I get a couple of pickles, knowing that this salad will be swept off the table first.

My mother-in-law has no heart in her country. He grows everything in the world there, makes twists from the crop, which he then transfers to us in huge quantities. And if everything is eaten cheerfully, then no one likes pickles. But to throw it away is pathetic, because my mother-in-law put so much work into it. So I learned to make a salad with pickles and onions. He's being beaten by both cheeks!

Editorial "Site" He's secretly telling you the recipe for this masterpiece salad. At the end, there will be a video with a full cooking process, we recommend watching.

Salad with pickles and onions Ingredients
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 carrots
  • 5-6 pickles
  • 1 can of canned beans
  • olive-oil
  • green
  • peppery

  1. First, cut the bow finely. Fry it in olive oil until golden.

  2. Grate the carrots. Send the pan to the onions. Stew your vegetables for a while. Add the pepper and stir. Let me cool down a little.

  3. Now cut the pickles in small cubes. Send it to the cold vegetables.

  4. Then cut the greens. Usually I take parsley and green onions, it turns out very fragrant. Send the greens to the salad. 321182

  5. Send the beans there, first draining the liquid from it. Stir everything thoroughly. There is no need to make a salad, it is delicious without it. Salt is also better not to add, cucumbers do their job.


Here’s a video that gives you detailed instructions.


All right, your perfect salad is ready, you can serve it on the table. This unusual salad with pickles and onions is suitable for the holiday and for every day. It looks like a simple product, but the taste is excellent. It can even be a full dinner because it has a lot of protein. It turns out to be hearty if you eat with homemade fresh bread.

My family loved this salad the first time. The taste of cucumbers is not very pronounced, so they like it. Even my mother-in-law appreciated that we figured out how to eat her cucumbers. Now the family is full, and the work of the beloved mother-in-law is not wasted. I also shared a recipe for cilantro salad. I highly recommend trying!

What are your family's favorite salads?


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