Cleansing the intestines from any mucus, microbial deposits, accumulated abomination! One substance...
What makes us think about losing weight? These are usually external signs. When you no longer fit into your old jeans or feel embarrassed to wear a skirt... But pounds Not only is it an aesthetic problem, it is primarily harmful to health.
Together with food, harmful substances enter our body: preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes. We do not move much, intestinal motility deteriorates, and the body accumulates slag. The first step to weight loss and healing is to cleanse the intestines.
Cleansing of the intestines with castor oil
You'll need it.
Due to its rich composition, castor oil has a cleansing effect and stimulates lipid metabolism, helping to get rid of toxins. Pay attention to what you're gonna need. castor for internal use! Before you start using this method, it is better to consult a doctor. Any treatment requires a smart approach.
Castor oil is a natural product that is safe. However, after the first successful result, losing weight wants to increase the dose, which can not be done! Cleansing the bowels with castor oil is one of the ways that helped many feel better and lose weight.
But remember that each organism is different, so it is worth finding a method that is right for you. The main thing - without harm to health. Share some useful advice with your friends!
Together with food, harmful substances enter our body: preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes. We do not move much, intestinal motility deteriorates, and the body accumulates slag. The first step to weight loss and healing is to cleanse the intestines.
Cleansing of the intestines with castor oil
You'll need it.
- castor-oil
- lemon
Due to its rich composition, castor oil has a cleansing effect and stimulates lipid metabolism, helping to get rid of toxins. Pay attention to what you're gonna need. castor for internal use! Before you start using this method, it is better to consult a doctor. Any treatment requires a smart approach.
- For a kilogram of your weight, you need to take 1 g of castor. Juice will need 2 times more than castor (ratio 1: 2).
- Mix the juice with the butter and drink it. The drink can be eaten with your favorite fruit. Eating and drinking after the procedure is not recommended.
- If this method does not suit you, you can try taking 1/2 spoonfuls of butter on an empty stomach an hour before breakfast for a week.
Castor oil is a natural product that is safe. However, after the first successful result, losing weight wants to increase the dose, which can not be done! Cleansing the bowels with castor oil is one of the ways that helped many feel better and lose weight.
But remember that each organism is different, so it is worth finding a method that is right for you. The main thing - without harm to health. Share some useful advice with your friends!
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