That's it! Finally found a ridiculously simple way to clean the oven Brilliant!
It would seem that with an abundance of modern detergents house cleaning It has to turn into a real rest. However, household chemistry is not cheap! In addition, some are allergic to detergents or simply have a personal bias against chemical products.
"Site" We offer you 10 brilliant tips for guidance cleanliness. Simple tools that are at hand every housewife, will help significantly facilitate cleaning and will significantly save the family budget.
Cleaning tips
These simple household tricks will help not only keep the house in perfect cleanliness, but also save on the purchase of detergents. Give this advice to your friends – they will be very grateful!
"Site" We offer you 10 brilliant tips for guidance cleanliness. Simple tools that are at hand every housewife, will help significantly facilitate cleaning and will significantly save the family budget.
Cleaning tips
- Remove rust spots from tile tiles will help ordinary table vinegar. Apply it to contaminated areas and wait a few minutes. Then wash the tile with water, and the tile will shine as new.
- Easily wash the glass to shine will help ammonia. Make a solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water and thoroughly wash glass surfaces with it. And so that after that there are no divorces, dry the glass with a paper towel.
- To give the parquet shine will help a mixture of vinegar and water. Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1 liter of water and wipe the floors with this remedy. Your parquet will seem just polished!
- Citric acid will help you get rid of lime plaque in the washing machine. Just pour 80g of this powder instead of washing and put the machine in hot wash mode. The plaque will dissolve, and the mechanisms will clean themselves.
- For washing mirrors, the following tool is ideal. Add to a glass of boiled water on a tablespoon of ammonia and vodka, then pour the resulting mixture into the sprinkler. Sprayed the solution on the surface of the mirror and wiped it dry with a paper napkin.
- Carefully wash the kitchen board will help ordinary lemon. Rub the board abundantly with half a lemon, then sprinkle with a thick layer of salt and leave for 10 minutes. After that, the second half of the lemon wash the board like a sponge, and rinse with warm water.
- To rid the carpet of stains will help ordinary kitchen soda and starch. Mix them in equal parts and sprinkle the resulting product contaminated places. After 15 minutes, the carpet just vacuumed and you'll see an impressive result.
- Eliminate the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator will help washing with lemon juice. Mix the juice of half a lemon with two glasses of water and thoroughly wipe the resulting mixture of the wall and shelf of the refrigerator.
- Effectively clean the seams of tiles from mold will help baking soda. Just apply it to the sponge and thoroughly wash the tile surface. Then rinse the tile with water.
- Even old fat in the oven can be eliminated with a glass of soda and half a glass of water. Mix them together, evenly apply the resulting mixture on contaminated surfaces and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash the oven with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth. If the contamination is more significant, it makes sense to leave soda for a long time, for example, overnight. In the morning, wash the oven with a sponge soaked in water. After the entire outer dirty layer is removed, you can spray the oven with vinegar from the spray gun and wipe well. It'll shine like new!
These simple household tricks will help not only keep the house in perfect cleanliness, but also save on the purchase of detergents. Give this advice to your friends – they will be very grateful!
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