Is it worth adding iodized salt to the spins and can it be completely replaced?

No matter how difficult life is, the hostess remembers: Preservation for the winter will not prepare itself. Which means it’s time to plan what you’ll be doing this year. Food prices are rising, and some products are not found with fire during the day. For example, recently salt began to disappear from the shelves of stores.

This is really a problem as salt has always been one of the must-have ingredients in canning. But is it really that important? It can be easily replaced with other products. Today I will share the advice of the famous chef Yevgeny Klopotenko on this topic. And at the end of the article I will tell you whether it is possible to add iodized salt to the twists instead of the usual salt.

Today, salt can not be bought in every Ukrainian store. According to manufacturers, people themselves create a deficit, sweeping off the food shelves running product. In the future, there should be no problems with buying salt. However, it should be understood that the price will increase significantly.

Despite attempts to calm the people, the hostess is indignant. How to make a spin without such an important ingredient as salt? Famous Ukrainian chef Evgeny Klopotenko calms the Ukrainian women. Salt can either be replaced or not used at all. According to the culinary guru, preservation for the winter will not suffer, if you add only to it. sugar. These 2 products are excellent preservatives.

In addition, without salt can be done in ordinary dishes. Klopotenko named at least 5 products that perfectly replace the salty taste.

How to replace salt in dishes
  1. Lemon juice - Must-have in any kitchen. First of all, thanks to the sourness he gives you, you won't even notice the lack of salt.

    Secondly, it's corny useful. Vitamin C contained in lemon juice is important for the body in itself. However, it also helps to better absorb iron and other nutrients found in foods.

  2. Garlic has a rich aroma and taste, so it can easily serve as a worthy substitute for salt. It is not necessary to use a fresh product. This task will be solved in the same way. garlic. You can either buy it in the store or cook it yourself. Share the recipe by link.
  3. seaweed Not the most trivial, but one of the most successful alternatives to salt. The fact is that this product contains natural sea salt and iodine. In addition, seaweed has vitamins A, groups B, C, E and D. .

    Try adding this product to some salad familiar to your diet. And you will feel how much the taste of the dish will be enriched.

  4. To add salinity to salads, fish or meat, use boldly table vinegar. However, remember that this is not a product that can be abused. By the way, I recommend trying different types of vinegar, such as apple or grape. They will enrich the taste of any dish.
  5. You can reduce the amount of salt in the diet with the help of various herbs. Zira, cilantro and cumin It will open a new chapter in your culinary history – no doubt about it! With them, your dishes will play with bright colors, and you will not even remember salt.

Iodized salt in twists There are a huge number of types of salt. However, the most popular varieties are table and iodized salt. The first is considered an ideal option for conservation, since it has no impurities. The product is time-tested. There's a problem with the second one.

Some housewives claim that iodized salt in any case should not be added to the twists. This will ruin the taste of canned vegetables. Others believe that this is nonsense, because during heat treatment, iodine simply evaporates, leaving no trace of itself. So whose side is the truth on?

Opinions on the Internet are divided. On one resource, I came across an interesting thought. Iodine, which is enriched with salt, has disinfectant properties. Therefore, this trace element, on the contrary, improves conservation, and also slows down fermentation.

In addition, there is a very important nuance. Iodized salt, which was produced 20-30 years ago, is very different from the product we buy now. Previously, the composition of iodized salt was pure potassium iodide. The element was not really suitable for pickling, as it could give vegetables an unpleasant taste and color.

But nowadays, another element is added to salt – iodate. Now for twists you can safely use iodized salt, without fear of unpleasant consequences.

Tell me, how do you feel about salt? Are you ready for winter without this product?


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