
- Put the crusts in the resulting syrup on the fire. Bring it to a boil. Let it boil for 3 minutes, then add citric acid.
- How do you boil watermelon crusts? When the mass cools, put it on the fire again and bring it to a boil. So do 3-5 times until the jam becomes viscous. Then put it in the banks. In this method of preparation, we refuse long continuous cooking of jam with stirrings, because this will turn out to be very softened and liquid.
And when cooking with interruptions, the peels of watermelon retain their shape and become similar to watermelon marmalade in taste and consistency.
Carrot jam

The ingredients
- 1kg carrots
- 1 orange
- 5 inflorescences of cloves
- 900g sugar
- 100 ml of water
- Rub the carrots on a medium grater. Put some sugar in it and leave it overnight.
- Take the peel off the orange. Remove the white layer, cut the orange in pieces.
- Pour water into the carrots, bring it to a boil. Add the orange and peel.
- Cook for 30 minutes. Then get off the fire, cool it down.
- Re-boil and boil for another 30 minutes.
- Carrots should be soft and slightly transparent.
Unfortunately, boiled carrots are not loved by everyone. But we decided to correct the situation and offer readers a selection of appetizing dishes with this dietary vegetable.
Melon jam

It is not always possible to buy a fragrant and juiced miracle melon from the first time. Sometimes you get immature. In this case, you can prepare an exquisite dessert from it, which will please you with cold winter evenings.
The ingredients
- 1kg melon
- 400g sugar
- 1 tsp citric acid
- Clean the melon from the skin and seeds, cut in small cubes.
- In sterile jars, smack the melon tightly, leaving some space for the syrup. Pour boiling water on top and let it brew for 10 minutes.
- Pour the liquid into the pan, add sugar, citric acid and bring to a boil. Remove from the fire and immediately pour melon syrup. Let me stand for 10 minutes, drain, boil and pour again on the banks.
- Twirl the cans with lids, wrap and leave warm for a day, then clean it in a cool place for long-term storage.
The method of pouring syrup will preserve not only the taste of melon, but also all nutrients. Such simple melon jam can be used to make cocktails and vitamin drinks.
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