The wife for many years deceived her husband, twisting an affair with a lover right under his nose, they did not yet know what awaits them.

Conflicts in a couple are not uncommon, even if we are talking about the most harmonious couple. Everyday life cannot be kept on positive notes. So there is nothing wrong with loving each other people starting to figure things out. However, when it comes to years of cheating and regular infidelity, the showdown between spouses can result in something more than a simple silence or a couple of broken plates.

Conflicts in the pair of treason and betrayal Renat loved her lover Vladimir. But she also did not want to leave her husband Innocent. It was all about material well-being, which provided a profitable marriage. And Renata was not one of those who was ready to exchange a comfortable life for a short family happiness in the arms of poor Vladimir.

Her affair had been going on for 4 years, and Innocent seemed to notice nothing. As usual, he worked all day long and occasionally gave gifts to his beloved wife. At some point, Renata believed in her mastery of hiding the truth and began to date her lover more often than usual. As a result, her frequent absence began to notice even friends.

Renata's best friend Peels warned that such behavior would lead to nothing good. And that such patient people as Innocent will not simply tolerate humiliation. So she should be more careful. And it is better to make a pause in relations with Vladimir. But Renata didn't listen to the advice. The fear of marriage has long since disappeared. She was absolutely sure that Innocent would tolerate treason. He loves her so much.

One day Innocent came to Renata.

- Honey, I have something for you, he said with a smile.

Encouraged Renata rose from the sofa and extended her arms. It should definitely be a gift. To her surprise, a simple envelope fell on her palm, but rather weighty. She uncovered it and found her workbook and divorce papers inside.

- I don't understand. What is this? You want a divorce? And why do I need a job? asked Renata.

- Yeah, I want a divorce. And you're going to need labor because I'm not going to support you anymore.

- Why would I? I'm not going to work!

- It's your business to work or not. But you will no longer live here, Innocent threw another envelope on the table, where several photos of Renata and Vladimir fell out. You broke the contract, so the law is on my side. You know, I've been patient. I knew about Vladimir for a long time, but I was waiting for you to play with him. Maybe I'd be patient, but the way you've been behaving lately... That's too much. I'm sick of it. Divorce.

On that day, Renata cried for a long time, knelt down and begged Innocent to change her mind. She was given that Vladimir, a loser and a scoundrel. He is beautiful, but he is not as wonderful and caring as Innocent. No matter what Renata said, her husband was deaf. The next day, the girl left his house.

Life with Vladimir turned out to be even worse than Renata feared. Not only was her lover sloppy and a bad cohabitant, but he could not get a job normally. It turned out that the last 2 years he calmly interrupted part-time jobs and gifts from Renata. And now that the handouts of the rich mistress were gone, life has become much more difficult.

As a result, Renata herself went to work as a saleswoman in a jewelry store - for more she lacked neither education nor qualifications. To her surprise, she quickly got involved and even fell in love with her workplace. Of course, at first it was difficult for her to look at jewelry that she could no longer buy, but she was glad at least that she could try it on secretly.

Over time, Vladimir found a place of security guard in the same shopping center, where was jewelry. Life seemed to be getting better.

A month later, Innocent came to the center. Renata immediately noticed him through the window, as their head manager was next to him. When she asked just in case who their superiors were talking to, she was horrified to hear:

- So this is the new owner of the shopping center, Innokenty Petrovich. It was at his request that Vova was taken to us as a guard.

At this point, Innocent looked directly at Renata. He smiled indifferently and went further along the boutiques. And Renata suddenly realized that all her small successes without her husband were simple handouts, mockery from Innocent.

Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? Renata has no choice but to fight for her well-being. However, it is clear to everyone that she will not just succeed. Instead of enjoying her position and taking care of her husband, Renata decided to try her luck and lost. Whether it was worth it is unknown.


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